Chapter 3 Buggy

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(: Sean pov :)

As I slowly regained consciousness I looked up and saw three...CLOWNS!?

They soon seemed to take notice that I was awake.

"Oi, it seems 'es up." One of them then looked annoyed the proceeded to hit the first guy on the head.

" I can see that you idiot!" I got up and went back to my boat to grab a few pencils and my sketchbook.

Walking around I could see it was Orange Town so that means that those clown people were in fact Buggy pirates. So that means i'm still in the same time as the straw hats.

I began to look for the place were Luffy would be, it took a few minutes but eventually I found it. On top of the building I could see Buggy, Luffy, Nami and a few rif-raf. I soon made my way onto the roof.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Shoot i've been found out.

"Well you see..." I then took put my pencil and decided to test something, i threw my pencil in the air then insulted the pencil. This caused the pencil to go flying foreword. It hit the pirate in the eye causing a loud scream to be heard.

Not what I had planned but hey it works, but now almost everyone turned to see what that scream was. Buggy eventually turned around as well.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" I looked back up and noticed how a lot of people were looking at both me and the poor guy with a pencil in his eye.

" CAPTAIN THIS KID TOOK DOWN ONE OF US!" I nodded as if to confirm.

"We also believe him to have a devil fruit!" I noticed how everyone seemed to then shift a little awkwardly.

" DON'T JUST STARE THERE, CAPTURE HIM!" Buggy screeched out soon a small group of pirates surrounded me. Soon enough locking me in a cage a few feet away from Luffy.

" Really striving for originality." I muttered under my breath, this small snide comment did make a small breeze for a short while which was nice.

I looked at Luffy's cage which wasn't that far and if I aimed an insult well I could most likely make it break. I took a deep breath then

" The cage is honestly pathetic the fact it took 3-4 men to carry that weak-ass looking cage is disappointing." The air blast knocked me back a little. But it was able to break one of the bars. This was again a bad play as everyone soon noticed.

I just kept my mouth shut while I sunk to the back of the cage. Once the Buggy Ball went off and everything was covered in smoke I decided to try breaking my own cage.

"You worthless cage, even an animal with the lowest iq could break out of here. Your entire existence is meaningless if you can so easily be escaped from." The caused the cage to suddenly explode, I quickly ran and grabbed my sketchbook which was taken, but I couldn't find my pencils.

I turned around to see that the smoke cover was gone.

"YOU DAMM BRAT!" Buggy screeched, I quickly ran as fast as I could hoping to get away. I saw an alleyway and quickly ran to maybe through them off. It seemed successful, for now.

I had two options in my head. Just leave, or get my pencils back. Seeing as those pencils were really good and really reliable, I opted to get them back. So I began looking for the guy I launched the pencil at.

After turning in every direction I happened to find the pirate. He also seemed to be holding my other pencils 'lucky me i guess.'

"Hey! You're that brat that hit my eye!" On closer inspection he still had the pencil stuck in his eye.

"Two options!" I quickly threw my hand up showing two fingers.

" Either give me the pencils physically or I will force them from you." The pirate seemed to be holding back a laugh.

"Yeah ok, and what are you gonna do to get them from me!" This sorta pissed me off, I was used to dumb things like this from others in my grade, this grown man doing something childish. Honestly kinda annoying.

I decided 'to hell with it!' I quickly ran up to him and elbowed him in the gut. Now being the kinda skinny, boney person I was that was bound to hurt. I quickly put all the strength in my arms and chest region to try and knock this guy over. To my luck it works.

I hastily rush over to grab my pencils but before I do that I grab the pencil in his eye and do my beat King Arthur impression. Taking my pencil and his eye with me.

I decided to run away not wanting to be found near him, rushing over to my bout I put the eye in some water to hopefully keep it.

I walk around town a little more before I see the fight happening between Buggy and Luffy. I decided to watch it as I was always interested in seeing this fight close up. It was a fairly short fight but still fun to watch.

Once I saw Buggy become 'Chibi' Buggy I knew the fight was over. But not before I got a quick sketch of the 'Chibi' Buggy as its to funny to pass up on.

I began to pack up my things content with my meddling and began to head back to my boat.

I was about to step on 'till I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the strawhats that at the moment contained Luffy, Zoro and Nami.

"Hey I like your ability, it's neat!" I saw that Luffy was talking I just nodded my head and muttered a quick thanks.

"Join my crew!" That hit me like a bag if bricks.

'WHAT! Join the strawhats! AM I DREAMING!'
I must have been in my headspace for a while cause I felt something flick my head. I quickly snapped back to reality

"You want me, a skinny, 14 year old boy to join you?" I looked at the three of them as if they were crazy.

"But your strong and plus, where would you go with something like that!" He proceeds to point at my poorly made boat.

"It looks like its falling apart at the seams." I heard Zoro mutter and Nami nod her head in agreement.

"Ok yeah, I give it to you for that. But you sure you want me to join?" Luffy then proceeds to hit me on the head.

"Why do you keep asking that! Just say yes." I quickly recollected myself and nodded.

" Alright I'll join your crew." This made Luffy burst out laughing and I quickly went to grab my things.

"Hey where did you get all that?" I heard Nami so I decided to help.

"Oh, West Blue." The cause a strange silence before Nami poke up again

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN WEST, WE'RE IN THE EAST!" This caused the three of them to look at me again. I sighed.

"Long story, Summary of it when I was testing my devil fruit I somehow launched myself so far I got from the West Blue to the middle of the Grandline to here with another test of it."

I then took in a deep breath and let it out

"COOL! You've already been to the Grandline!" I then heard a bonk only to see Luffy rubbing his head a little

"Idiot he only flew there he hasn't actually experienced much." This caused me to laugh a little

"Oh right, we never got your name." I looked up at Nami

"Oh right my bad, my name is Sean but my full name is Sean Bliss"

And with that I joined the Straw hat crew.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now