Chapter 4 Syrup Village

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(: ??? Pov :)
Ugh my head hurt I slowly got up and looked around, there I found my book and my special blanket. I quickly gathered my things and began to scan my surroundings, all I could tell was this place was a village of sorts. Then felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, you ok? Those fishmen get to you?" It was a lady with purple hair and a tattoo on her chest area.

"Huh? Fish-man?" I muttered, puzzled I haven't heard of anything like that before. Well aside from a friend of mine who would tell me about 1 or 2 of them.

The lady seemed to understand a little better.

"Oh you aren't from here! Well I would say welcome but..." I then noticed where I was. The houses were flipped upside down.

"Oh never got your name? Mines Nojiko." I looked back up at Nojiko and quietly spoke.

"Oh nice to meet you Nojiko my name is ......"


(: Sean Pov:)
I was quickly startled awake by a fierce smack to the head.

"Jeez how long can you sleep for!" I looked up and saw Nami above me. I yawned.

"Oh sorry. I barely slept last night." This seemed to spark a bit of intrest in the captain.

"Well, how many hours did you sleep?" I held up my hand to show three fingers.

"Jeez, I'm surprised your able to function!" I heard Nami groan in the background.

"Hey navigator how much longer till we reach an island." Everyones hopes were kinda low, but I knew with Nami we would reach land soon.

I almost started to drift to sleep again when I heard Luffy yell.

"Look LAND!" This startled me and I almost fell over. Sure enough land was visible. As soon as we landed something was being fired at our feet. I quickly remembered what island they encounter next.

As if on queue Mr. Long nose firing his pachinko balls.
(This isn't exact as I can't remember it but I know the basics of it)

"Stay back pirates! Or else you will have to deal with the almighty CAPTAIN USOPP!"
Usopp the jumped out of the bushes.

"Now don't be scared and don't invade or else my 6,000 men will have dead before noon!" This got Luffy's attention.

"WOW! 6,000!" You could see actual stars in his eyes, safe to day weirder in when you see it in person.

"You idiot, he is obviously lying." Nami quickly hit Luffy on the head.

"WHAT YOU CAN TELL!" I sighed knowing what was coming next

"Its obvious no pirate would use pachinko balls as ammo" Nami proceeded to then pick up a pachinko ball. I decided to chime in.

"Also your 6,000 men are three small kids, right?" The made the flags drop.

"WAAAAAH, THEY KNOW!" One voice was heard.

"SORRY CAPTAIN!" Another was heard then the sound of running. Usopp the proceeds to aim his slingshot at us.

"You know it's dangerous to point those things at someone, those arn't just for show someone can get hurt."

Since I first met the guy he seemed serious.

"You sure you don't wanna risk it?" This got Usopp scared, I could tell by the fact his legs were shaking

"So if you bring out your weapons, we can bring out ours." I now got out my pencil pouch and grabbed 3, placing them in between my fingers.

"Are you sure you wanna try this." I tried my hardest to come of as intimidating, and it seemed to pay off as Usopp seemed to give in.

"Alright your real pirates." He seemed defeated. Luffys laugh so broke the small silence.

"We stole those lines!" This caused Usopp to drop his guard.

"Hey! Long Nose!" I soon learned I need more training with my fruit as Usopp was caught unbalanced.

He proceeds to fall off of his small perch I let put a sheepish 'oops'. Usopp gets up though and dusts himself off

"WHAT WAS THAT!" I rub the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry! I ate the Insult Insult fruit so anything rude I say is kinda like air bullets." I take in a breath as I explained my power.

"I ate the fruit a few days ago." Luffys eyes kinda sparkle.

"SO THATS WHAT IT IS!" I mentally facepalm at my own idiocy.

"Anyway Usopp, this is your home island right?" I just need to confirm no major changes.

Usopp nodes his head.

"Yep this is the home island of Captain Usopp!" I started laughing, it went on for a while till I calmed myself.

"This kids weird." Nami muttered to herself.

:( Author Pov ):
Usopp took the crew to eat as they asked him questions. Sean kept to the back and didn't ask much

"Do you know where we can find a ship." This sentence caused Usopp to become a little nervous.

"W-Well not that I-I know of" Sean knew this was a lie.

"Then what about that mansion on the hill." Zoro proceeded to point to the sed mansion

Sean ran his fingers through his hair bushing his bangs back only to have them fall back down again.

"That place! Oh no you can't!" Usopo quickly got up.

" I have to do something, eat as much as you like. I'm like a celebrity in these parts." With that Ussop left the restaurant.

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