Chapter 27 'Round 1'

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Crocodile pulled out a small sand timer most likely for 3 minutes. He walked over too some rubble, placing it down.

Crocodile : Our fight begins now.


Crocodile : Good luck trying.


Luffy stretched and "punched" Crocodile. His hand passed through Crocodile. Luffy seemed taken aback by this but kept up the attack.

Sean : Luffy try using water!

Luffy : Huh, water?

Crocodile looked at the teenage boy with clear anger/panic. He looked back at Luffy to see him in his face.


Luffy stretched his mouth and bit down on Crocodile. Sean looked back at the timer and saw it was around halfway done. Sean could see Crocodile still standing with Luffy's attacks becoming more and more desperate.

Crocodile : You say you can defeat me. And yet here you are struggling.

Luffy : I'll not stop until I beat you Crocodile!

The sun was now setting and Sean knew the timer was up. He looked back at Crocodile and Luffy. Sean began to walk towards Luffy before slight tapping his shoulder.

Sean : The timers out. Let me at 'em Captain.

Luffy : Can you beat him?

Sean: I've got my ways. Just head back to Vivi and the others.

Crocodile: If you think you have a higher chance at beating me than your sorely mistaken.

Sean : Dang, the beating from Whitebeard must have really done something. You lost a hand and got a scar on your face.

Crocodile seemed fine for a few seconds before being blown back, not damaged but winded. Crocodile slammed into the back of some nearby rubble, leaving cracks from his impact.

Crocodile : How did you-!

Crocodile was seething with rage. Luffy stayed nearby since Sean could get them across the river.

Sean : Also small question, what is the secret Ivankov knows. I mean being Ivankov it could be anything!

Crocodile was blown back a bit further. The now enraged Crocodile slowly got up before approaching the pair.

Sean : And also on top of that. Your weakness to water is worse than a usual devil fruit user! Any small water droplet and you cant become sand.

Crocodile was blown back a bit but still kept his footing.

Sean : Oh shit...

Luffy : What do you mean.

Sean : Luffy, either you or me are about to be in a lot of pain.

Luffy looked at Sean and saw panic in his eyes. Luffy's eyes soon became obscured from the view of Sean. Sean slowly turned around and saw Crocodile behind him.

Crocodile: This is the end of the line, you insolent brats!

Crocodile brought back his hook. As it came crashing forward Sean felt a feeling on his arm and was thrown backwards. He fell into the sand with a thud, looking up he saw Luffy impaled on the end of Crocodiles hook.

Crocodile : It seems he's taken your place. But I'm afraid this will be both of your resting places. SABLES!

From Crocodiles hand came a small sand tornado. It slowly became bigger as it rushed forwards towards the young boy. It quickly threw Sean up, cutting him on his way up. He fell once the tornado passed by, landing in the sand he could feel the sting from the sand near his now fresh cuts.

Crocodile : Farewell Strahat, artist.

Crocodile was about to toss Luffy before he felt a strong grip on his wrist. Luffy slowly began to crush Crocodile's wrist, Sean held a small smirk knowing that Luffy took his advice. Crocodile was able to shake Luffy off, leaving the rubber man in some freshly created quicksand.

Crocodile : Its no use tossing you in. You'd die without help anyway. I will say I am annoyed you know a little too much.

Sean lifted his head to reveal his now bloody head.

Sean : I may know some negatives but I also know you still wish to be king of the Piartes.

Sean lost all strength and passed out a small smile on his face. Crocodile looked at the boy a little shocked. He quickly went back to his calm demeanor and went towards Alabasta's Capital. Robin who was nearby walked over and saved Luffy from the quicksand.

Robin : Strawhat I want to know two things.

The barely conscious Luffy looked at the women.

Robin : Do you know the meaning of the 'Will Of D' and the reason the boy has future knowledge.

Luffy just shook his head, showing Robin that he doesn't know. Robin sighs before helping to bandage the two. A birds cry is heard before Pell lands beside Luffy, he himself being bandaged.

Luffy : m...meat.

Luffy was barely audible but his request was heard as Pell rushed off to get meat as Robin began her trip to the palace of Alabasta.

As Luffy was about to pass out he looked over at the now bandaged up Sean. Seeing as he wasn't dead he gave up his strength and passed out.  Pell soon came and dropped off the meat.

-small timeskip brought to you by a Sean in a universe where he joined the marines-

As Luffy began to wake up, he smelled the smell of meat and instinctively reached for it. Once he located the meat he began to eat. The once sleeping Sean beside him now sat up and looked at his Captain.

Sean : Think we have a way to beat 'em?

Luffy looked at Sean before looking at Pell.

Luffy : Can we have a barrel of water?

Pell : Of course. Put why do you need it?

Sean : Crocodiles weakness is water, if we want to beat him we need to exploit that as much as we can. I also have something I want to try.

Luffy : I had the same idea.

Pell : I see. Well than I'll go get that for you two.

With that Pell transformed to his hyrbid form before flying off to go get the water.

Sean soon began to plan with Luffy as to how they could take out the Sichibuki.

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