Chapter 15 Lougetown

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(Sean P.O.V)

I was about to yell up to Luffy to look out. It quickly started to rain, Buggy also slamed Luffy down on the plateform.

"This is the end Strawhat!" Buggy looked among the croud until his eyes landed on mine.

"YOU! Your the reson one of my subordinetes is half blind!" I remembered back to when I hit his eye.

"Yea, sorry 'bout that. It was in the heat of the moment." I flipped my hood up to stop the rain from getting my head wet. I noticed the rest of the Buggy pirates along with Alvida. I saw Zoro and Sanji running up to the plate form .

" Consider this a great honnor, being excecuted where Gol D. Roger was." Buggy held his sword and held it above Luffy's head.

"Say your last words Strawhat!"Luffy put on a smile.

"Well, I had fun. Sorry I' dead." Buggy quickly brought his sword down. It was a quick flash but lightning struck Buggy's sword. Luffy was able to get up since his rubber body was not affected. The execution platform crubled down and the fight in Lougetown square began.

I pulled out the two twin blades, ready to try them both out. Marines started to surround the entire square. I around trying to find Zoro and Sanji. I knew where Luffy was, but I was starting to get kinda sick of the rain and just wanted to see the Merry again.

I saw Zoro and Sanji fighting Marines and called it good enough and began my escape to go back to the Merry. I saw a few Marines start to chase me. I began to speed up, I saw Nami in the distance.

I flung one of the twin blades at a marine. The other twins balde had a brighter orange glow, the other blade rushed back to my other hand.

"Boomerang knife. Neat" I ran the rest of the way to the Merry.

In the distance I could see Luffy and Smokers fight, I could tell that Zoro was fighting Tashigi then. I quickly got on the Merry before Dragons more windy storm came in. I was tempted to draw the storm but I didn't want to risk the paper getting wet.

I caught up to Sanji and began fighting the marines surrounding the Merry. Pulling my twin blades out I began to cut down the surrounding marines.

I wanted to be on the ship as soon as possible to minimize the damage from the wind. I didn't want to accidentally fall into the water. I was pulled out of my thoughts by said big gust of air.

My worries proved to be fruitless as I was flung onto the ship along with the others not on the ship.

"Quickly unfurl the sails, we'll ride the wind to the GrandLine!" Nami's voice seemed to knock me out of my daze.

We all followed Nami's instructions and were able to escape Smoker and leave Lougetown. I sheathed the twin blades as to not loose them. As we approached the RedLine, I could see people in awe at the upward current.

"To celebrate getting here lets make a vow!" I can see Sanji brining a barrel out of the back and placing it on the deck.
"To find the All Blue!"
"To become King of the Pirates!"
"To become the Greatest Swordsman!"
"To draw a Map of the Sea!"
"To become a Brave Warrior of the Sea!"
"To Draw everything Eyes can See!"

We all smashed the barrel together, riding the current up Reverse Mountain. We soon got past the clouds causing the rain to stop. As we started to aim down, I quickly ran to hold onto something.

I looked down and felt a pit in my stomach, I felt like I was going to pass out.

" Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down." I kept muttering to myself clinging to the mast for dear life.

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