Chapter 46 ' Repairs '

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Luffy: What's wrong with Merry?

Kaku: The keel was damaged, think of the keel like the heart of the ship. With the keel damaged the ship is unable to be repaired.

Luffy: Can't you just replace the keel then?!

Paulie: That's also not possible, replacing the keel would mean building a new ship.

Luffy: Than a copy of the Merry..?

Sean: That wouldn't be the same, no two ships are exactly alike...

Kalifa: Wait you can't come here unannounced.

Sean: Shit, hide it's the government!

Sean pulled Luffy and Nami behind some wood and metal bars to hide from the government officials.

Gov. Man: Ah Iceberg how is everything!

Iceberg: Please leave.

Gov. Man: No need to be so harsh, hold on, I smell pirate scum here.

Sean and Nami held their breath as too not to be heard. Sean soon started to look around for Usopp, his face quickly went pale when he remembered the events of Water 7. The officials finally left dissatisfied. 

Sean: Shit, where's Usopp!

Nami: AHH! Th-the mon-money's gone... 

Paulie: What was with that sudden noise! HEY WAIT, SCANDALOUS WOMAN, COVER-UP WILL 'YA!

Iceberg: I'm sorry about your ship, we have other choices to replace your old ship.

Iceberg handed Luffy a catalog of other ships Luffy was about to protest before Sean tapped his shoulder.

Sean: Usopp's missing right now, we'll discuss the ship as a crew. In the end, it is your decision.

Luffy nodded before running off to find Usopp. Sean and Nami went around town together, asking if they saw someone like Usopp. After searching for a few minutes Nami and Sean found the bloodied body of Usopp.

Sean: Holy Shit! 

Nami: Usopp!

Nami and Sean quickly rushed to the battered body of Usopp, a few villagers started to crowd around the three.

Nami: Will all of you back away! This isn't a circus act!

Sean: Hey, hey Usopp. It's gonna be ok trust me.

Nami and Sean went to go find Luffy leaving Usopp proper up on a building. They looked for a few seconds before Luffy crashed into the water nearby.

Luffy: di-did you find him!

Sean: ye-yea he's just propped against a building nearby I think.

Luffy: Let's go then!

The three of them quickly rushed to where they left Usopp, only to find him missing and a blood trail leading somewhere.


The young boy slightly hit his head with both hands in a panic, Nami and Luffy soon followed the trail. After following it for a bit they ran into Chopper and Sanji, the two decided to join the three in their search for their missing crew. The group reached the end of the trail, a few feet away was the bloody and broken body of Usopp.

Sean: Dear lord...

Chopper: He's breathing slightly.

Sean: Nami get Zoro and defend the ship, I think Luffy has a grudge now.

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