Chapter 12 Old Friend

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(Sean P.O.V)

I made my way to get a good view of the sword fight. I knew I would either be laughing or panicing. I guess laughing since I knew Zoro would live.From where I was purched I could see Zoro challenge Mihawk.

I could also see Johnnh against it, with Luffy having to hold down both Johnny and Yosaku to keep them from interfering.

"Hey, Zoro is you win i'll never make fun of you! Ever, I swear!" I waved down to him and could see him slightly sweat drop when I gave an evil smile. Knowing I would win that.

When Mihawk pulled out his dagger, claiming it was the smallest blade he had. I could'nt hold it in and burst out laughing. It was both disrepectful and hillarious to see Zoro, in person, getting bested by a tiny dagger.

Zoro was eventually bested, Mihawk said Zoro was good enough to earn his respect. Zoro did one last attack, but in doing so he was left wide open. Both of his extra katanas broke, but the Wado Ichimonji was still intact.

Zoro just held his arms up in defeat, Mihawk questioned his motive for doing this .

"Scars on the back are a swordsmans shame." Mihawk gave an answer that I cound't quite hear before slashing Zoro across his chest.

I got down from my position and went to get Zoros now bleeding body .

"And who are you?" I looked up to see Mihawk looking at me.

"Oh, Sean. I saw your 'duel'. I'm a crewmate with this moss head." I quickly regreted my words at Zoro was blown slightly further.

I swore to myself, I quickly remembered Luffy, Johnny, and Yosaku were there.

"I SWERE, I'LL NEVER LOOSE AGAIN!" Zoro held his Wado up in the air.

"IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU PIRATE KING!" I let out a soft chuckle beofre pushing my bangs out of my face, only for them to fall back down.

"Hey, Captain. Im going to go after Nami, she most likley left with the Sun-MERRY!" I quickly hit my head. Glad I caught my mistake. Luffy didn't seem to catch on either.

"I'll take Zoro since he can't fight, if any others want to come they can." Usopp quickly volunteered as he hoped we would escape trouble.

Johnny also decided to come since I told them Luffy and Sanji could handle Krieg. I found a small boat we could use, I left a note explaining the situation and that we will be 'borrowing' it.

We began our treck towards Arlong Park. I felt drawn to it, most likley cause of Cokoyashi village. When we began to see the silloughete of the park, I knew I had to draw it.

"How about we just charge in there and ask Nami what was happening." I looked up at Zoro, along with Usopp and Johnny. Who quickly knocked him out with hammers.I helped tie him to the mast so he wouldn't make any brash desicions.

"This will so back fire on us later." Zoro began to stir as I went back to drawing.

"What the! HEY who tied me up!" I was about to say before .

"HE DID IT!" I turned around to see Usopp and Yosaku pinting at me.

"YOU HELPED AS WELL!"We began to argue. I quickly shut up remembering we are in Fishmen teritory, and how I was a scrawny 14- year old boy who knew baisic combat.

(3rd P.O.V)

A group of fishmen beloning to the Arlong pirates heard a bit of comotion. They quickly went to the harbor and saw a small boat with 4 people on it, one tied up. They began firing at it.

Sean knew he was screwed as he was a devil fruit user, Usopp rushed to untie Zoro so he wouldn't drown but he just kept demanding for a sword. Right before the boat capsized Zoro got his Wado Ichimonji. Once Sean hit the water he was out cold. Usopp and Johnny got sperated in the caos.

Usopp went to save Sean from drowing. Usopp quickly swam for shore and saw a small village nearby. Placing Sean on the shore he saarted to pump the poor boy's cheast to get him going again. Usopp felt something clothed underneath his hoodie and shirt but paid no mind to it.

Sean soon spat out the water.

"Hey, thanks." Sean gave Usopp a thankfull smile and he returned one as well.

Walking around the village, they soon noticed that the houses were upside down. They both found this perculiar till a female voice was heard.

"HEY! What are you two doing here. It's dangerous around these parts." Nojiko soon steped out and behind her was a girl slightly shorter then Sean (Sean is 5'4 so Stella is around 5'2 to 5'3).Sean imideantly recignized her.

"Wait! Stella" The girl known as Stella took a moment to register.

"Sean?" Usopp looked back and forth between us.

"You know each other?" Sean quickly ran and gave Stella a big hug.

"So how ya been, hopefully not to bad!" I quickly poked fun at her hieght by placing my arm on her head.

"Sean, I'm not that small. Also good, Nojiko has been keeping care of me as long as I help her around the Tangerine field." Nojiko was first suspicous, but soon lgihtend up to me as well.

"WHAAAAT IS GOING ON!" Usopp quickly began panicking remebering the upside down houses. It was quickly stopped when his head met Nojiko's hammer.

(Sean P.O.V)

"So why were you traveling with Long nose over there." Stella pointed to Usopp who was slumped over Nojiko's shoulder.

"OH YEAH! I joined the Strawhats." I smiled as Stella slowly sweat dropped but laughed.Me and Stella began to catch up, I slowly lost track if time, and soon I saw Sanji's boat fly over head.

"Hey! Sorry I gotta cut this short. Read about me in the news if you stay here ok." I gave her a goodbye hug and quickly dashed off to where I saw Sanji's ship crash.I began running up to them.

"HEEEEEY! HOW'S IT GOING!" I yelled as I ran up to them Luffy waved back.

"OH HEEEY SEAN!" As soon as I got close to the two of them I felt a kick to the head.

"YOU IDIOT! When you left the chefs had no clue! When The poisionus gas hit we thought you died! Only after Luffy told us you left did we feel better!" I held my head in pain.

"I'm sorry, ok dad."I meant it as a sorta insult so it greated a small wind. But some of it was partielly true I saw my own Dad in most of Sanji, except my dad wasn't a huge pervert or simp. The simp part went to me.When Nojiko came by, I imediently left.

"I'd love to stay, but I need to get something." I left and soon went to find Nami. I found her slowly walking to Arlong I assumed she already had her saved up beri stolen by that mouse marine.

"Hey, Nami." She looked at me but quickly looked away. I went up to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey, I'm here for you. 'Big sis'.Nami only looked away from me, but I could tell she was holding back tears.

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