Chapter 14 Party

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(Sean P.O.V)

Once Arlong Park fell the people of Cocoyashi village rejoyced. Zoro just continued to sleep. The people of Cocoyashi were very aprecative of all of us taking down the Arlong pirates. I went near the sea to get a sketch of it. I could hear the beging of the party in the background.

I could hear someone walk behind me so I turned and saw Nami. I knew she must have come back from Bellemere's grave.

"Thanks for everything Sean." She proceded to hug me, I hugged back.

"No problem, big sis-" I sweat dropped Nami looked and me.

"Do you think of me as a sister or have Yosaku  and Johnny gotten to you?" I laughed at her comment before shaking my head.

"Na. Your like the sister I never had!" We headed back, me and Stella partook in the party but since we wern't allowed to drink we just drank soda.Somehow, I acted the same level of drunk as Luffy and the rest. Stella looked at me wondering how I havn't somehow died.

The party seemed to go on forever. I woke up with my head on Stella's shoulder. I quickly apologized, while still in my half caffiene half drunk self. The Strawhats went back to the Merry

"Hey, Stella if you want to I could most likely persuade Luffy to have you join. You could hang out with Zoro~"I slightly poked making fun of the fact we both were big simps.

Stella lightly hit me while I just laughed. I brushed the hair out of my face whiel Stella jsut shook her head.

"As much as its an offer, I feel like Cocoyahsi needs help. Plus Nojiko has been helping me settle in this world." I nodded a little sad I wouldn't see my best frined a lot, but happy she settled in.

I got on the Merry and sat around the mast, I almost would have fallen asleep if Nami hadn't dropped all the wallets she stole.

"The gangs almost all here." I muttered to myself.

"Alright! I want to hold a meeting so i can discuss a few things." I spoke up getting the crew's attention .
We all gathered in a circle.

"I'll explain and if you have any questions I will answer them." They all seemed to agree with it .

"Alright, I'll start with the obvious. I know roughly the next events about to happen." . I took out my old sketchbook before flipping to some previous pages.

"I've seen most of these events play out already I flipped to one of people they had already met.I held up a picture of Mihawk.

"I drew this a long while ago, while I was in school to be exact." I closed my sketchbook.

"Now i'll say the more outlandish, I have come from a diffrent world. One where devil fruits, warlords, and pirates are not so common place."I looked up again ready to answer any of there questions. I knew I would have to explain this when more crew members joined but, I think i'll just get used to it.

"So do you know where the One Piece is?" I heard Usopp ask, I shook my head.

"Even if my knowledge of this place is large, I don't know what or where the One Piece is."

"Makes sense, you seemed to have this all knowing aura about you." The rest of the crew agreed.

"So your from another world, then do you know we fought when I met Zoro?" Luffy looked at me, I facepalmed.

"Yes, you fought a corrupt, Captain Morgan. And his son Helmeppo." I had to hold myslef back from laughing when remembering the 4kids hammer gun.

"Alright! Now we know you better!" Luffy laughed while getting up.

"Now Sanji, make some food i'm hungry!" I knew this was going to be a nightmare. We soon made our way to Lougetown thanks to Nami's navigation.

I knew I had to update my weopon as yes, pencils hurt. It was doing very little.

"Hey, Zoro you need new swords right? Can I come with to hopefully get some knives?" Zoro questioned my motive.

"Pencils hurt yes, but using them as your main weopon does jack shit against stronger opponents." Zoro nodded, he most likley understood having to use swords and all.I walked over to Nami.

"Um, Nami can I borrow some beri to get a new weopon?" I was a little nervous since I knew she loved debt.

"What are you planning on getting?" I pointed at Zoro.

"I was gonna  get knives and Zoro would get new katanas." Nami looked at the two of us before handing us 3,000 beri each.

"Make sure to retun any left over!" She called out as me and Zoro now heavily in debt went ot the weopon shop. I also wanted to stop by an art shop when this was done. When we entered the shop I saw Tashigi saying the owner was selling a sword for a higher price then its original worth. I imidently knew this was Tashigi by the fact she looked like an older Kuina.I walked up to the owner.

"Excuse me do you sell knvies, i've been using pencils up untill now but I think I need an upgrade." Zoro was looking around at the diffrent swords in the back while I looked at the diffrent knives the owner brought out. I saw a few that had cought my eye.

"Excuse me, why does this one look like a ritual knife?" I asked pointing to a knife that had a swerved bade. a red metal.

"Ahh, good eye kid. This was once said to be the fnife used by a cult back 300 years ago." I could see Tasgigi flip through her weopon encyclopedia.

"Even though it isnt a sword it still is a meito grade, thanks to its bloody past, rumor has it that its cursed but non have proven these rumors true." Tashigi read the pasage on the blade aloud.I looked at the owner.

"Nice. Got three others you can find, I've grown attached to this guy." I looked over my shoulder to see Zoro look through swords.

"Right,right. look this way." I looked over the gallary of knifves and small blades than adorned the walls. The owner began to help Zoro and I could tell he was about to do the cursed balde test. I found a knife that had a beautiful handle and a nice bluish tint to the metal.

I then closed my eyes, I through my hand out and grabbed two random blades from the shelf, the two I picked up looked almost identical. both a  jet black handle with an orangish glow to the blade. I walked up to the owner and layed all the swords out. Zoro walked over dropping the Kitetsu blade while asking for another sword.

"Heh, Nice choice kid, I guess artists do have an eye for things." I smiled up at Zoro thanking him for the compliment.

"U-uhm boy are you sure these are what you want." the owner looked scared while glaring at the two twin blades."

Yep! How much." The owner did some calculations with Tashigi corecting him.

"It's all about 1,500 beri. I just want those two knives gone." I looked at the two blades and laughed and handed him the money. I was given a harness to keep the blades in. I waved bye to Zoro before walking around looking for an art store.

After walking around a little I saw Luffy run into Smoker. Now yes i'm a pirate but I suck when it comes to direcctions, not as bad as Zoro though.

"Hello, excuse me could you point me to the nearest art shop." I walked up to Smoker. He ruffled my hair.

"Three lefts then straight across a bookstore." I thanked the marine captain before dashing off. I wanted to see if there were any markers or watercolors I could use. I saw Luffy again.

I began to wonder if the bookstore was near the execution platform or Luffy just got lost. Following Smokers advice I found the art store and yea it was only a few blocks turns away from the execution plateform. I went in and I imedently felt all warm and fuzzy inside. I bought a small color pencil set with a blender to smooth it out.

I paid and was still able to give some back to Nami. I hurried out of the Art store and turned a few blocks to see Luffy proudly on the execution stand. And I knew it was about to get buck wild.

A "New World" a One Piece and Male insert ocWhere stories live. Discover now