Chapter 48 ' Sea Train '

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Sanji was now at the station. He saw a group of people waiting near the doors. Sanji walked down a darker place in the station to avoid being spotted by them. Hiding behind a pillar nearby allowed him to see the Government official from before greeting the members of Cp-9 before leading them into the train. Sanji watched as they boarded, the train unmoving for a time. Allowing Sanji to come up with a plan.

Gov. Offical: Where do we put the captives?

Lucci: Throw those two here, the other is a top priority from the commander.

Gov. Offical: Understood! You heard him!

Sean was released from Kalifa's thorn whip only to be cuffed with sea prism. He was still fairly bloody from the whip, his pride was damaged since he was so easily taken care of. He lightened his mood slightly since he was caught off guard. And he knew Sanji was coming, that was his ticket to getting out. The brunette was forced to the front, a row away from Robin. He gave her a forced smile, his wounds aching with every move.

Robin: What are you doing here!

Sean: I said too much, got in over my head I guess.

Sean knew Robin wouldn't be swayed in her opinion, but the boy wanted to give her some hope.

Sean: Don't worry, we get out of this just fine. Luffy still cares about you, you're his crew after all.

Robin was still worried but stayed silent. With Sanji, he left a message for Nami before jumping onto the sea train. 

Soldier: Is someone out there..?

Soldier 2: Can't be, it's pouring out there.

Sanji: No one's out here.

Soldier: See, hang on!

Sanji kicked the door in, knocking the soldier to the floor. The whole train car was filled with soldiers. Sanji seemed nonchalant about it, just lighting a cigarette. Unaware to him, a rather lanky man was looming over him. Getting smoke in his face.

Jerry: You won't get through here, why? Cause you must fight me and my boxing technique. Trained on Karate Island.

Jerry somehow managed to tie himself into a pretzel trying to attack Sanji, the fight was over with a solid kick to Jerry's face. The next room held Franky and Usopp with an assortment of junk.

Sanji: Usopp!

Usopp was relieved to see Sanji, The blonde quickly united Usopp. Sanji was about to leave Franky before Usopp insisted on bringing him.

Sanji: Just cause I'm saving you doesn't mean I forgive you.

Franky: Understood, I won't forgive you for hurting my men!

Usopp: Sanji, I wish to go with you. But I can't, we aren't in the same crew anymore.

Usopp walked out the train door, only for him to walk back in this time with a cap and sun mask.

Sogeking: Worry not, Usopp filled me in. I am his friend Sogeking, King of snipers!

Sanji: Perfect, their's transponder snails!

Franky: Why do you need them?


Sanji quickly grabbed the snail and called Nami, hoping she would pick up. Thankfully it went through.

Nami: Yes.?

Sanji: NAMI-SWAN! Your prince is safe!

Nami: Great...I'm guessing you made it on the train.

Sanji: I intend to get Robin-Chan back!

Nami: We'll come to meet you! Galley-La is back on our side and they have a plan.

Sanji: Be careful Nami-Swan!

Nami hung up, Sanji and the small group continuing to the next car. Once the next car was reached, T-bone was reading an attack. The slash-cut the door in a square shape, revealing the group to the soldiers. The marines fired their guns, Franky taking the hits since he couldn't be hurt. 

Franky: Your bullets don't even hurt! Now try mine!

Franky shot at the soldiers, Sanji snuck around while Sogeking stayed outside clinging to the train and making it to car 1.

Sanji: Franky over here!

Franky and Sanji were already in the other car, Sanji undid the locks keeping the two cars together. The two saw the train car drift away on the track. The two continued into the next room where they meet Cp-7 member Wanze.

Wanze: Waah! Welcome to the kitchen! I am chef Wanze!

Sanji: Chef?

Wanze proceeded to grab the ingredients and placed them in his mouth before mushing his cheeks and creating 'raman' from his nose.

Wanze: My nose hairs are like fishnets.

Franky: I think I'm gonna be sick...

Sanji: Do you not care about the food you make.

Wanze: Huh?

Sanji: Do you hold any preservation about the way you cook.

Wanze: Why should I? 

Sanji quickly kicked Wanze in the face, starting the next fight. Franky decided to climb up top and go around. Once Franky was on top of the train he could see a weasel-like man sitting there. 

Neru: I knew someone would come up here. That's why I waited.

Franky: So I guess I have to fight you then!?

The two on top of the train began to fight, Neru revealed he was an honorary member of CP-9, though he didn't know all of the techniques yet. He did make up for them with his own personal weopons.


Sorry, this is short, I couldn't remember this well and so I couldn't think of anything.

Anyways thanks for the support and please drink water <3

A &quot;New World&quot; a One Piece and Male insert ocHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin