Chapter 24 'Dried Up'

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I think I'll keep the style so I can have more dialogue while focusing on other things.

The crew was still walking through Alabasta's  desert body. The walk to Yuba became too much for Chopper as he had to be dragged on a make-shift sled.

Sean: Christ, I may join him.

Nami: Oh stop complaining its not that bad.

Sean: Say's the one on the camel.

Vivi: Ok knock it off you two!

Sean+Nami: Yes mom.

Continuing onwards was soon the remains of a town. The wind made the whole thing sound like the wails of fallen citizens.

Vivi: W-what happened.

Nami: It's all dried up.

Sean: It's Crocodile he has the power of the Sand-Sand fruit.

Vivi: How do you know that?

Sean just looked at Vivi until she realized. The crew took a mental note of Sean's words while continuing onward. Sean eventually just laid down next to Chopper.

Usopp: How come you can lay down.

Sean: I'm the youngest member and I have the bone strength of a pencil.

Usopp: Lucky.


Once a town like silhouette came into view  the crew would hear the faint sound of digging. Once the town was fully in view it was clear no one truly lived there except for old man Toto.

Sean: I'm guessing were here.

Sean got up of the sled while picking up a very tired reindeer.

Toto: Oh is someone there. Hello welcome to Yuba formally a great oasis city.

Toto drawled on a bit seeming to remember the days were Yuba was a bustling town.

Vivi: Were here to ask about the revolutionary army.

Sean had to remind himself thinking about the one Dragon runs.

Toto: What do you want with those stupid idiots. They've lost all passion for their country.

Luffy: Vivi is this going to work?

Luffy quickly slapped a hand over his mouth

Luffy: No not Vivi thats not the princess.

Nami: You idiot!

Sean: I think thats a new definition of stupid.

Sean sweat dropped at Luffy's stupidity.

Toto: Vivi, is that you? You may not recognize me I've gotten so thin. Its me 'Old man' Toto.

Vivi quickly had to hold back tears. Memories soon coming back to her.

Toto: Don't worry I still believe in you. I still believe in the king!

A bit of time past and it soon became close to night. Toto led the crew to an old house. Many beds were laid out. Sean, Chopper and Usopp quickly went to find one. Sean just plopped on the one nearest to him while Chopper and Usopp picked one the liked.

Sanji: Oh Nami-Sawn~ I saved this bed for you. I wouldn't mind if you slept here as well.

Sanji was quickly hit by a pillow. Sean looked around and saw Zoro was the one who threw it.

Zoro: Knock it off perv-cook!

Sanji: Damm Marimo!

The two began to throw pillows at on another.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now