Chapter 9: Big Bro Zoro

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(Sean P.O.V)

I was woken up by a bang, I went outside to see Usopp and Luffy near a cannon, probably the only time they use a cannon.

"Um what are you two doing?" I say groggily slightly pushing my bangs out of my face.

"Test firing." Luffy siad while poting to the cannon.

"So Usopp you hit a moutin or something?" Usopp looked up at me.

"Uh yeah, how did you know when you were in your bed?" I waved my hand trying to dismis it.

"I could hear it stupid." I said it in a joking matter, but alas Usopp still got blown back a little.

"SORRY! I need to still figure the fruit out!" I quickly panicked and kept apologizing, Usopp just shrugged it off .

"Hey Sean, it's fine I didn't get hurt. It was just a breeze!" Just then a sword was heard being unsheathed.I turned around to see Johnny, pretty much destroying the ship.

"WHERE ARE YOU! YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" Johnny was shouting and despretly looking for us.

"Um are you just blind or something, were right behind you." I managed to blow Johnny into the ship

"H-How did- wait, YOUR A DEVIL FRUIT USER!" I nodded and pointed to Luffy.

"So is he." Usopp the looked at me.

"DON'T TELL THEM THAT!" I only shrugged in response.

"You'll pay for what you did to brother Yosaku!" I only rolled my eyes and waited for everything to play out, stepping back in the proccess.

"Hey! Whats with all the noise!" Zoro came walking out, clearly aggitated he had been woken up.Johnny looked up.

"HUH! Big bro Zoro! What are you doing here!" Yosaku's yelling seemed to alrert Nami as she walked out, clearly confused with the new mystery man on the deck.

(Author P.O.V)

After Johnny explained that he had a traveling partner named Yosaku, who suddelny fell ill. Johnny took Yosaku to a nearby rock to try and figure out whats wrong. Untill a cannon shot was heard and the top of the rock started to fall on the two of them.And that lead us to now.

"May I take a look at Yosaku?" Nami asks after hitting Usopp and Luffy on the head. Johnny nods while he brings Yosaku's sickenly pale body.

"He looks like a zombie." Sean whsipered to himself.

"Ah, he has scurvy." Nami exclaims.

"Luffy Usopp, Can you get the limes Sean got from his 'boat'." The two boys quickly run into the kitchen and each come out with armfulls of limes. Nami proceded to cut them in half.

"Now squeeze the lime juice into his mouth." I could tell they were about to question.

(Sean P.O.V)

"Scurvy is caused by low vitimin C, the reason most sea-ferers get it is because they lack fruits with it." I cleared my throat after I was done.

"We learned about it in school." I hoped this would not make them question it more.

"Riiight, anyway. Make sure it actually going in his mouth." Slowly but surley Yosaku got more color to his face, suddenly he sprung up "Huh? What happend." Yosaku was quickly tackled into a hug from a teary eyed Johnny

"BROTHER YOSAKU,!YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" Yosaku quickly returned the hug.

"Carefull, no illness is cured in 2 seconds." only a few seconds later Yosaku colapsed, and the lime proccess continued.

"Hey big bro Zoro, how did you get on pirate ship." Yosaku looked at Zoro while gesturing to the rest of us.

"At this point I have no clue." I was thinking for a while.

"Hey, Zoro didn't you point Luffy in the way of the marine base. How do you get lost so easy?" It took me a good while to realize what I just said.

"Um, heheh. Opps?" I could tell I struck a nerve

"You know your right." Luffy realized. Only a few seconds later both me and luffy were running around trying to avoid the slashes from an angry swordsman.Nami ended up stopping all three of us by hitting the three of us.

"You three, QUIT IT!" With that we sat back down until.

"Aww man i'm hungry." Luffy whined as he layed down.

"And the only food we have left is fruit from Sean's 'boat' before he joined " Nami slowly began to sulk

"HEY! My boat wasn't THAT bad!" I could tell Nami facepalmed.

"Have you heard of the 'Sea Fairing' resteraunt?" Johnny  turned to face all of us. I nodded while the rest shook there heads.

"I've heard of it but have never gone myself," Nami thought for a minute.

"Alright it's decided. Were going to the 'Sea Fairing' Resturant!"We began our trip to the Baratie, about halfway there we came a marine ship.

"Aww shit," I grumbled knowing who was on the ship. As soon of the pompus idiot came into my mind, he appeared on the deck of the Marine ship.

"Huh, now what do we have here." He looked up at the lot of us.

"I've never seen that jolly roger before, are you new?" Luffy nodded.

"Yeah, and i'm the captain!" both Luffy and Usopp spoke definently confusing Fullbody.

"Dear, are you ok?" A well dressed women came up onto the deck and grabbed Fullbody's arm.

"I'm perfectly fine my dear, I was just worried these pirates would dirty you." Fullbody turned to the marines behind him.

"Sink there ship." The marines quickly went to the cannons, ready to fire. As soon as the cannon shots were fired  I heard.

"GUMU GUMU NO, BALOON" Luffy suddenly inflated, when the cannon hit. It fell into Luffy's body, then suddenly bounced to a new location. I sighed from reilef then realized. We heard a crash in the distance and when we turned around we saw the Baratie with a hole in the roof.

"oh shit, ok. WHO DO WE BLAME!" I turned to everyone.

"We'll say a stray cannon shot past us and managed to hit the roof." Usopp got down to my level and looked me in the eyes.

"It is scary the fact you planned out an excuse so quickly." We docked at the ship and Nami sent both me and Luffy. Me to explain my scape-goat idea, and Luffy because he did it. I knew this would not end well.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum