Chapter 21 "The Sakura kingdom"

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(Sean P.O.V)

Dr. Krueha came out and took Dalton to get healed. I stayed hidden since I wasn't as injured at Dalton was. I hid the main wound in my shoulder by fixing the bandages under the coat.

"Sean you should really see the doctor." Vivi said as she noticed what I was doing. I just waved her off since if it got bad we would have Chopper with us. I felt a punch on the back of my head.

"Not on my watch as a doctor." Krueha said from behind me. I was soon given actual treatment for the wounds. I was in the same room as Dalton when Nami came in.

"Oh Sean, you're here too?" Nami asked I just nodded my head. Krueha took notice of Nami in the room.

"Ya need something missy?" Krueha then took a swig of her drink.

"I was curious if I was free to go." Nami said slightly looking past Krueha to the door behind her.

"Theres a coat and keys, but under no circumstances are you to take them." Krueha said while leaving. I looked at Nami who then looked between me and Dalton.

"Did she just say take the coat and run?" Nami said a little confused. Dalton seemed to be puzzled as well. I just got up and tossed the coat to Nami. She seemed to get the idea and we left after bidding Dalton farewell.

"Luffy is there any new crew member I am now unaware of?" I asked. It was clear I knew we would get one. Luffy continued to loo for Chopper.

"I would say yes but I can't find them." Sanji just lit a cigarette.

"Just give it up Luffy, they clearly don't want to join." Sanji said. I could see Chopper up on the castle and waved to him. He went back to hiding which I found adorable.

"There you are! Join my crew!" Luffy yelled up to him.

"I can't. I would love to but look at me, i'm a reindeer, I have a blue nose. I'm a monster. You can always visi-"

"We're friends right! Then come on!" Luffy said while throwing his arms in the air. Chopper seemed to get an idea and quickly came down to our level.

"Ehahaha! Welcome to the crew Chopper!" I laughed while hugging the small reindeer.

"R-really! This is great, but I have to tell Doctorine fist." He quickly went to go tell her. I got near the sled knowing where this was going.

"Sean where are you going?" Nami asked I gave her a look saying 'you'll see'.

"AAAAAAAH EVERYONE TO THE SLED!" Chopper screamed running out of the castle. The rest ran to the sled while I jumped in. I latter had to grab Usopp as he was holding on for dear life. I could tell Chopper was upset about Krueha. I wanted to lift his spirits but that was soon to come.

"3, 2, 1, boom." I muttered and as if on count the cherry blossom cannons went off. Creating the pink snow that looked like the cherry blossom petals.

"Woah." The crew said almost in unison.

"It's prettier in person." I said The Sakura Kingdom was born. We had to keep a move on before we lost any more time. Heading back to the Merry was easy since Wapol's men were gone.

"Ah! I forgot my bag!" Chopper began to panic. Nami then held out a blue bag with a white 'X' on it.

"Is this it?" She asked. Hopper had stars in his eyes from how happy he was.

"Yes, where was it." He asked Nami then said it was in the sled. This brought Chopper to tears, he knew Krueha was the one who put it there.

"Here Chopper stick these in your nose!" Luffy said while handing the small reindeer chopsticks. Chopper mimicked the look Luffy was doing. We started to party.

"Hey wait! Choppers a year older then me!" I said out loud. I soon realized I was the youngest member.

"Ah well. More mistakes to make fun of." I said shrugging it off. We continued on with the party. I may not have drunk any alcohol but I still somehow passed out.

"AGAIN! WHO ATE ALL THE FOOD!" Sanji said, bursting from the kitchen. I sat up grumbling about the noise.

"Luffy, Usopp, Chopper what did you do." I said a little drawled out. I was clearly annoyed, this ticked off Sanji off on what happened.

"Shhhh!" Luffy said putting a finger over his lips. I went over to the mast for support to not pass out.

"Is this what a hangover is?" I said wondering how I have one, with drinking no alcohol.

I went to the kitchen to grab some water. Coming back out I could see Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper use Karoo as bait. I sat on the rail to watch them.

"Wonder what you'll get?" I asked looking over at them.

"You know something don't you." Usopp said loosing faith in catching anything. I laughed at his somber attitude. I walked away only to lean on the mast and drink my water.

"Ack! Never mind we got something!" Usopp said looking at me. I gave a half-hearted chuckle at him. When they pulled Bon Clay up I felt a small smile creep on my lips.

"I'm saved! And by pirates." He said while looking around the ship.

"Aww, no food." Luffy said a little sad.

"EEK! W-would you eat me." Bon Clay said while looking at us.

"Ehaha, no sorry. But our captain will eat anything edible." I said a little sarcastically. Bon Clay calmed down a bit.

"Ah, well thank you for saving me." Bon Clay said while doing a little twirl. The 'idiot' trio as I call them looked at Bon Clay with wonder.

"Sorry I couldn't swim, I ate the Clone-Clone fruit." Bon said while striking a pose.

"What does it do?" Luffy asked. Bon proceeded to hit Luffy with his right hand. Everyone but me got in an attacking stance.

"Hey hey! It's all apart of my show." He then touched his fave with his left hand. His face then shifted to Luffy.

"Tadaa! My power." Bon Clay's voice also shifted to that of Luffy. Bon the went around and touched all our faces. I noticed Sanji wasn't on the deck.

"And It even works for bodies." He was in Nami's body. Knowing what was going to happen I looked away like the respectful boy I am.

"ENOUGH!" Nami said while hitting Bon Clay on the head.

"And I even have a memory feature." He said while switching through his many saved faces. I could see Vivi tense up at the sight of Cobra.

"Mr. 2 Bon Clay-Sama!" Bon Clay's crew soon came into view and soon was next to the Merry.

"Farewell my friends! Maybe we will see each other again!" Bon said while leaping to the other ship.

Yes Sean's laughter style is Ehahahaha, I have no idea if this is already used as I can't remember every characters. I may take a while to now post a chapter because I have school going on. Also 1k views on this mess, I'm impressed. Thank you! <3.

A &quot;New World&quot; a One Piece and Male insert ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon