Chapter 8.5 Coming Out

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Yes this is a half chapter. It has important new for the story but not long enough for a full chapter. The next chapter tho is going to be completely filler as i need to dump a few ideas i had. Dont worry Sanji will be introduced soon!
(Sean P.O.V)
I've been debating with myself on how to come out to the crew, I could write it down and hide it somewhere. But that might take time for them to find.I can always just tell them, but my insecurities won't let me.

I can tell Nami and have her tell the crew, or she won't like me anymore.I must have begun to pace around the deck of the Merry.I felt a few looks of curiosity on my back as i began walking back and forth. I knew they were making the flag so we could get our Jolly Roger.

Sooner rather then later I felt a small tap on my shoulder, to my dismay its Nami. Giving me a 'wtf are you doing' look.

"Sean, why are you pacing around the ship?" Nami would have pressed further but I couldn't tell as I pretty much ran to the other side of the ship.I also started to feel the pain of my binder, it must have been pure adrenaline keeping the feeling of not breathing away.

I should have thought my actions through enough as me running away sparked curiosity in almost everyone. I decided to finally come out to them.After I finished hiding and avoiding all of them.

I was quickly found by Usopp and he called the rest over.

"Aright now why are you hiding?" I sighed, I had to say it now or it would not end well

"Well, I may be a trans male." I didn't know if they knew what that meant and judging by the silence I was right.

"That means I was born a female and but identify as male, I was scared on how you would react as in the past it has been good and bad!" I ended up blurting the last part out.

I quickly breathed as I did that in one breath.

"Why were you scared to tell us?" Zoro cut through the silence, he quickly got hit on the head from Nami

"HE WAS SCARED WE WOULD HATE HIM STUPID!" Usopp nods his head seeming to understand then gives me a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, 'Captain' Usopp would never abandon you." Luffy was just Luffy and I have no clue if he understood at all.I quickly realized they only know half.

"I'm also gay thought I should mention that." Nami gave an understanding nod as she honestly could tell.Again Usopp was unfazed, Zoro didn't care and again Luffy was Luffy.

" So Sean will you be okay bunking with the boys or would you like it with me?" Nami asked me.
I thought for a while about it.

" Um, i guess I can bunk with the boys as long as I can change in your room, is that ok?" Nami quickly nodded.

"Hey its fine what ever your comfortable with." Usopp then patted my back. Yeah I think I could get used to this.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now