Chapter 11 Krieg

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(Sean P.O.V)

I knew any second Gein would come in, along with Patty. I left the rest of the crew to get there food.  Walking to the kitchen again I grabbed two more dishes, after  dealivering the food. I wanted to try something.

I wanted to know if I could be able to fling the plates to the customers, I must have been thinking of it for a while cause I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Kid, I can tell what your thinking. And from the stories your friends say, its gonna end up breaking something." I saw Sanji behind me.

I must have frozen up because he waved a hand in front of me to see if I was ont his planet.

"OH! Sorry. I was just wondering if I would be able to us my devil fruit to serve the customers." Sanji was most likely filled in on my fruit I didn't feel the need to explain.

"No, your crew has told me about its power and I don't want a broken wall on accident." Sanji lit a new ciggerate after talking. He made a gesture asking if him smoking was ok .

"Don't worry, I'm used to the smell of ciggerate smoke." Sanji looked at me for a second before continuing, not wanting to press the subject. After Sanji told me it was most likey risky, seeing as I still had no idea on what it could do. I ended up agreeing with him.

I just did the norm untill a scrawny looking man came through the door. At this point I've seen Patty in the kitchen, only reason I noticed is because he cooks way to fast. Someone had to serve the guy. I came up with an excuse for me and Luffy as there were still costomers. To my luck Patty was chosen.

I noted it was changed from how I had seen it. I guess its just from me being here, but the events would stay the same. I could only see from the other tables of others and the kitchen.

Once I got two plates in I saw Patty attack the poor guy, which at this point could tell was Gein. I could see Sanji get a little irked while taking orders. I knew if I helped Sanji I'd get yelled at by Zeff. I saw Luffy go and just went 'F*ck it, i'm going down with this ship' I followed Luffy to see him run into Sanji with a the beated Gein.

Luffy turned around and saw me following him, I placed a finger over my lips. Pretty much saying 'Shush, i'm doing something.' Luffy only nodded, I could only hope he understood.

I sat upon the ship's railing. Our cover was only blown when Luffy talked when Gein was done with his food.

"Hey chef, join my crew!" Sanji looked up at the two of us.

"Your crew? Are you guys pirates or something?" I laughed while nodding, Gein looked at us most likely questioning.

"Sorry, no can do. I've got to stay here as thanks to that old geezer." I only laughed harder, seeing as I knew that wouldn't last long.

"You damm brats! Why are you out here and not working!" I saw Zeff a level above us I tried my hardest to stop but my laughing turned me into a hyper, giggley, mess of a human being.Point being I laughed harder.

"Ok ok, deep breathing." I spoke to really no one but myself. I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself but it got a little worse. Untill I got a hit on the head by Sanji.

"Thanks I needed that." Gein left but I knew he would return soon. And I went back to serving food, while Luffy tried his best. Quickly I heard rumors of a ship being seen, I looked out the window and sure enough there was Krieg's ship. It deffiently looked like a ghost ship.

I continued to serve plates. While serving, I heard the door slam open. There was Krieg, being held up by Gein. I didn't bother staying around longer and just bunkered in the kitchen. I couldn't hear what was being said, but I could see what was happening.

Suddenly Krieg just fell down, makes sense as he is starving. I knew he would soon be begging for food. Sanji then left the kitchen with a bowl of food. He placed it infront of Krieg, who instantly began to eat it.

"Sanji what the hell! He's an enemy." Even though I was working with these guys, I honetly found them annoying.

"Quiet! Sanji knows what its like to be hungry, let the brat do what he wishes!" Zeff soon came down a ladder.Once the plate of food was empty, Krieg stood up and quickly hit Sanji. Knocking him to the floor. At this point I left the kitchen, hoping to be of some use.

"Bring me enough food to feed a fleet of soldiers!" The chefs quickly grabbed giant utensils.

"Move idiots!" Zeff came from the kitchen holding a giant bag.

"Theres enough food there to feed 1,000." Krieg quickly took the bag, and headed back to his ship.He returned after tossing the bag on his ship.

"Now that my men are fed, I require a ship." He looked at the outside of the Baratie.

"I think this will do nicely." As Krieg was about to step foot back inside his bath was blocked by two giant spoons.

"C-Captain, th-the man is here!" Krieg looked at the young soldier.

"What did you say." The soldier had fear and panic in his eyes.

"It's 'Hawk Eyes" Krieg seemed to freeze. From inside the resturant I could see this sparked something in Zoro.

"He followed us here!" As Krieg reavaluated what this meant. Mihawks coffin boat began to bob up and down with the sea. One of the soldiers aimed his pistol at the boat. When it was fired Mihawk took his sword. He redirected the bullet as to not hit him.

I knew I wanted to see his fight with Zoro, even though I knew how it would end. It's fun to see Zoro get schooled on.

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