Flat out refusal - Fluff

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"Most importantly, the fans want you on another tour in Japan. Now, we can set that up for June, or-"


"Excuse me?" All eyes turned to Freddie, who sat tall with the boys at his sides. He had a flare in his eyes that challenged foster to insist, because he knew he'd be in for one hell of a dispute if so.

"I said no." Ray looked near furious - but then again it was always about money with him. Freddie knew that him refusing would cause upset but at this point he didn't care.

"And why not?" Foster inquired.

"I'll tell you why not. Because In June I'll be nearing seven months pregnant, and the prospect of jumping about on stage weeks before my due date doesn't sound too inviting, thank you very much. I'm not going anywhere until the baby is born. At the risk of sounding childish, you can't make me."

The boys nodded along to Freddie's statement, and dear Miami let out a little "hear hear", much to the growing anger of Foster. Ray let out a long breath and attempted to reason with Freddie.

"Look, we can move the date nearer if you prefer, but-"

"I said no. You won't catch me on stage until next Christmas, the way you're going. And don't start with your bullshit about it coming out of my finances, I've done the maths, if I were to retire here and now I'd have enough savings to provide for my family until 2042. I said no, and that's final."

Roger patted Freddie on the shoulder comfortingly to let him know he supported him, and brian grasped Freddie's hand, shaking it lightly to send his own support. Freddie nodded, seemingly to himself, and with a general glance at the people in the room, got up to leave Foster's office.

"If you walk out of that door, I'll half your wages." Ray threatened. Freddie turned on his heel to face his manager.

"I'm sure you'd prefer it that way anyway. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am going nowhere until my child is born. I'm not going to endanger my son or daughter for your benefit, you hear me? For all I care, you can go and be miserable without queen's royalties. Now, if I've got the message I need to get across," Freddie looked around the room, "I'll bid you a good day." He turned once more, and led the way out, the rest of queen willingly trooping behind.

"You did the right thing, Fred." Brian said as they walked down the hallway and out of the doors, into the cold winter street.

"I bloody know it darling. The monster wouldn't care if I miscarried on his fucking toilet floor. He thinks that arguments and threats of cutting wage are the solution for everything. Not this time bitch." Freddie kept walking, head held high.

"Anyone fancy some lunch?" Deaky commented as they made their way to the van.

"I think if I don't eat in the next twenty minutes, I'll keel over." Freddie rubbed his stomach to a round of laughter.

"We'll bet you on that Fred." Roger grinned cheekily, laughing harder when Freddie slapped him on the arm.

"Ah, just like old times." Brian grinned as they linked arms and walked through the car park, nattering and giggling away.


"I'm home!" Freddie called through the house, smiling when he heard two little pairs of feet patter along the floor upstairs, before turning and coming down the stairs.

"Daddy!" Sophie reached him first, and hugged him around the waist. She made sure to slow down before she knocked into him, not wanting to hurt her unborn sibling. Emi waddled behind her, and bounced up and down next to Freddie, shouting "'Addy! 'Addy!"

"Aww, hi my babies." Freddie cooed and snuggled them both, carefully manoeuvring past them and holding their hands as they went into the living room, plopping down on the sofa and letting them snuggle up under his arms. He kissed both of them on the head, and hummed happily, glad to be home and in from the cold.

"You're back later than I thought." Jim smiled as he came in from the garden. He'd clearly been doing some gardening - his overalls were covered in mud and he smelled like weed killer.

"Yeah, Deaky treated us to some lunch. We went to an old Chinese place, haven't been there with them since '84." The girls went back upstairs and Freddie stood up, unbuttoned his jeans and slumped back down onto the couch, breathing out. "We need to try and fish out those old maternity clothes, I'm not going to fit into these jeans for much longer."

"I'll try and find them, you're probably just a bit bloated though, you did have a big breakfast today."

"And a big lunch." Freddie admitted sheepishly, but Jim just kissed him on the forehead, then kissed his bare stomach and said "nothing wrong with that, I'm glad you're managing to keep your food down for now."

Jim went in for a cuddle, put Freddie pushed him away and said, "I hope you're not thinking of cuddling me while you're wearing those dirty things. Go have a shower and then you can hold me." Jim chuckled but agreed, and bounded upstairs to wash. Freddie turned on the tv and ended up watching an old romance film, stopping to greet Phoebe as he came back from grocery shopping.

"I managed to find you some rice noodles, you've been having a craving for those lately. Do you want me to make you some now?"

"You're an Angel but no thanks darling, I went out for lunch with the boys earlier. Only just came home about 20 minutes ago." Phoebe nodded and told him to rest up, patting his knee as he passed.

Freddie suddenly decided he wanted to wear comfortable clothes, so he paused the film, got up, re-buttoned his jeans because they were still to loose to wear unbuttoned whilst standing, and went upstairs, meeting Jim in the bedroom.

"Are you happy to see me?" Jim joked when Freddie started undressing. Freddie snorted.

"Piss off. I want these stupid pants off is all. Have you seen my pyjamas, dear?"

"Bit early for PJs, isn't it?" Jim handed them to Freddie, but Freddie shook his head with a frank, "I'm too tired for this shit today. I'm gonna curl up on the couch with my PJs, a blanket and a mug of tea."

"Alright honey. Give me a hug before you go." Jim held out his arms, and once Freddie was dressed he gladly walked into Jim's arms. He hummed happily as Jim massaged the back of his neck. Freddie went back downstairs while Jim stayed up to check on the girls, and grabbed the blanket on the back of the couch.

He ended up falling asleep on the sofa in the middle of watching "It's A Wonderful Life", and having Joe walk in to see him curled up in the blanket, one hand resting on his tummy. Joe smiled and picked him up carefully, taking him upstairs and putting him in bed, kissing his head in a friendly way, and leaving the door ajar, just how he liked it.

Jimercury oneshots! ❤️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें