Sibling Catch-Up - fluff

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"Morning baby." Freddie kissed his lover awake, lips pressing along his jawline and cheek, eventually making contact with the Irishman's own mouth. The Irishman kissed back on instinct, his hands securely on his partner's waist. Freddie lay on top of his husband, snuggled into his embrace.

"Mmm, morning kitten." Freddie felt shivers go down his spine as he heard his partner's morning voice. It was an octave deeper than his normal voice, which was already quite deep in comparison to Freddie's own high, melodic talk. It was husky and rough, and reminded Freddie of a lion or bear. He loved it.

He put his head on Jim's chest, hearing his heartbeat. Freddie could lay and listen to it's steady rhythm for years and never get tired of it. He felt Jim's hand go to the back of his neck, and he pinched it gently between his finger and thumb. He moved his fingers in little circles, releasing the tension from Freddie's neck, Freddie hummed and closed his eyes.

"You're always so tense, baby. You need to loosen up more. You worry about everything. You're always checking over me and the girls, as well as the band, their families, your parents, Kashmira, Joe, Phoebe... You've got to have some time to yourself. Here, listen, Sophie and Emi are on Easter break now. You don't have to hurry them into their uniform and rapidly brush their hair for two weeks. Why don't you grab a couple of friends and go out for the day? Somewhere you like. I'll take care of everything at home. Go enjoy yourself, okay? I got it, don't worry."

Freddie smiled at the idea. He had been wanting to try out this new Indian restaurant for months, but he'd been fussing over his loved ones so much he hadn't had any time to himself. But none of his friends he knew liked Indian food... Kash. That's it. It had been ages since he'd spent some time with his little sister. Yes, he'd take Kashi out and treat her. They'd go to the restaurant, and go shopping, and see a movie, perhaps. He began to grin.

"I could take Kashi out. I haven't had a catch-up with her in, god, it must be 9 or 10 weeks. Yes, I'll treat her to a day out. You're sure you don't mind, darling? I can always stay home." Freddie looked up at his husband. Jim was having none of it. He practically pushed Freddie out the door after he'd washed, dressed, eaten and kissed his daughters goodbye. Freddie chuckled to himself and instructed Terry, his chauffeur, to drive to Kashmira's address.

He rang the doorbell and stepped back, waiting patiently as he heard fingers fumbling with the chain and the twisting of a lock. Kashmira's face appeared behind the door, and she smiled when she saw her older brother, bringing him into an embrace.

"Hello Kashi, darling. Are you busy today?" Freddie inquired. Kashmira thought for a moment, before confirming that she didn't have any plans. "Perfect. Listen, it's been ages since we've spent time together, and I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day out with me? As usual, everything's on my account, you know I'll get you anything you ask for, and there's this Indian restaurant that I've been dying to try. Are you up for it?" Freddie bounced on his heels nervously.

"It sounds fantastic Fred, I'd love to spend some time with you. Come in, I just have to dress myself up." Kashmira rolled her eyes fondly at her brother's immediate remark of "you're beautiful." She patted his arm and said,

"Yes I know, but I haven't showered yet. You called rather early, I'm quite surprised that you're not sleeping through until noon as usual." It was Freddie's turn to roll his eyes as Kashmira headed upstairs. He sat himself down on the couch and waited with patience once more. He greeted Kashmira's son, Samuel, when he came downstairs, and willingly watched an episode of The Simpsons with him whilst waiting for Kash.

"Your mother takes a real long time to get ready, doesn't she?" Freddie talked to his nephew. Samuel just giggled, and wisely so, because a cry of "I heard that!" came from upstairs afterward.

Another ten minutes go by and Kashmira is back downstairs, in a beautiful green dress that ends at her knees. She straightened her hair and put on some light makeup, and enough perfume to send someone with asthma to their grave. "You look beautiful in green." Freddie commented, and got a kiss on the cheek.

Kash grabbed her house keys and phone, and the two Persians were out the door, arm in arm. They got into the car, Freddie telling instructions to Terry, and soon arrived at a beautiful Indian themed building. Freddie, ever the gentleman, opened the door for Kash and let her step through into the building first.

They asked the maitre'd for a table for two, and the woman there directed them to a beautiful table with a fantastic window view. The table was covered in a cloth that had beautiful purple and golden tassels. There were tinted wine glasses set out and gorgeous golden cutlery, wrapped in a satin handkerchief. In the middle of the table there was a flickering wax candle held in a gold tin that rather reminded Freddie of a gravy boat. The chairs in question were cushioned with purple pillows, and the wood had little lavender flowers painted on them.

Freddie pulled back Kash's seat for her, smiling when she laughed airily, giving him another kiss on the cheek. "We should take mama here soon, she would love this." He said as he sat in his own chair. Kash eagerly agreed; both of them knew how much Jer loved her Indian food. There was excellent service - a waiter was at their side in less than a moment, handing them both a menu and putting a gold jug of water alongside two tall glasses.

They flicked through the menus, mentally considering different dishes. "These prices are ridiculous!" Kashmira exclaimed. Freddie chuckled and replied, "what do you expect, if they have pure gold water jugs? Don't worry darling, I told you I'd pay."

"I'll make you go bankrupt." The Persians laughed and continued to flick through their menus, which helpfully included pictures. "This naan looks absolutely gorgeous." Freddie flicked his eyes over the photo. "I might order a large plate of that to go in the middle for the both of us. And before you start, we're getting dessert too." Kash laughed, but deep down was so grateful for her brother's generosity.

Their selected meals were wheeled out in a golden tray not 20 minutes after they had ordered. Impeccable service, delicious food, golden cutlery... what not to love? The siblings dined, laughing together, talking their way through their lunches and desserts.

Freddie then took Kashmira to the square, where they had a humongous shopping spree courtesy of the elder. Kashmira kissed her brother goodbye at the end of the day and Freddie went home, instantly wrapping himself in Jim's arms. Moments later, Emi and Sophie came and joined the cuddles, and Freddie kissed Emi's little head as she snuggled on his chest. Freddie was finally able to relax; he'd needed this time with Kashi. Jim kissed his husband's temple and the four of them stayed in their cuddle pile until it was time for dinner.

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