Chapter 10 Baratie

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(Sean P.O.V)

Once we docked and me and Luffy were sent to talk to the owner, I was about to walk in untill I saw Luffy's arm wrap around me. Before I could think of what this meant we were high in the air, only to crash somehwere in the upper level of the resteraunt.

"What the hell?" I could hear an old mans voice, I slowly got up and rubbed my head.

"Why, now my head hurts." I lightly hit Luffy as I was feeling a little nauses from being so high.

"Now tell me what two brats are doing here?" I looked and saw Zeff.

"OH right, were here to apologize for the hole in the roof." I stated while pointing up

"You see what hap-" Luffy cut me off .

"I acidently broke it." This time I hit Luffy a little harder.

"YOU IDIOTI COULD HAVE GIVEN US AN ALIBI!" I then realized I said that a little too loud .

"Oh shit." I looked back at Zeff to see a mix of confusion and anger.

"YOU IDIOTIC BRATS!" Suddenly a peg leg came flying at both of us. It hit us both and flung us both back a little.

"ow ow ow, great more headache." I muttered to my self.

"Is there anyway we can help fix the roof" I could feel myslef facepalm.

"You can pay." Zeff's words gave me a little hope before I remembered.

"We can't were broke." I slumped over a little.

"Then work here for two years unpaid." Luffy crossed his arms and let out a simple 'No' this earned him a kick from Zeff.

"Ok ok, how about TWO weeks." I tried to HEAVILY cut the deal down. knowing it would have only been about a week.

"YOU THINK IM GOING TO TAKE THAT!" I ended up getting kicked, no surprise there.

"Alright, you two work untill I deem you have paid off your debt." I almost agreed to this.

"WAIT! WHY ME!" I pointed to myself then Luffy.

"I mean I understand him, but why me!" I got kicked in the back of my knee, making me fall

"Because you came up with a lie to get out of trouble." I looked up while trying to get up.

"Doesn't every kid my age?" I felt a kick again on the back of my knees, making me fall again.

"Brat, don't talk smart with me." I decided to just keep my mouth shut to prevent possibly more bruises.


(Author P.O.V)

While Sean and Luffy were trying to negotiate with Zeff. Fullbody was eating with his date. He had made sure he ordered everything before hand. When a main in a suit with a blue undershirt and blonde hair covering one of his eyes, he held a bottle of wine and a ciggerate hanging out of his mouth.

He walked over to  Fullbody's table he poured the wine, then slamme the bottle on the table. Fullbody had a cocky grin on his face, he took a sip of wine and swished it around.

"Oh waiter, this wine. It tastes like a boquet, a boquet of flavor I must say." Fullbody took a sip again.

"Is this perhaps 'Old Town Vineyards'" (Shoutout to my dad who helped me with this part)

The 'waiter' turned the wine bottle around to reveal it was a regular red wine.

"Dead wrong, plus i'm not a waiter" The blonde had a grin, happy he bested the cocky marine lieutenant. Fullbody's date giggled a little at his failer, Fullbody felt his rage build up.The suited man came back out again this time holding two bowls of soup.

When the blonde got to Fullbody's table he placed both soup bowls down, he then looked over at the younf women. he dropped to one knee.

"Oh Mademoisselle, my eyes have never seen beauty like yours before." Fullbody felt even more angry he found a bug on the floor and quickly killed it.He then placed the bug in his soup hoping to ruin the reputation.

"Hey waiter, theres a bug in my soup. I'd like a refund." the blonde looked at Fullbody.

"I'm not a waiter, and you placed that bug." the marine lieutenant slammed his fist on the table.

BETTER SERVICE THEN THIS !" Fullbody  went to punch the suited blonde, however a kick from the blonde was faster then Fullbody's punch. Fullbody was knocked to the floor, he slowly got up again and a fight between the two broke out.

The rest of the crew came into the resteraunt, what they saw was the marine lieutenant bloody and beaten whith the blonde standing over him. He was relighting his cigeratte.

"W-What is with this resteraunt?!" Fullbody scrabled to get up and quickly ran out the door.

(Back with our asshole child)

Me and Luffy were now busboys till we were no longer needed. Luffy just sat in the back as he didn't know what to do. I was quickly sent to do dishes. I could see Luffy be told to do dishes while a plate was shoved at him. Luffy came over to me but not before snagging an apple from a plate nearby.

"Please try not to break anything, I don't want to stay here more then we need." I almost pleaded since i knew Luffy migt drop the plates. Luffy nodded.

"Don't worry I won't." I gave him a suspicious look.

"Riiiight.." We were doing dishes, but I could see Luffy was starting to hear something.

Thats when I heard a shatter. I saw Luffy would clean the plates then drop them in the sink. The exact thing I warned him against. I felt both angry but a little scared, as this is a fighting reasturaunt. I saw one of the chefs got to check our progress. There he saw who knows how many broken plates.

"BOYS! How mant plates have you done!" Luffy looked down to count but when he saw countless plates shards.

"Sean, I think I broke a few plates." I facepalmed.

"I did about 5." I could tell the chef was thinking.

"Alright you two lack spead for cleaning. Maybe you can deliever food faster." So we did a quick learning of what the table plans were.

"You are took take the food and give it to the customers," I looked over at Luffy and nudged him a bit.

"And that means don't eat the food."Luffy swore he would TRY not to. While we were delivering food I saw Zoro, Nami, and Usopp at a table. Most likley waiting to either order or get food. I saw Sanji walk up to them though so I assumed he would take thier order.

I tryed not to be spotted, but to my dissmay either Usopp or Nami saw me as I was suddenly at thier table.

"So Sean, how is everything. Were you able to get off free." Usopp asked, hoping it worked.

"Sadly no, Luffy told them what happend before I could get a few words in." Zoro noticed I was covering more then I usually did.

"Hey you ok, i've never seen you were anything longer then shorts on you?" I sighed.

"The old man that runs this place gave both me and Luffy a beating. I'm trying to hide the fact my legs are covered in bruises." I could see Sanji was starting to flirt with Nami.

"Anyway so now were working with no pay till the owner thinks were done." Zoro then asked the million dollar question.

"Well how long will that be?" Thats when I just gave up.

"We, have no clue. But I do know it woun't last more then a week with how Luffy is doing things." This did not ease any tension.

"If that boy ruins the damm geezers business, I swear."

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