Birthday Bash (PART ONE) - Fluff

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Jim woke to the sound of birds twittering from the hazel tree, that stood tall next to their open bedroom window. It was surprisingly humid for January, no rain, and no clouds. At least there was good weather on his birthday.

Sue him, but the bed was warm, and if it took him another 20 minutes to get out of bed, that was his business. Freddie was up before him, which normally would surprise him, but since he got pregnant he hasn't really been able to sleep much at all, bless him.

They went to the doctors the previous morning, explaining to the doctor Freddie's symptoms. Freddie was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, or Severe Morning Sickness. Luckily he hadn't lost any weight yet because he was eating the right foods, but it was risky nonetheless.

Jim couldn't hear any vomiting or crying right now, so he assumed Freddie was fine for the moment. He made his way downstairs, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and found the house empty. Weird.

He went over to make some bacon and eggs, because it was his birthday and he deserved what he wanted, thanks very much. He was in the middle of frying the eggs when he finally spotted the note on the counter.

My Darling,
Meet us at The Swan at 11am sharp for the first of your birthday surprises! <3
Love you always,
Freddie, sophie, Emi and Muffin. XXX

The Huttons had recently taken to nicknaming baby #3 Muffin, because when Sophie saw the first ultrasound photo of the baby, she thought his face looked like the top of a muffin, fresh from the oven. It was weird, but somehow it made Freddie's heart soften, so he started referring to his bump as "muffin". Soon everyone else started doing it too.

Jim glanced at the clock. 10:15. He'd better eat and get dressed quick, he knew for a fact it would take a good 20 minutes to get to The Swan from here.

Jim and Freddie used to go to The Swan all the time before Sophie was born. Freddie used to feel a lot more positive toward clubbing before he found out about Soph, and he once clubbed four nights in a row. Jim swore it was on one of those drunken nights that Sophie was conceived. He hadn't stepped foot in there for nearly eight years.

He quickly devoured his breakfast and jogged upstairs to get showered and dressed. He picked out his favourite jeans and a red polo shirt with a collar. He put on his gold watch and combed his hair, before tapping some aftershave on his jaw, neck and wrists. He put on some white socks and his favourite trainers, white with navy blue and red accents. He got some sunglasses because the sun was surprisingly bright and got into his car, locking the front door.

He arrived at The Swan promptly at 10:56, and was met with a security guard asking for his name. Before he could reply Freddie appeared behind the bouncer. He cheerfully smiled and said "He's with us dear, under Hutton. Family of six." Six? Oh, Joe and Phoebe. Of course.

Freddie took his hand and pulled him into the pub, taking him to a table at the back. It had long sofa seats, rather like a retro diner, and at the edges of the table there were piles of presents, wrapped in silver and blue paper. Sophie, Phoebe and Emi sat on one side of the table and Joe was at the other. Freddie slid in next to Joe and patted the space next to him for Jim. Jim smiled and sat down next to Fred, kissing his temple.

"I never got to say good morning." Jim smiled and rubbed his nose against Freddie's neck. Freddie hummed and let Jim wrap an arm around his shoulders. "Did you eat before you came here, darling?"

"Yes I did, I apologise if you'd ordered anything." Freddie smiled at Jim. "No, lovie, it's fine, we're just waiting on some food for Emi and Soph, we were planning on getting another round of drinks if you want one."

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