Chapter 18 Candles

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(Sean P.o.v)
I was awoken again when I heard something being thrown followed by a groan. I looked and saw Vivi she saw me and quickly went to free me only to be candle locked by Mr. 3.

"Begin the Candle Show!" Mr. 3 yelled out revealing the big candle showcase.The four of us were placed on the base having our feet stuck in the ground ankles down.

"So why does Mr. 0 want us to kill a small girl again." I suddenly felt a dark aura around me

"Want to repeat that bomb man." I looked down at Mr. 5 I was about to start speaking before a hand was slapped over my mouth by Nami. She put a finger to her lips signaling me to be quite.

I sighed and gave up, just kinda sinking into a squatting position. I sat like that for a while before a scream was heard. I got up and saw Broggy be brought in and held down by Mr. 3's wax. I noticed my Ace hoodie was gone along with my sketchbook. Looking around I saw them near Ms. Golden Week's picnic blanket.

"Now let the candle show begin!" Mr. 3 yelled out. A fire started at the top as the head part spun around flinging wax around. I could see it start to build upon my arms and legs. It was slow and with my small stature most missed me but some would land.

"Oh shit. We're doomed." I saw Zoro raise his arm then quickly slash at his own feet. He aimed to cut them off while I could see Broggy struggle to get out of the wax.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Nami yelled out.

"Getting free." Zoro replied calmly.

"YOUR CUTTING OFF YOUR OWN FEET. HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM!" Nami yelled I pat her back while sighing. Zoro was a nit case all on his own, and I've completely given up.I heard small cracks and could see Broggy's wax begin to crack and break.

"What are you doing!" Mr. 3 yelled out. He quickly applied more wax and drove huge spikes into Broggy's hands and feet. Preventing him from moving.

"My plan is going so well. This is why I am the strongest agent in Baroque Works!" I could see Mr.5 and Ms. Valentine glaring at Mr.3.

Looking around I could see no one. I heard the sound of wax cracking as saw Zoro raise his arm holding his sword.

"What in God's name are you doing now?" I said clearly confused.

"Striking a pose. It would be unfitting if I didn't." Nami, Vivi, and I all shared a look of confusion. I soon caved in and struck a pose similar to Josuke Higashikata from Jojo since I had seen it before getting here.

"Why are you posing your supposed to be in pain!" Mr.3 yelled out clearly annoyed.

"Come on Wax head, it's funnier this way." My slight jab seemed to have done damage suppressed the Baroque Works agents.

"Wh-What was that!" Mr.3 called out in a panic. I sheepishly raised my hand.

"Sorry sir that was me." I looked up to see his reaction before going back to my pose before I was frozen like that. I could see Mr.3 fuming. I could hear distant yelling and could tell it was Luffy.

Once Luffy was in view I could tell Usopp was with Karoo somewhere as well. I couldn't tell whereas my line of sight isn't the best. I tried to move my arms to see if they were frozen. I was able to barely move them, the wax was building up.

"Luffy help us! Get us out of here!" Nami yelled out to Luffy but he just stood there.

"No." He had a shadow over his eyes. Blocking me from seeing anything.

"W-What do you mean 'No' Luffy!" Nami yelled sounding a little irritated. I could see something in Vivi's eyes.

"It's her." Nami's attention was quickly put on Ms. Golden Week. She had her paintbrush in hand and pallet in the other.

"That's right! Her paint can control you!" I yelled out loud. I quickly bit my bottom lip to stop myself but the damage was already done.

"How do you know that!" Mr.3 yelled out clearly confused.

"Just like Mr.0 said, he knows the future." Ms. Golden Week said. I could see Mr.3 even more irritated.

"Hey, Luffy doesn't do anything!" I yelled at Luffy. Nami looked at me confused until Luffy took a stance.

"Now Luffy don't punch this candle thing." I said I knew it wouldn't work but I couldn't change the future. I knew Nami or Vivi would have said it.

"No." And with that Luffy punched the top of the Candle Showtime. Causing a big chunk to fall out. Just like I thought the top fell and got closer to us, spreading the wax quicker.

"Oops. My bad!" Luffy yelled up to us. I could see Ms. Golden Week mix her paint while Luffy prepaid to Punch the Candle Showtime again. She painted a green pattern on the back of Luffy's shirt.

Luffy sat down on the picnic blanket and began eating some rice crackers with Ms. Golden Week.

"Oh, my fu***ng god." I mentally facepalmed at this. I wanted Usopp to just hurry up smear the back of Luffy's shirt. I heard a duck quack and could see Usopp on Karoo being chased by both Mr.5 and Ms. Valentine. Usopp bumped into Luffy and smudged the paint, ending the effect. Luffy got back up ready to charge at the Candle.

"Candle Lock!" Mr.3 shouted locking Luffy's legs in a thick wax. The wax was also getting quite thick, I was barely able to move my fingers. Breathing was also getting hard to do. I knew soon enough I would be completely wax. I could feel the wax inside my body from breathing it in.

"Straw Hat! You're out of time! The wax statues are almost complete!" Mr. 3 exclaimed Luffy looked at the candle showtime to see the wax slowly close up. Encasing his friends in thick wax.

(Author P.O.V)

Luffy's face contorted from shock to rage. Mr. 3 made a wax robot suit. Ms. Golden week painted it in many bright colors.

"Behold the Wax Robot!" Mr.3 said. Usopp was behind a few trees and bushes hiding from the enemy agents. Usopp saw the 'waxification' of his friends. Usopp thought for a moment before thinking of something. Usopp fished around in his bag and found a rope.

"Hey Karoo think you can run around the candle?" Usopp whispered to Karoo. Karoo nodded and let Usopp hop on his back. Usopp began to through the rope throughout the area.

"Right now run around the rope." Usopp whispered. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol and began to drip it onto the rope. Mr. 5 noticed Usopp and took out a flintlock, blowing in the barrel.

"Blow bullets." Mr. 5 shot the air at Usopp causing an explosion. The alcohol on the rope caught fire setting the candle showtime ablaze.

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