Nineteen years later - fluff

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WARNING: this is a story about the lovers being reunited in heaven, including details of Jim's death. If you are uncomfortable with reading this, or if afterlife is against your religion/beliefs, please stop reading here! ❤️❤️

Nineteen years. Nineteen whole years since Freddie had passed. Nineteen years since Jim had seen that beautiful smile and heard that beautiful laugh. Nineteen years since he'd felt those gentle hands run through his hair, or watch them press down piano keys in a soft, melancholy melody. Nineteen years since he'd held that slender, petite body; kissed those smooth, round lips; gotten lost in those chestnut eyes. As Jim lay on his death bed, he couldn't have wanted anything more.

"Are you scared?" His sister asked him. He smiled.

"No. I know he's waiting for me, on the other side. I'll hold him, and we'll kiss, and we'll dance, and we'll embrace like we were never separated. I can't wait to see that smile again."

His sister nodded. Tears were in her eyes. She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed it back. "Good luck. Rest easy." Jim nodded, forever smiling, and peacefully shut his eyes.


When he woke, he was dressed in all white. He stood in a massive chapel, with white walls and gold pillars. A glowing deity floated in front of him, and held a golden scroll.

"Jim Hutton?" The deity spoke, in a wispy, oily voice. Jim nodded. "Your position is partner of the high court. That means that you have a family member, or lover, that is a member of the high court. The high court consists of fifteen famous people who have passed, and have been hand-picked become a god in heaven. I believe your partner is Freddie Hutton, is that correct? Yes, he has become God of Diversity, so he looks after and oversees every single person under the age of 18, unless they are a straight cis white male or female. He is also known as the LGBTQIA+ protector. He'll be waiting for you in the chapel behind me, the manor court. Have a good eternity!"

Jim ventured into the manor chapel, thinking about what the Angel had said to him. Freddie Hutton, God of Diversity. LGBT protector. He stopped at the doorway of the manor court. He saw Freddie pacing up and down. He looked nervous, stressed even. He'd changed. He had got a new type of haircut, and his eyeliner was extravagant. He had rings on every finger. He was in a black suit with a yellow tie. Jim cleared his throat, and Freddie looked up. Jim felt the world stop for a second.

Freddie's face crumpled. He desperately ran towards his husband. Jim seized his waist and lifted him up, letting Freddie wrap around him like a little koala. Freddie cried. "I've missed you." The Persian whispered. "I've missed you too." Jim whispered back.

They locked lips, and had one of the softest kisses they'd ever shared. "Nineteen whole years." Freddie breathed into his husband's neck. Jim squeezed Freddie tighter, never wanting to let him go.

Well, he didn't have to now.

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