Chapter 6 Kaya

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(Sean Pov)
I quickly ran to catch up with the others. The mansion was a ways away but we soon made our way there.

"The captain usually comes here, he likes to cheer up the girl who lives here." The boy with green pepper like hair said as we made our way to the gates.

The three boys tried to climb over the tall gate.
I was going to move over to the hedges until i felt and arm wrap around me.Then the sudden rush of air as I was suddenly several feet in the air.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Nami and I could be heard with Luffy's laugh somewhere in the mix. The sudden landing also made it worse. I was about to hit our stupid captain but Nami beat me to it.

"And who are you?" A male voice was heard that I couldn't identify till i saw 'Klauhadore' or Kuro in my eyes.

"Were pirates!" I sighed hearing another bonk .

"IDIOT! DONT JUST SAY IT!" I saw Kuro scanning us then looking back up at Usopp.

"More of your 'pirate crew' Long nose." I could see Usopp try to play off the situation.

"Its sad, too also be related to a pirate. You must hate your dead beat dad." I could see Usopps face contort into a face of rage.

"SHUT UP! I WOULD NEVER THINK THAT!" Kuro only laughed.

"Why should you? He left you, only to become an outlaw." Usopp hopped down from the tree.

" I RESPECT MY FATHER, HE IS A BRAVE WARRIOR OF THE SEA!" Kuro only scoffed at this.

"Brave! Please, he was a coward." At that moment Kiro was hit. The harmony of his glasses falling was also nice.

"Klahadore! Usopp I know he was pushing it but what wasn't necessary!" I looked up to see Kaya, i gave her a pitying look.She and the whole village were fooled.
"Get out." Kuro looked over all of us .

" But we just want a ship!" Luffy quickly interjected.

"It doesnt matter, why would we give you one. Now get out!" With that we left.

I stayed silent the whole time. I started to feel wrong. I could have stopped Kuro's plan but I stayed silent. I felt an arm tap my head, I looked up to see Zoro with a confused face.

" Hey you ok? You look troubled." This caused a few heads to turn.

"No, I'm fine just thinking." I put on a convincing face, I did it on reflex.I kept it on long enough to fool the moss headed swordsman.Nami gave me a second glance, clearly not convinced but I pushed it away.

We met at a fencing and decided to stop and recollect ourselves.

"Hey where did that long nosed guy go?" Onion quickly looked at Luffy.

" He probably went to the cliffside its where he goes to think." Carrot  and Pepper proceeded to nod confirming it.And with that Luffy set off looking for Usopp. Nami came over to me.

"There is something clearly wrong, spill it." I must have looked confused cause she then pulled my cheek.

" I'm talking about after we left the mansion..." her words seemed to drag .

"What?" I felt her stare deeply in my face.

"Why does one side of your face not have freckles?" I dead panned.

" THAT WHY YOU WERE STARING?!" Nami pulled my cheek again.

"besides that, spill it, you know something." I took a deep breath in I felt backed in a corner.

"Well you see-" I was cut iff by the sound of Onion running to us screaming.

"THERES A GUY WALKING BACKWARD!" This seemed to catch everyone's attention.

"WHAT! Thats not possible Onion your lying!" Both boys were heard.

"I'm not." This was enough to settle the kids. In the distance I could see Jango's silhouette.
On his way he passed us.

"HEY MISTER WHY ARE YOU SO WIERD!" Jango's head turned to face the three boys.

"I'm not weird." All of us sweat dropped.

"Then why are you walking backwards."

"I'm not" Again we all sweat dropped. I decided to speak up .

"Whats with the outfit?" Jango took out his pendulum/chakra and swung it a little .

"I'm a hypnotist." The three boys had stars in their eyes.

"CAN YOU HYPNOTIZE US!" Jango quickly shook his head.

"Of course not." He the squat down and swung his pendulum.

" now on the when I saw 'Jango' you will fall asleep." The three boys followed the pendulums movement's.



There was a loud thud, all of them had fallen asleep.


"WHO SHOT ME!" I raised my hand sheepishly.

"Sorry I don't have the best control on my devil fruit." This seemed to make him less mad.

"Get better control of your power, what if you affect yourself." Zoro and Nami deadpanned.

"Take your own advice!" Zoro quickly shouted out.

"Anyway I mist be going, may we meet again."
He then moonwalked away. We started to calm down. Thats when Nami pinched me again.

"Now spill it!" I quickly surrendered.

" Okay, I was worried for Usopp, he did something reckless and that will probably hurt him in the furture." I lied, convincingly too. I put on a worried face to hide how I really  felt too. Nami seemed to drop the subject .

"Hey, don't worry I'm sure he's fine." Zoro seemed a little suspicious of this but seemed to drop it. I don't know how long until I can keep this up. If I only tell the crew then will it be okay. Should I only tell them some of it or all of it. Will they think of me differently.

After a while of thinking my brain began to hurt so I pulled out my sketchbook and began to draw something. A few doodles to get my mind of it.
Before long the sun was setting and I heard Usopp's footsteps coming closer and closer. I looked up to see him coming toward us. Hiding the hand that got shot.

I gave him a pitying look and he caught my eye. His face darkened as he seemed to know I knew what happened with everyone.

"Hey captain. Whats wrong?"

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now