Chapter 52

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:|: Since we last left off, Nico Robin the Devil Child. Has given up on running away and hiding from her past, now taking a stand against the organization set on bringing her in. :|:

"That's all we needed to hear." Luffy finished his meat. Getting a call on a small Den-Den Mushi.

"Ngagaga...We're all set, jump." Granny Kokoro said with her typical drunken speech. The Franky Family each gave cheers when the bridge began to move.

"Those bastards...They didn't need to save me..!" Franky broke down crying as well, quickly snapped out of his by a slap from Spandam.

"The blueprints! NOW!" He demanded, holding his hand out. Franky broke the chains holding him 'still'. Reaching into his mini-fridge and past the cola. Pulling out a booklet, showing Cp-9 a flip through of it.

"Is that?" Kalifa asked.

"Pluton.." Lucci finished. Cp-9 shared looks. Franky held up the blueprints, then, set them on fire. To the horrified looks of Spandam and Cp-9. 

"YOU IDIOT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!?" Spandam shook Franky a bit.

"Those 4 years..." Kalifa looked down.
"Wasted...Just like that..." Kaku tilted his hat downwards. Franky climbed up on the walls, Spandam, in a fit of rage. Pushed Franky off.

"You stupid robot...." He muttered, dusting his hands off. Sean rolled his eyes, this was only the beginning of the end for Cp-9.

"YOU! You know the future! Go on! Tell your crew how they perish and die!" He grabbed Sean's hair, forcing him onto the wall.

"I've already said, you lose...Get that through your thick skull...!" The bloody brunette yelled at Spandam, he lifted Sean by his hair then slammed him into the wall.

"SEAN!"The crew's reaction sparked something in the sadistic purple-haired bastard's mind. Just like he did with Franky, he pushed Sean off.

"Oops, my hand slipped." Spandam laughed as now both Franky and Sean were falling.

"You Monster..!" Robin spat, Spandam responded by kicking her down and dragging her out. The rest of Cp-9 stayed, wishing to see how this would play out. Luffy could hear a steam engine roar to life, he wrapped his arms around his crew then jumped off, dragging his screaming crew with him. The Rocketman caught everyone, and if not, Luffy grabbed them and pulled them over.

Everyone landed semi safely on the other side, now at the base level of the 'Tower of Justice'. 

"Ah, safe landing!" Luffy stood up, dusting off a bit.

"FOR YOU! Not all of us are rubber!" Nami yelled, hitting Luffy in the head. Sean had trouble standing and Chopper ran over, patching his bloody nose and bleeding head, helping him to his feet.

"Heh, thanks, dude...God...Did not expect 'em to be that cruel..." Sean fully stood up, attempting to free his hands from the sea-prism cuffs. 

"Chapapapa! If you want to be rid of those cuffs, you need keys!" Fukuro was in a ceiling corner, taunting the group by holding up a key. Luffy tried to grab it but Fukuro pulled it back.

"Na ah Straw-hat. You have to earn these keys!" Fukuro laughed, placing the key in his suit.

"Each Cp-9 member has a key! But careful, take too long and we chuck them into the sea! And you'll never save Robin, or unlock Sean's chains!" And with that, he 'flew' away. Luffy tried to run after him only to be held back by Zoro.

"Hold on...We need a plan, we're a man down." He nodded towards Sean who was still trying to get rid of the cuffs.

"But he's gonna toss the keys! Then we can't save Robin!" Luffy said, loosening Zoro's grip on him. 

"Luffy goes after Lucci, I know where he's heading anyways. The rest of you fight Cp-9 and get the keys. I'll go with Luffy so we can hopefully cut Spandam and Lucci off early." Sean spoke, stumbling a bit due to the cuffs making him weak.

"Fine, but...Take it easy, you make reckless decisions." Sanji said, taking a drag from his cigarette. Nami nodded and with that, Luffy grabbed Sean's arm and ran off. Sean would point the ways to go while Luffy dragged him everywhere. 

"Ok, now, outside from here. And DON'T go in the water..." Sean pointed out a window, which Luffy promptly jumped off of, looking around before following where Sean pointed again. The crew left behind was first reluctant to let Franky help. Since he did beat up Usopp.

"Aw c'mon. Yall are still harpin on that? That was a long time ago." Franky said, waving it off.

"Wasn't that long ago to us! You still hurt one of our crew.." Sanji spat, glancing at a now sweating Soge-king before backing off.
"Fine...You can help, but ya better not cause any trouble." Sanji stomped out his cigarette, taking another and lighting it. They each ran off in a different direction. Franky was searching for a kitchen, Sanji was running into random rooms, Zoro was walking in what he thought was the right direction, Chopper was with Nami as they were looking around and Soge-king went upstairs.

"Ok, Luffy. Now, this might sound dumb. But I need you to open this barrel, and inside is a secret passage." Sean motioned to the clump of barrels against the wall. Luffy nodded before breaking the barrel, which opened the entrance. 
"Huh...Yeah that works". And with that, the two went in.

"Hmph, where are one of these cp9 bastards..?" Sanji mumbled as he kicked doors in, one of the doors held Kalifa, sitting calmly at a table. Sanji wandered in, and immediately made some tea, pouring a glass for her. 

"For you ma'am." He placed a tea cake for her. 
"Oh, such a gentleman." Kalifa laughed, the blonde chef spinning in circles as she spoke.

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