Chapter 33 'Bellemy'

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Sean was watching the interaction between Teach and Luffy, it was a nice memory of when he first thought the guy was ok.

Teach: You wanna fight!

Luffy: Do you!

Bartender: If you wanna fight do it outside please.

Sean rolled his eyes since he knew a beating would be coming up soon. Teach left with his pies and Sean felt a small smile form as he remembered how much he helps the crew this ark. The door suddenly flew open revealing Bellamy and his crew.

Bellemy: Is there a kid with a straw hat and blue/white shirt here!

His eyes scanned the whole bar until his eyes landed on Sean and Luffy. He made his way over, Sean could see Sarquis was wary of him at first but soon became relaxed since Sean had tape over his mouth.

Bellemy: Whats your name kid.

Luffy: I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates.

Sean just wrote his name down and slid it over to Bellemy. He gave an acknowledging nod then turned back to Luffy.

Bellemy: Give me a beer and this kid whatever he wants.

Sean tapped his shoulder and pointed to a rushed drawing of a soda.

Luffy: I'll have whatever he drew.

Sean facepalmed at his captain's stupidity. Once the bartender gave them their dinks, Sean jumped foreword to save the drink from being smashed. Bellemy still slammed Luffy's head into the bar's table.

Bellemy: 'King of the Pirates' what a foolish dream, and I was gonna ask you to join my crew to.

Sean held the single bottle protectively while glaring at the spring man. Zoro was about to attack until Luffy commanded them not to attack.

Bellemy: Eh! What wrong, to cowardly to attack!

Bellemy laughed and the rest of the bar joined in.

Nami: Excuse me Mr. Bartender! We need information on the sky islands!

The whole bar fell silent, then Bellemy looked at the crew. He looked shocked but Sean knew the worst had yet to come.

Bellemy: Sky Island! And I thought it couldn't get any worse! The age of dreams is over, only those who set real goals can survive!

He grabbed Luffy's head and slammed it into the window, Sean flinched at the fighting that broke out. Zoro was dragged into the fight and soon endured a beating as well, someone from Bellemy's crew reached for Sean but Nami pulled him away.

Sarquis: Now why hang with these loosers, ditch the kid and I'll buy you.

Nami: Get the hell away from me !

Sean clung to Nami as he soon became scared of the surroundings. Once they were content with Luffy and Zoro they threw them out. Nami and Sean got up, as they were leaving Sean ripped off the tape.

Nami: Why didn't you fight!

The two stayed quiet the silence was broken by a familiar laugh.

BlackBeard: Zehahahaha! The age of dreams, over! Those foolish idiots! The age of dreams will never die, the sky islands exist!

They crew gave an acknowledging nod before walking away.

Nami: Who was he ?

Zoro: Not he, They.

Sean: He's important later.

Sean felt a tightness in his chest remembering the post Enies-Lobby episode. Once they were back at the ship Sean remembered he still had the soda.

Luffy: Why dis you keep it ?

Sean: I'm an enabler to my own addiction. But its cool 'cause this has no lasting effects.

Sanji: How much could you have before ?

Sean: I used to drink 6-8 cans a day.

Chopper: WHAAAAT!

Robin: Om goodness, whats with the sudden outburst docter-san.

Sanji: Robin-Chwaaan! Your back!

Sean: So you get info on the sky islands.

Nami shot Sean a death glare making him back into a corner.

Robin: I got information on a place North of here, apparently there's someone there who can help.

Nami: Set Sail for Jaya!

Sean: You got over that quick.

Nami: I'm going to murder you.

The crew sailed towards Old-man Cricket's place. The path was smooth until Shojou appeared.

Shojou: What are you doing in my territory!

Sean: Not this guy...

Zoro: Haven't we met this guy before ?

Sean: No that was Masira, this is Shojou.

Shojou: You've met Masira! How is he.

Sean: Somewhere is the ocean.

Shoujou: WHAAAT!

Zoro: Didn't we kick him off ?

Shojou: You savages! How dare you hurt my brother! I shall shatter your ship in honor of his memory.

Sean went and covered his ears, not wanting them to shatter like the ship. Shojou began his attack, the sound at first damaging his own ship. That soon was shifted onto the Merry.

Usopp: We have to get out of here! Or the Merry really will shatter!

The crew began to row as fast as they could. Safely out of the range of Shoujou's voice.

Luffy: WHOOAH! Look at that castle!

Zoro: Look from the side idiot.

Luffy: WHAT! It was a cover.

They docked the ship nearby and began to look around.

Nami: Hmm whats this, 'Noland the Liar'.

Sean: Oh yea, I remember this part.

Nami: Why am I surprised you know this at this point.

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