Big Sister - Fluff PART 2

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Mpreg warning*

Of all things Freddie Mercury imagined he'd become, one of the last things he thought of was being a famous rockstar, married to an Irish barber, having a five year old daughter called Sophia and being seven months pregnant with a second baby girl. But hey, life is full of surprises, and he honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

Well, there were some things that could be altered. For instance, the complete lack of sleep since he entered the third trimester. It was currently 1pm, and Freddie hadn't got a second of sleep in nearly 36 hours. Every single time he closed his eyes to nap, his unborn child suddenly decided she wanted to play football with his womb. It was at a point where it wasn't even funny; he never had this trouble with Sophia. This baby, Freddie thought, truly hated him.

Of course, being as delicate as he is right now, the thought of his child hating him brought him to tears. Little did he know that his eldest was coming up the stairs, hearing her Daddy's sniffles from the bedroom and wondering what was wrong.

Sophia slowly opened the door and called Freddie's name. Freddie turned to his daughter, hastily wiping his eyes in the process, plastering on a fake smile.

"Hi baby girl, you okay? Could you tell uncle Phoebe that Daddy's sorry he hasn't come down?"

The young girl was having none of this bullshit. She crossed her arms over her chest, perked up an eyebrow and stated,

" I'm ok, and I will, but you're not ok."

Freddie chuckled a bit. This girl was too sassy for her own good.
"I'm okay sweetheart, just tired. Sissy's been moving around a lot and it's stopped Daddy sleeping. But I'm alright, honey, promise."

Sophia hopped on to the bed beside her Daddy, laid down on the pillows and stretched her arms out for her Daddy to cuddle. Freddie smiled softly, and slowly laid down next to his daughter. Sophia brought her Daddy's head to her chest and patted his hair comfortingly.

Freddie grinned, burying his head in his daughter's shoulder and just breathed. God, this is so nice, he thought. He wrapped his arms around his kid and his eyes started to droop.

Sophia whispered,
"I think cuddles help with sleep Daddy. They work for me. Night night, Daddy, love you."

Freddie held his daughter a little bit tighter, murmured his I love you's to Sophia, and he was out like a light. Sophia just smiled and contently watched the TV playing in the background.

Jim got home from work at about 6:30pm. He expected Sophia to be playing with her teddies, Freddie stroking his cats or something, but no. Neither of them were there. As he entered the kitchen Joe told him that they were both upstairs. Jim thanked him and headed toward the staircase.

As he made his way upstairs, he heard the blur of a television coming from his and Freddie's bedroom. Relieved, Jim entered the room to find Freddie fast asleep, head tucked in to his daughter's neck, who was watching a cartoon on the TV.

Sophia shushed Jim as he walked in to the room, and he chuckled, came over to kiss his daughter's and husband's foreheads, and whispered greetings to Sophia.

"He said that he was tired so I helped him go to sleep. Don't wake him up Papa, he needs to rest." Sophia murmured, holding her Daddy tightly. Jim nodded and left the room to get changed.

When he came, back, he found that Sophia had dozed off too, arms round her Daddy, head resting on his, snoozing away.

Jim kisses them both goodnight, leaving them in peace so they could explore their dreams a while longer.

Part Three will be uploaded soon.

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