Royal Baby (PART ONE) - Fluff

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The kingdom was in rejoice. Pink and blue banners were put up all over the town. From the top tower of the royal palace, you could see them for miles. The news was in every single newspaper you could find; the king and queen were expecting their first royal baby.

Normally, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but Queen Freddie had tried in vain for many years to provide an heir to the throne. The Queen always used to get sad whenever babies were brought up in a conversation or interview. He was utterly convinced he'd never have a baby.

Now, he swept around the castle with a big smile on his pretty face. He'd all but screamed in happiness when he'd found out, and instantly several servants were at his side, trying to find out why the Queen was screaming, and what they could do to help. All Freddie said was, "I'm going to have a baby." And it had set him off. He'd spent the entire morning crying his eyes out in happiness.

Freddie wanted to keep it a surprise from Jim, so he let the public know first. "Plaster it on every newspaper article. I want it to reach Sweden." He'd said. They'd done just that. He'd received a personal letter from Brian May, king of Sweden, congratulating him and gifting him 50,000 gold crowns to show his encouragement of "good health and happiness."

Later that day, after he'd told Jim of course, Queen Freddie and King Jim would go out onto the balcony to announce to the public that it was true. Freddie's maid, Mary, had shyly pointed out that morning, when he bathed, that he had a tiny, but definite bump. Of course, he was thrilled, and had spent the next half an hour gazing at himself in the mirror, hands gently placed on his tummy, until Mary had to all but push him into the bath of rose water.

Freddie had skipped down to the dining room at breakfast, not even bothering to stop and bow when John, the butler, had announced "Queen Freddie The First." He knew it would cause a scandal, but there was nothing stopping him from running to King Jim and launching himself into his arms, laughing in pure glee. There had been many shocked gasps when he grabbed Jim and kissed him passionately, but was Freddie listening? No, of course not. He was having a baby, for goodness' sake, he was allowed to be happy about it.

Jim had been rather embarrassed to admit his feelings at breakfast, but as soon as they were alone, he had all but tackled Freddie into a warm embrace, letting a few happy tears slip down his cheeks. "Is it true?" He asked, voice thick with emotion, and had nearly collapsed in happiness when Freddie, laughing, nodded. He'd got onto his knees, gently unbuttoned Freddie's gown, and placed tiny, tender kisses on Freddie's bare stomach, smiling wider when he heard Freddie say "oh, my darling.", his voice laced with love.

Freddie wore his favourite traditional gown, his long black hair in its natural form, long curls tumbling down to his hipbone. He started to regret wearing black eyeliner as his dearest friend, Roger Taylor, Duke of Rhye, presented to him a collection of baby clothes. "It's so tiny." He had sobbed, holding a yellow onesie to his chest, afraid to let go of it. Jim had rather awkwardly held him in his arms, shushing him gently.

"Oh, oh I'm so happy. Thank you Roggie." Freddie had sniffed, still not letting go of the onesie. Roger just laughed fondly, while his wife, Duchess Dominique, had embraced him with a kiss on both cheeks, wishing him the very best of luck. He had smiled at her, and invited them to stay at the palace for the night. They gratefully accepted, and a carriage was arranged to retrieve their night things from Le Castillo de Rhye, neighbouring their own beautiful Bohemiyana.

The Duke and Duchess of Rhye would also step into the balcony at precisely four o'clock that afternoon, applauding just as loud as the public when Queen Freddie stepped out, with a huge smile on his face and his left hand on his stomach, whilst his right linked hands with King Jim.

The screams were deafening. They only got louder when King Jim spoke into the microphone that in light of this beautiful occasion, he himself would walk into the streets of Bohemiyana, granting every single person over the age of eighteen, £500 in cash.

Freddie was surprised by this announcement, but it truly showed him how happy Jim was to have a chance at becoming a father. Overwhelmed by everything, he surged forward once more, and kissed Jim, delighting in the hysterical screeches from the audience.

Two can play at this game. Jim thought. He, once more, got onto his knees and held Freddie's hips, planting a kiss on his slightly rounded stomach. He was sure the crowd screamed louder then. He didn't care. All that mattered to him was the utter joy on Freddie's face. He hoped that smile never ever disappeared.

Part two will be released soon.

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