The dentist - fluff

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Requested by vampiregirl2131890
I hope you enjoy!
- Amy

"I'm not going!" Freddie exclaimed from the bathroom. He had locked himself in there so Jim wouldn't get to him. Jim had booked a dentist appointment on behalf of the singer, and had only told him today. "You absolutely cannot make me! I'm staying here!"

On the other side of the door, Jim had found the master key, which locked and unlocked every door in the house. Freddie heard the lock click and the door swung open. "Oh for the love of god." He muttered, and made an attempt to duck under Jim's arms and run. Mistake.

Jim seized Freddie by the middle and swung the smaller male over his shoulder. Freddie screamed, and kicked out his legs, wiggling, trying to get out of Jim's grasp. Jim, the stronger one of the two, was completely unfazed and carried Freddie downstairs and put him down on the sofa, trapping him with his arms. "Jimmm..." Freddie whined, and Jim saw a hint of actual fear in the singer's eyes.

"Baby, they're not going to hurt you. You're going to be fine." Freddie shook his head. Jim hushed Freddie's worried whimpers, and stroked his hair. "You know I would never let anybody hurt you. Don't you trust me?"

Freddie slowly nodded. "What's the matter, baby? Tell me what's up." Jim sat Freddie on his lap. Freddie just shook his head again. "Ok, you don't have to tell me, but I want you to know that I'm not going to let them hurt you. You're my baby." Freddie just breathed into Jim's hair.

"Cmon little one, let's go, ok?" Freddie took Jim's hand and pulled on his shoes. He pulled on a coat and went outside, waiting for his husband to unlock the car. Oh well, now or never...


"See I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Jim teased when they were back in the car. Freddie just grumbled. Jim chuckled and they drove off away from the dentist. The car ride was filled with comfortable silence.

"You owe me an ice cream." Freddie mumbled. Jim laughed out loud, but listened and parked infront of the ice cream shop on the high street.

"Jim I was joking." Freddie smiled, but Jim would hear any of it.

"Don't lie to me. Your usual?" Jim, ever the gentleman, opened the car door for Freddie and escorted him inside. Freddie, finding a table for the two of them, nodded, feeling butterflies in his stomach.

Jim went to order, and came back five minutes later with two ice cream sundaes, one was vanilla with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, and the other was caramel with chocolate sauce and coconut shavings.

"You know, we did this exact thing on our very first date. And now we're doing it again when we've been together for nine years." Freddie smiled at the Irishman. Jim leaned forward and kissed his husband.

"And we'll do it again when it's been nineteen years. Then twenty nine, thirty nine and forty nine. Because I will love you forever and ever."

"Sap." Freddie joked, but he couldn't deny the silly smile that came onto his face as he looked down at the ice cream.

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