Tickles and Pillows - fluff

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Request by a3a0d0n7 who, might I add, comes up with the most amazing ideas!
I hope you enjoy this!
- Amy

"You're so beautiful." Jim kissed Freddie's neck, holding him gently. He was in a very loving mood at that moment and had pinned the shorter man down on the bed, kissing his neck and collarbone. Perhaps the affection came from the fact that his husband was literally a god. Perhaps it was the fact that said god was currently carrying his first child. Maybe it sprouted for no reason at all. Did it really matter? Freddie definitely didn't look as if he wanted it to stop.

Freddie just let Jim kiss his body, eyes closed, head resting against the pillows of the bed, taking in deep breaths, humming happily occasionally. He inhaled sharply, though, when Jim's fingers brushed over an area in his waist that was particularly sensitive. Jim tensed, and Freddie, fearing the worst, bit his lip and stayed still as a stone.

Jim slowly looked up to face Freddie, and his face was etched with malicious intent. Freddie's eyes widened. Jim raised himself up so he was doing a box-press-up over Freddie, and spoke, in his deep accented voice,

"Are you ticklish?"

Freddie gulped. "N-no..." he whimpered, all confidence drained from his being. Jim perked an eyebrow up and swerved his fingers over the same spot on Freddie's waist once more, smirk widening when Freddie's breath once again hitched and he squirmed. The two men locked eyes with each other.

Fuck it, run. Freddie's brain told him. So he did. He leapt up and tried to run away, but Jim easily picked him up and, rather gently - Freddie will give him that, plopped him down on the bed once more.

"Please don't, plea-" Freddie cut himself off with a screech as Jim started tickling his sides mercilessly. His entire body erupted with laughter as he pathetically tried to swat Jim's hands away. Jim grinned himself at his lover's torture, leaning down to make silly sounds by attaching his lips to the base of Freddie's neck and blowing.

This action only made Freddie laugh and scream harder. He wheezed as his hands made kittenish attempts to push Jim off of him.

"Ji-hi-hi-hi-him, sto-ho-hop! You ba-ha-ha-ha-ha-stard!" Freddie giggled and thrashed around on the bed. But Jim didn't stop. In fact he tickled harder. Freddie looked around desperately for something to help him. He grabbed a pillow, and smacked it into Jim's face, so hard that Jim stumbled off the bed.

That made Freddie cackle for a different reason. Jim got off the floor and he was downright furious. He grabbed another pillow and returned the favour, pillow colliding with Freddie's side. Freddie gasped in mock offence, an once more struck him around the head. This resulted in a harder strike from Jim, and soon both males were attacking each other with fluffy cushions all around the house.

There was just one problem: it wasn't a joke. Both men took this pillow fight as a world war. They hid behind sofas, snuck up on each other from behind like secret spies, all whilst being extremely careful of Freddie's stomach. They eventually tumbled onto the sofa in a heap, sweating profusely and wearing smiles fit to burst. Jim gathered Freddie in his arms and peppered his face with kisses. Freddie chuckled and pushed Jim's face away.

"I won fair and square, you don't deserve my affection."

Jim raised his eyebrows. Freddie shrugged innocently and kissed him on the cheek, getting up and skipping away to make a cup of tea. Jim shook his head smiling, watching him.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

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