Chapter 22 'I hate it here'

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(Sean P.O.V)

Now was a straight path to Alabasta. Im a little intimidated by the place.  I went into the boy's dorm and prepared a small bag filled with my drawing supplies.

"Sketchbook, pencils, erasers, markers." I kept repeating as I flipped through the bag.

"Sean are you summoning and art demon?" Usopp asked, confused by my little check.

"Nope! Just getting my supplies ready for Alabasta." I said grabbing the backpack and putting it on. It was a simple drawstring bag, but it had a white and orange color scheme. I'm hoping I won't loose it in the desert.

"Woah! Vivi is that Alabasta!" Luffy wrapped around the mast to get a better view of the island up ahead.

"It has to be. I don't remember us going anywhere after Drum." I said I could see Vivi happy to finally be home. Once getting closer we could see the 'Millions' and 'Billions' ships.

"Crap, there already here." Vivi said seeing the many ships around the harbor.

"We have to come up with a plan to identify each other since Mr.2 Bon Clay can change into any of us at any time." Nami sighed then looked at me.

"Sean~ you happen to know thing so what do we do." She said drawing out my name. I facepalmed at her attempts but went along with it.

"There, now we can just reveal the 'X' to each other." We all agreed to this. We soon wrapped the bandages around it.

"Great now we land and get supplies since some idiots ate all our food." Nami said while clasping her hands together.

Once we landed we decided to figure out who would get who. I knew Luffy would run off and encounter Smoker and Ace.

"So does everyone know what they'll do?" Nami asked hopeful that she would have no need to repeat.

"Luffys gone." I say calmly.

"WHAT! Where did that idiot go!" Nami yelled out. I pointed into town.

"I can go get him if ya need." I said. Nami was about to argue but since I knew future events I should be fine. Walking into town was a pain. First I remembered I was wearing a hoodie and shorts.

Safe to say I was hot, and I didn't like it. Ignoring it I kept going 'till I found the tavern.

"Huh, beat Luffy to it." I murmur to myself. I'm amazed I beat Luffy but since he is almost as bad at directions as Zoro makes up for it. Walking inside I can see the people panic over the sleeping Ace.

"Kid what are you doing?! That man could accidentally kill you!" The people whisper yelled. They thought Ace died of some insect that poisons you.

"Excuse me, bartender. You got any water?" I ask. He looks from me to the sleeping Ace. He nods before heading to get some. Once the waiter comes back I knew Ace would wake up soon.



"1. Awaken!" I say as I snap my fingers. Around this time Ace wakes up. The people are both confused and in awe. I start laughing at the predicament.

"Your alive!" The people in the tavern yell out. I end up laughing harder.

"What is this? You people run a circus?" Ace asks the bartender. Ace then looks over and sees me wiping my eyes from laughing.

"Kid I got a question. Why does your outfit look similar to mine?" I see Ace look at the hoodie in wonder.

"Long story, you'll learn once my idiot captain shows." Ace seems to question my words for a moment.

"You! 'Fire Fist' Ace as my duty as a marine I shall bring you in!" I see Smoker in the door way. I can see his eyes land on my and his face turns to shock.

"Huh? Why are you here!" Smoker yelled out. I waved him off since I knew Luffy would be here any second.

"mmmeeeAAAAAT!" Luffy's voice could be heard getting louder 'till he slammed into the back of Smoker. Both Smoker, Ace and Luffy launched forwards.

"Oh hey Sean. What are you doing here?" Luffy asks as he sits down near me. I point to my glass of water the gesture to the big hole in the wall.

"I wanted to see something funny." I answer honestly. Ace is seen emerging from the new hole in the wall.

"Who did that!" He quickly scans the room until he sees Luffy eating a pile of food.

"Luffy! There you are!" Ace says but his face is quickly slammed into the ground by smoker.

"STRAW HAT!" As smoker emerges from the hole as well he quickly looks at me again. He is most likely wondering how I got here.

"Wait! Your with Straw hat!?" Smoker yells out. I laughed a little while nodding. Ace's head shoots up.

"Thats your idiot captain!" Ace yells out. I again nod but am laughing a little harder.

"Wait. SMOKEY!" Luffy yells out in shock. I quickly
pay for the water before being dragged by Luffy to get out of there.

"Wait STRAW HAT!" Smoker yells out. He quickly begins to chase us through the streets. The nearby marines quickly began to chase us as well. I could see Nami peek out from a pile of ruble nearby.

"Luffy. There." I pant out while pointing to the ruble. A wall of flame soon appears behind us.

"Ace!" Luffy yells out at seeing his brother stop the marines. Smoker quickly goes to face of against the pirate cowboy.

"Go on ahead Luffy, I can hold off these marines." Luffy and I quickly go the the crew. Nami hits us both for bringing the marines with us.

"How did you get caught! You should hav known they would come!" She said while pulling my cheek. She let got and I stumbled back a bit while rubbing my now sore cheek.

"Anyways we should go before the marines find out where we are." Nami said looking towards the ship. Sanji quickly gave me and Luffy our outfits for Alabasta. I'm going to change once we get to the ship since insecurity.

"I'm ready to trudge through the pits of hell." I muttered. I'm not excited to go somewhere extremely hot.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now