Chapter 2 Adjust

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(Civillian Pov)

I stood at my booth waiting for customers. We needed to be able to make ends meet, this island is barely known so we need to be able to sell our crops.

" Oh Elizabeth, what have you got there." I looked up and saw Alice, a friend of mine.

"Oh Alice! I'm just selling some fruit I found." Alice began to lean forward.

"Have you heard, apparently a boy just apeared from nowhere." My eyes widdened

"A boy ?" Alice slowly nodded.

(Sean Pov)

I slowly began to realize what happend, i looked around for any of my belongings and i found my sketchbook and pencil pouch. I quickly grabbed it and looked to see if anything was there and I found that all my drawings were there. All my pencils seemed to be in here too. I looked around longer but found nothing.

I then realized something, I'm in the West Blue. The only thing I could draw a conclusion to and based off of the more medival look of things i had only one conclusion to make. I'm in the One Piece world. But when in the one piece world.

"U-Um does anyone have a newspaper?" One of the towns people went to go grab one.

"Here young sir." I quickly skimmed through it to find any sort of timeline. I saw nothing saying it was in the timeskip and nothing about the war. After a bit more reading I made a conclusion that it was before Luffy made a name for himself.

A week has passed and after one raft building montage later I got a mediocre raft. I wanted to set sail to make my own name. after a few days of aimless sailing I came across an island and I cautiously made my way on it. What I found made me shocked it was full of reasources I gathered as many as I could.

I decided to update my raft, I gathered all the marerials I thought I would need and it works? Kinda.While I was looking for wood to make the ship I found a strange fruit, it almost looked like a speech bubble except the green stem connecting it to the tree gave it an odd shape at the top. It was a snow white color and the strange swirled design immediately that this was a devil-fruit, but it was one i'd never seen before.

I decided to eat it since it could be useful. One bite in and I immediately began to regret it, the taste was horrid. I almost felt the need to vomit, luckily I did not.

Once I finished the fruit despite all odds, i the realized I still had no idea on what its powers where and the fact I could have eaten something useless began to scare me.

"Useless fruit on that good for nothing tree!" As soon as those words left my mouth I heard something like a gunshot or cannon being fired. I looked around scared the island was now inhabited but when I looked back at the tree it now had a gaping hole in the middle.

After a few more minutes of me insulting random things on the island I then knew what this fruit was. It was the Insult-Insult fruit, Any insult I say turns into a blast of air.

This soon became handy as there was no breeze around for my now poorly made boat. With a deep breath in I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"YOU STUPID GOOD FOR NOTHING ISLAND THE FACT  NO ONE HAS LANDED ON YOU SHOWS HOW USELESS YOU ARE!" This proved to be a mistake as I was suddenly blasted away at such fast speed, I saw my life flash as islands flew by like mini blurs.

Not only did I go far but I also went high. Then BONK I landed but I had no clue where as I was still really loopy and soon passed out from shock.

(: 3rd person pov :)

As Sean lay sprawled out on the bank of the shore on gentleman came up to see what the noise was, when he arrived he saw a 14 year old boy passed out cold. The man almost ran as the boy looked unnatural, 'Impossible' the old man thought as he saw the barley functional boat that Sean seemed to own.

Soon enough the man saw movement from Sean.

"Mmmmgh, my head. Why did I do that..?" Sean then looked up and saw the half concerned half scared man. Sean then looked around and noticed where he landed.

(: Sean Pov :)
I looked around and saw the familiar bubbles and trees of the Sabaody Archipelago. I then realized I went from a small island in the west to half way across the grandline. This fruit definitely had power but I still have to get use to it or else any insult i say could launch me across the world.

"You, boy are you ok?" I look back up and see the man waving his hand in front of my face.

"You've been starting down at the ground for a long time, is something troubling you?" I quickly responded not wanting to seem like i'd be bothering him.

" Oh no, sorry I was just thinking of something!" The man seemed satisfied and walked off.

I knew the supernovas would come later but I had no clue on how much time. So I decided 'hey i'm in the One Piece world why not spoil myself a little and mess with the main crew'. I just didn't know where they were, i figured it would be around Orange Town since no major news has happened yet.

This time I mentally prepared my self and sold some of my 'extras' that I got from the island. I had enough beri to buy a helmet and a few storage items and still had a bit extra.

I strapped the helmet on the yelled.

"YOU DUMB BUBBLE ISLAND ALL YOU ARE IS JUST TREES NOT EVEN A REAL ISLAND!" This was apparently enough to again send me flying.

I flew for what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes. Once i landed I sorta tumbleweeded, this just added dizziness to my already not helping unprevented issues from doing this last time.

I heard a few voices but I wasn't able to make out what they were saying.
"L... wh.. is he.e."
"Ye.., .eel ba. ..ou.h"
"We.. W..t ..n y.. do?"
I slowly began to regain total consciousness. I looked up and saw three...Clowns?

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now