Hey big spender - Fluff

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"So how's work been?" Jack asked his friend Jim between a mouthful of pasta. Jim held up a finger, finishing chewing his chicken before he replied.

"Uh pretty well, I guess. I still wish I earned more though. I need the money for next year education." The college student sighed. Jack nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.

"That's exactly why you're not paying the bill." Jack chuckled and patted his friend's shoulder. Jim worked at a coffee shop called "Sabor De La Terria", which in English, meant "Flavour Of The Land."

The two men finished their lunch, saying goodbye's and going their separate ways. Jim headed over to the coffee shop to start his afternoon shift. He put his apron on, stood behind the till and waited for a customer.

A little while later Jim heard the tinkle of the bell above the door and what sounded like high heels clacking across the floor over to the till. He looked up and was greeted with the most beautiful boy he'd ever seen.

His long, silky black hair fell down past his shoulders, swishing as he walked. His tanned skin was glowing in the light, making him look like a deity. Large opal earrings hung from his ears and his lips were coloured in with dark red lipgloss. His long eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, and his ring-encrusted hands bore a treasurer gold cigarette balanced between two manicured fingers. Jim tried not to stare, but he looked damn gorgeous in that white fur coat and 6-inch heeled boots.

"What can I get for you, sir?" Jim inquired, looking down at the counter to prevent him staring and feeling compelled to whip out his phone and take a picture, then printing it and pinning it by his bed, so he could stare at it every night and dream of him- Christ, Jimmy boy, get a hold of yourself.

" An iced vanilla latte, with extra ice and whip please. I'll also take a banana muffin, if that's ok." The petite boy replied, putting a £20 note on the table in advance.

"That'll only be £3.60 sir, a £20 note isn't necessary." Jim sheepishly grinned.

"I know, I don't need it. Keep the change pretty boy." The male winked and sauntered off into an armchair by the window. Jim whistled lowly to himself and set off to make the drink, placing it beside the banana muffin on a pristine China plate. He quickly scribbled his number on a serviette, folding it up and putting it under the muffin.

He took the items to the boy, who thanked him and took a sip of the drink. He hummed happily and called over his shoulder,

"I'm going to have to come here more often if you make drinks as good as this!" Jim chuckled and replied,

"I'd be happy to have you here anytime. Could I have your name by the way?"  The boy smiled.

"It's Freddie Bulsara, darling. I attend Ealing. What about you?"

"I'm Jim, I also attend Ealing, and I am originally from Ireland."

"I had a feeling I might've passed you in hallways before. What department are you in?"

"Music, you?"

"Graphic design." Freddie took a long drag of his cigarette, hollowing out his cheeks almost on purpose as he gazed at Jim with hooded eyes. Jim gulped and blurted out,

"I put my number on the napkin if you want it."

Shit. You sound like a damn stalker. Now he will never want to marry you- OH MY SWEET LORD JIM YOU'RE OBSESSED CALM DOWN-

"Are you alright darling, you look distracted."

Jim shook his head a little to clear his thoughts. "Yeah, I'm alright. Did you say something?"

"I said I'm going to add your number now." Freddie grinned, taking out his expensive mobile and tapping in Jim's number, manicured fingers clicking against the screen. The tanned-skin boy took the last bite of his muffin and checked the time on his Rolex.

"Well, I'd best be off, I have an assignment to complete. Here's this, for taking the time to talk to me. You'd be surprised, but not a lot of people choose me over my friends." The boy suddenly became very timid, passing Jim a £50 note.

Jim glanced at it with wide eyes. Freddie shyly took a step towards him and kissed his cheek, leaving a dark red lipgloss stain.

"Thank you for the drink and muffin, they were lovely. I hope to see you again soon Jim. Bye for now." The boy held his coat over his arm and waved at Jim as he exited the coffee shop, and Jim waved back, heart soaring.

He was in love.

Later, when his colleague Ben noticed the lipgloss stain on his cheek, and asked here it was from, Jim just smiled and said,

"My future husband."

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