Chapter 40 'Enel's Game'

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Robin was leading her small group so they wouldn't get lost. Luffy and Chopper were playing around and wielding sticks like weapons, Sean was walking close to Robin so he could day-dream without getting lost, Zoro was just left to his own devices.

Chopper: Whoa! Luffy is this stick big enough!

Luffy: WHOOO! Nice job Chopper!

Zoro: Are we sure this is right.?

Robin: Quite sure Mr. Swordsman.

Chopper: Sean, Sean! Look at the stick I found!

Sean was snapped out of his day-dreams to see the small reindeer holding a stick.

Sean: Nice! Now you've fixed my art-block!

Chopper: Yaaay! What will you draw!

Sean: You with a sword. I'll give you the finished piece for free if ya want!

The crew continued onwards, only stopping when a sudden rumbling is felt.

Luffy: What's this!

Sean: A giant poisonous snake.

Chopper: WHAAAT!

Sean: Just don't split up and get lost!

The snake soon charged towards the small group, missing them and biting a nearby tree. The remains of which melting from the poison.

Chopper: AAHHHH! RUN!

Sean: Yea...Smart choice!

The group quickly ran away. Each in a different direction.

Sean: *huff* *huff* I..regret..running so..hard.

Sean: Wait, where the fuck am I?

Robin: Oh Mr. Artist. You're here too?

Sean: I guess, just say goodbye to finding the rest.

Robin: Oh dear, are they lost?

Sean: Sadly, yes.

————————————-with Sanji, Nami, Usopp, and Ganfall———-

Sanji: Why would we need a barrel.

Ganfall: Just bring one here.

Sanji did as he was told and brought a rather large barrel to the upper deck. Ganfall then placed an impact dial on top.

Ganfall: Now attack that seashell, doesn't matter how strong the attack is.

Sanji: Hold up, Won't it just break!

Ganfall: You must wait and see!

Sanji: You're as vague as Sean sometimes...

The cook raised his leg and attacked the shell as hard as he could. When he went to check the damage he saw the shell and barrel were completely fine.

Ganfall: Now turn the dial over and push it down.

Again Sanji did as he was told, a sudden click was heard before the barrel exploded.


Ganfall: That is the power of an Impact Dial. It stores an attack power until triggered then it releases that stored energy.

Nami: Why did you show us this..?

Ganfall: Us sky people use something called 'Sky warfare'. We use the powers of dials to fight, this is a common one to use. But I must warn you, the user of this dial takes recoil damage.

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