War - fluff

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It was the summer of 1986. The announcement was on every newspaper in the United Kingdom. Food was soon to be rationed, and the government required more ammunition than ever.

England was going to war yet again.

Jim showed Freddie a newspaper one night and said, with mild hesitation;

"I want to take part in the war."

Freddie was having none of it.

"Jim, what if you die? I'm pregnant, you deserve to be with our child when they're born. I-I can't lose you Jim, I just can't! Please don't go..."

But Jim was just as stubborn as his husband, so he secretly packed a bag and left the house in the middle of the night. Freddie awoke that morning to a cold an empty half of the bed, and a note:

My love,
I know you don't want to let me go, but I need to do this. It is my dream to have my name recognised, and I want to do good for this country, the same as I would for any other.
I promise you I will be ok, please try not to worry. Stress isn't good for the baby, after all.
I shall write to you every day. I swear I shall return, please be waiting for me.
Many hugs and kisses, my darling,
Jimmy xxx

Safe to say Freddie cried. Phoebe and Joe read the note when a bloodshot-eyed, pale faced Freddie came downstairs clutching it in his palm.

They both thought it was a terrible mistake, especially at a time like this. His child was on the way, and he leaves to go to war! What sort of a husband was Jim?!

"I can't lose him! Phoebe, I can't!" Freddie sobbed, clinging to the tall man as if he was afraid Peter would break.

Phoebe couldn't guarantee that Jim would be okay, so he just shushed Freddie fondly and petted his hair. For the first time in his life, Phoebe prayed that night.

He prayed that Jim would come home alive and well. He prayed that Freddie and the baby would remain safe. He prayed that nothing bad happened to this country and he prayed that Jim change his mind.

But for now, they just had to wait.

December 21st 1986

A quiet wail was heard, and Freddie collapsed against the cushions. His baby was ok. phoebe wrapped the newborn up in a yellow blanket, beaming.

"its a girl!"

despite being absolutely exhausted, Freddie's eyes lit up. he tiredly lifted his arms and mumbled,

"give her to me..."

Phoebe obliged, placing the quivering baby on Freddie's clothed chest. He smiled; faintly, but he smiled. She looked so much like Jim...

"Hello, darling." Freddie whispered, afraid to hurt his daughter's ears if he spoke too loud.

"She has so much hair" he gasped in awe as he gently moved a strand of her forehead using his finger.

Joe and Phoebe sat on either side of Freddie, also admiring the beauty of their niece. Phoebe thought about it, then spoke,

"She looks like Freddie."

At he same time, Joe said,

"She looks like Jim."

The three men laughed, and Freddie cooed when his baby smiled, as if she understood the hilarity of the situation.

He kissed his daughter on the forehead, and promised himself that he would always, always protect her.

November 9th 1987

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