Chapter 50 'Enies Lobby'

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(I'm going semi-back to the old writing style because consistency is my rival, I might go back once the series is caught up and re-write the other chapters.)
(I have a plan, Finish the Enies Lobby arc and If I feel motivated to continue writing. I will, if not then I'll leave this book.)

Franky, Robin, and Sean were forced into the first train car. Waiting for Enies Lobby to come into view. If any attempt at small talk was made, it was quickly shut down. Sean was allowed to still have his sketchbook and pencil case but had to be monitored when using them.

"Dam, this fuckin' sucks..." Sean muttered, he had been given guidelines on what was ok to draw. If he drew anything outside of the guidelines it was quickly destroyed. A few pages had already been torn apart for depicting too 'Graphic of imagery'.

"This is fucking bullshit!" Sean yelled out as another piece was ripped up. In truth, none of what he drew would live. Even if it was the most mundane of things it would still be destroyed. Every time it happened Sean would be pinned down to stop any movement.

"We can easily take this away, we're only doing this so you don't get any ideas." One of the cp-9 members spoke. Sean kinda gave up and returned to the kart, forced to leave his sketchbook behind so he wouldn't try to communicate. The train car was silent, only the crashing of waves and rumbling of the tracks was heard. The silence was a reminder that judgment was fast approaching.

Robin had a look of regret because she felt responsible for the crew being hurt. Franky seemed to be thinking, about what was unknown. Sean was slowly drifting to sleep, a mix of motion sickness and the rumble of the train. The train slowly stopped, it took a night to reach the judgment island Enies Lobby.

When the train came to a complete stop, the Cp-9 members entered the car, signaling for the 3 in there it was time. Marines and cp agents lined the outside, Cp-9 led the three down the middle. Robin was more willing to go along while the other two. The walk was daunting, a looming dread visible.

Once the 3 passed the 'judge', obviously found guilty. Began to walk, their destination being Spandam's office. The rest of Cp-9 is up there as well.

"Oh my god! Can we hurry up please, I am dying of boredom!" Sean quickly felt a sharp pain in his side. A small blade had been lodged into his abdomen, he took that as a warning to keep his mouth shut. The group approached the 'judges' and we're 'rightfully' given a guilty sentence. They entered the building, several flights of stairs awaited them. At the top, a certain purple-haired bastard was waiting. After several tiring minutes of climbing, they reached an imposing door.

"You three are to wait here until further notice." With that, the group was left there, Sean pressed an ear to the wall, trying to judge if they could talk quietly.

"Any clue what they're saying?" Franky also leaned against the wall, trying to listen in as well.

"I think it's probably arguments from Jabra and Lucci or a celebration of sorts.." Sean gave a tired sigh. He was trying to reach for something but remembered he was chained with sea-stone.

"Ugh, I should have shut my stupid mouth..!" Sean yelled out, slamming his head into his knees. Robin stayed quiet, looking at the two with worry.

"Did ya say something ya shouldn't have..?" Franky looked at the brunette, more out of curiosity.

"I called 'em government dogs, I mean I'm not wrong, But it kinda gave me away." Sean chuckled looking back on that fateful day in Water 7.

"Ha, To their faces! I like your guts kid!" Franky began to laugh with Sean. Both quickly interrupted by the door slamming open.

"That's enough, The director wishes to see you." The three were forced up and brought into the main room.

"Ah, Nico Robin, Cutty Flam, and Sean...It's wonderful to see you." Spandam had a snide grin, Spandam got up from his desk and began to inspect his new prisoners. He got a bit too close to Franky, resulting in him getting bitten and thrown around like a chew toy. Lucci quickly hit Franky, allowing Spandam to get free.

"Tch, You low-lives have no right to do that to me!" Spandam yelled, slamming his hand on his desk.

"That's it, this is my only chance. Shut Up! You look like the slasher from 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. Hell, I have a friend back where I'm from who calls you 'Condom' because of how much he hates you!" Sean yelled out, slightly not caring if he got beaten for it. It was how he felt and even if no damage came, it was a sort of therapy to yell at him.

"Y-you DARE insult me! Y-Your power doesn't even work, s-so why bother!" Spandam quickly kicked the boy in the shins, knocking him over. He grinded Sean's face into the ground. 

"That's enough, he tends to speak without thinking first.." Robin said, slightly looking away. Spandam glared at her, stomping on the boy before marching over to Robin. 

"Now why would I listen to a demon child like you." Spandam slapped her, knocking her back a bit.

"Tch, I shouldn't have expected any better from lowly criminals.." Spandam went back over to his desk, sitting in his chair. Sean slowly tried to get up, he was able to get into a mix of squatting and sitting (If you read 'DeathNote' it's how L sits).

"Alright, any second now..." Sean calmly said, slightly leaning to look out the doorway to outside.

"What are you on about?!" Spandam shouted, visibly annoyed.

"You still have yet to learn how stubborn yet terrifying our captain can be." Spandam swiftly punched Sean in the face, knocking him off balance. Only a few seconds later a den-den mushi rang.

"Hello? This is Directer Spandam." He was trying to keep a calm composure, but more panic bubble up.

"S-Sir! This is the front gate! We have a problem-" The soldier on the other side was cut off, the line going dead. 

"W-What! What kind of problem!" Spandam's panic began to rise with every passing second. Sean had a few guesses as to what it might have been, most if not all involving his idiot of a captain.

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