Playdate and picnic - fluff

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Jim loaded up the boot of the car with food and drinks. The Huttons were meeting the other members of Queen and their respective families for a picnic in the park. Sophia was excited to play with Robert, Jimmy, Rufus and Cassie and baby Emi just looked forward to skin-to-skin time on Freddie's chest. She thought that being snuggled up in a warm blanket in Freddie's arms sounded like high heaven.

Freddie meanwhile was getting baby Emi dressed in her favourite pair of denim dungarees and a pink t-shirt. She giggled when Freddie tickled her toes while trying to put on her socks, and he cooed, stroking her rosy cheek. He picked her up after attaching the Velcro of her pastel pink shoes, and held her close to him, stroking her chestnut curls. She sucked on her paci and closed her eyes, content in Freddie's arms.

Freddie checked on Sophie who was watching the television whilst absentmindedly brushing the hair of her favourite ballerina barbie. "We're going to leave soon Sophie, so remember to turn the television off for Daddy, okay?" He smiled at her. She smiled back and said, "ok daddy."

Freddie went outside with Emi to help Jim if needed. Jim was just shutting the boot when Freddie and Emi walked out, and smiled seeing them both. "Aww, my loves. Come here my babies." Freddie grinned and went into Jim's arms, Jim cradling him and Emi. Sophia had just come outside from turning the TV off, and joined the cuddles. Jim locked the door and they got into the car, Freddie doing up Emi's car seat for her, kissing her on the chubby cheek.

They arrived at the park in about ten minutes, and Brian was already there with Anita and Jimmy. Freddie tried to help Jim take the stuff out of the boot but Jim waved him away, telling him to relax and greet their friends. Freddie got Emi out of her car seat and went over to brian and Anita, hugging them both and perching himself and Emi on the picnic blanket with Anita at his side. They nattered away as Jim and brian unloaded the car. Sophie and Jimmy played on the roundabout, and before long John, Veronica, Roger and Dominique had turned up with their kids.

The bigger children all played together while the smaller ones like Emi stayed glued to their parents' sides. Before long it was time to eat and the bigger kids sat together on the blankets, all rather enjoying the homemade sausage rolls Jim made. Freddie smiled at Jim when they all asked for more. He smiled back as he went to get the other boxes from the car. "I made extra just in case"

"They're awesome Uncle Jim" Robert said, and the other kids all thanked him in turn. Jim chuckled and told everyone to help themselves.

"What do you put in these? They're amazing." Roger commented as he took a couple for himself. "That's a secret" Jim joked and Freddie giggled, holding Emi on his chest. She looked as if she was falling asleep, and Jim cooed, stroking her hair lovingly, the other arm wrapped around Freddie.

Freddie chatted away with Veronica and Dominique while Jim, Roger and brian talked about things like the football. It was convenient they all supported the same team, or else they might have had a few arguments. John and Anita had been called up to the swings by their children to push them high. Sophia wouldn't touch the swings - she didn't like them. Instead she and Rufus played on the slide together, giggling away. Freddie and Roger smiled at each other seeing their kids play together.

Pretty soon it was time to go home. The members of queen, their partners and their kids all said goodbye to each other and got into their cars. Freddie buckled Emi up in her car seat, cooing when she tried to kiss his fingers. He pressed a kiss to her head and kissed Sophie's cheek. They arrived back home at 3pm, and Sophia went upstairs to watch a movie on her TV. Emi wanted Freddie so the singer gladly held her for the afternoon, reading her favourite story - little red riding hood - to her. She squealed and clapped when he growled like the wolf, and giggled at his different voices.

Jim decided to wash the car, so he went outside and did that until it was time for dinner. He prepared some chicken nuggets for Sophia, and Freddie fed Emi some veggie sticks and ham slices, per her request. Later on Freddie and Jim had some roast chicken, peas and potatoes, followed by some meringues with strawberries and vanilla yoghurt.

Emi waddled up to Freddie and stole a strawberry from him, squealing when he faked being offended, and running away as fast as her chubby little legs could get her. They went to bed full and happy, Freddie snuggling up to Jim and all but collapsing into sleep, he was so tired. Jim chuckled fondly and ran his hand down his lover's silk-covered back, eventually drifting off to sleep himself.

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