I can't stay mad at you - Fluff

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Idea from a3a0d0n7
Thank you! I hope you enjoy :)
So sorry it took so long, I'm focusing on a full story now too. ❤️
Lots of love,
- Amy

"I can't stand this anymore Freddie! You never stay at this house for more than two months!" Jim exclaimed, sat in the armchair, head in his hands.

"I'm a famous singer, Jim! I go on tours, it's my job! I can't afford to turn around and say no!" Freddie waved his hands around angrily as he paced the room.

"Your children miss you, they want you to stay home." Jim explained with gritted teeth. Both adults were completely oblivious to their children, standing in the doorway, scared of the raised voices from their fathers.

"No Jim, it's you who wants me to stay at home. The girls are fine with it. You don't own me, Jim! Part of my job or not, I have the right to go where I like!"

"Freddie you are acting like a child! Of course I don't control you, but I'm convinced that I have to for your own good! You are reckless! I cannot stand being in a room with you in this mood!"

"THEN LEAVE!" Freddie bellowed, marching out of the room and up the stairs. Jim pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh. He loved Freddie more than anything in the whole damn world, but by god could he be difficult sometimes.

Jim was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear his daughters come into the room and sit themselves down on the sofa next to him. Sophia meekly reached forward and tugged a little on her papa's sleeve. He looked up and relaxed a bit.

Jim took his children into his arms and held them close. Emilia, his youngest, snuggled into him, head buried in his neck. Sophia leaned back against his shoulder. His eldest looked him in the eye.

"Why was daddy shouting, papa?"

Jim ran his fingers through his daughter's hair.

"He was upset because we want him to stay home, but his job makes him go all around the world. It was just a little argument baby, it doesn't matter now."

"But daddy told you to leave." Emilia said, fingers fiddling with Jim's polo shirt. Jim held his daughter a little bit tighter.

"He was just angry sweetheart. He doesn't mean it."

"Oh, I bloody well do." A voice was heard. Freddie leaned against the wall, arms crossed, eyebrow perked up. Jim sighed and signalled for the girls to get off his lap. They did so, and Jim turned to face Freddie.

"I've packed your bag, it's in the hall. You have to understand that this is part of my job. It's how I earn my money. If you don't like that, then you're gonna have to leave."

"Freddie I never said I didn't want to be here, I said that I wished you could spend more time with me and the girls. They constantly ask me when their daddy is coming home every time you tour."

"Well I'm sorry but I can't just tell them I'm going to take a break, it comes out of my wages! Look, leave if you want, I don't care. I'm going out for some fresh air. I might come back later, I might stay with kash. See ya."

Freddie went over to his daughters and hugged them tight, placing a gentle kiss to each of their foreheads.

"I'll see you later my babies. Be good for papa, okay? I love you both so much." He managed a little smile for his children. They hugged him tightly also, and gave him sad smiles.

Freddie stood, and without so much as a look in Jim's direction, grabbed his little bag of essentials from the corridor and left the house, closing the door behind him.

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