Chapter 39 'The Party'

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Sean: Speaking, if Zoro is in-charge of ingredients are we sure he can get back..?

Sanji: He'll live.

Sean rolled his eyes before sitting on the ground near the fire. Before long both Chopper and Zoro returned with some edible things.

Sanji: Ah! Thank you Chopper, these are perfect!

Zoro: Ey Dart-brow, you need this frog.

Nami: NO!

Sean: Burn that damm thing!

Usopp: You're seriously scared of frogs?

Sanji: Hey Chopper can you hand me that rock.

Luffy: Do we eat the rock ?

Sean: Have you never heard of stone soup?

Sanji: You use the rock to heat the soup.

Luffy: Wait Sean how do you know about it ?

Sean: In elementary every year they read a stupid book about it.

Sean seemed to shutter at the thought.

Nami: Are we sure this is safe?

Sanji: Don't worry Nami-San, if anything wishes to attack. I'll strike them down!

Zoro: I'm not sure you'll last.


Zoro: Stupid ero-cook...

Sean: Can you just shut up and acknowledge the sky wolves like the rest of us.

Luffy: Hey, neat...


Sean: Don't worry, there harmless.

The wolves growled before calming down.

Chopper: They said 'We noticed the fire and thought there would be food.'

Robin: So they're just hungry.

Luffy: You can have some rock stew.

Sean: Yes, give the wild animals our food. Brilliant I say...

The wolves soon warmed up to the Strawhats and soon a party broke out.

Gan Fall: I've never seen anyone tame the sky wolves..!

Nami: It happens when your in this crew.

Robin: At least they're having fun.

Nami: I'm just worried we'll be noticed.

The crew was spread out, Sean was drawing a few wolves and Usopp as mighty warriors, Zoro was having a drinking contest with a wolf, Luffy and Chopper were partying with the wolves, Sanji was still cooking, Robin was in the distance with a small drink and Nami soon joined in the party.

Sean: And done! Hope ya like it, that'll be 15 berri.

Usopp: I get, here.

The party continued 'till all animals and people were passed out, either too drunk to stand or too tired to continue. Later in the night Usopp woke up and quickly snuck away to take a piss. Once he reached the edge of the earth, a small hammering sound could be heard. Usopp looked around and saw a small hooded creature trying to fix the Merry.

???: Don't worry, i'll carry you farther.

???:I promise.

Usopp quickly ran back in fear, joining the rest in sleep.

Zoro: What the hell do you mean you saw a ghost.

Usopp: I swear I saw one!

Nami: Maybe it was someone else...

Usopp: I doubt it, I was the only one around.

Sean: Can you shut up, I just want a few more hours of sleep...

Usopp led the crew (minus Sean) to where he saw the ghost.

Luffy: Whoa, Merry's fixed up!

Usopp: W-what...

Zoro: You didn't do this.

Usopp: No, I only stayed long enough to see the ghost.

Nami: But how did they know what the Merry looked like.

Usopp: I was wondering that, it doesn't have its sky form so non of the sky people could have done it.

The crew walked back to the now extinguished fire to make a plan for the gold.

Nami: Wake up, you need to hear this.

Sean: Fiiiine....

Nami: Once we finish I'll allow you to sleep.

Sean: Nice, I'm fine with this.

Nami: Alright, with what we know this small island once belonged to Jiya. So with Noland's last words in mind, the gold should be right here!


Sean: Walk in a few directions and discover the city of Shandora, nice.

Sean: I just hope Zoro can walk straight.

Zoro: SHUT UP!

Nami: We'll split into two groups. Luffy, Robin, Sean and Zoro will look for the city while Me, Usopp, Chopper and Sanji get the Merry off the pillar.

Sean: I'm game. But I'm tying Zoro's wrist to mine since I can't trust him to not get lost.

Nami: Fair enough.


A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now