"Stuffed Dinosaur"

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(Why did i edit filler?)
(Sean P.O.V)

I felt a light turn on suddenly, causing my eyes to shoot awake seeing Nami practically rip all of us out of bed.

"Get Up!" I suddenly felt the warm blanket leave and swiftly had it replaced with a cold floor.

letting out a small groan, I just stayed there. Being to tired to move I just snuggled up to the floor, hoping to fall asleep again.

"Come on Sean, up and at 'em!" I looked up seeing Nami to try and wake all of us boys up. I slowly got up and walked slowly out of the room.I still felt really cold, I ended up walking back and grabbing my blanket to keep me warm.

I soon found out why Nami wanted us awake.Turns out a big storm was coming. Wait, STORM!Nami was quickly shouting orders to keep us alive. We furled the sails to keep us from going under.

" Hey Sean, can your devil fruit blast away clouds?" Luffy yelled out from his post.I hadn't thought of that, its a possibility

"Bitch ass storm." I was flung back abit but was caught by Zoro, the clouds also seemed to part.

"HAHA, IT WORKED!" I had a burst of energy.

"What happend to you being tired?" Usopp seemed to question.About an hour after the storm I felt my tired self again, I knew it would be a while for night to come. And I was against a nap as I wanted to fall asleep NOT around 3 am. I decided to just sit on the deck and draw.

The sun was shining overhead, my only weaknes, the warmth slowly made me sleepy. I ended up falling asleep using my sketchbook as a pillow of sorts seeing as it was proped against my knees.

(Author P.O.V)

Nami walked over to Sean's sleeping body and put a blanket around the boy. She then walked away not wanting to disturb the tired male. Ussop was up in the crow's nest looking for land. He soon got bored of it and went back down to the deck.

He quickly panicked thinking Sean passed out, but after further inspection he saw he was asleep. Usopp got an idea but he would need Nami's help.

Usopp tried to pry the young boy's sketchbook free. He soon replaced it with small hankerchief he had in his bag of trinkets. To Usopp's surpise Sean seemed to welcome the change.

Usopp then found Nami in the kitchen, making food he knew he would have to pay for. The rest of the crew was there as well. Luffy and Zoro looked over seing it was Usopp.

"Hey Usopp, whats with notebook?" Luffy asked pointing at Sean's notebook.

"Oh! This isn't mine, I got it from Sean as I wanted to make him something as a thanks but I couldn't think of anything he likes. SOO I thought I could see what he draws."Luffy nodded seeminly understanding .

"Why not ask him for it, instead of stealing it?" Nami questioned while collecting beri's from the other males in the room, proceeding to slide food in front of them.

Usopp got a little nervous.

"W-well, I feared I would be insulted of the ship." Zoro facepalmed.

"He's going to most likley do that when he finds you stole his sketchbook" Usopp quickly began panicing again, Luffy soon broke out into laughter.

"ITS NOT FUNNY, i'm going to die." His sudden shift, soon made the room filled with laughter at Usopps dilema.

Soon Usopp flipped through the many pages looking for something he could use. He noticed that there was almost nothing he could use. He set the book down sighing in defeat.

" Hey, maybe you could as him about his drawings?"

"Ask who about what, also anyone know where I placed my stechbook?" Usopp imedantly froze, Nami also hid the book from sight of Sean.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang