Meeting Ma - fluff

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"You're sure she'll like me?" Freddie glanced up at Jim nervously, fingers wrapped around his seatbelt in anticipation.

"Yes, Freddie, she'll love you, I promise." Jim smiled, eyes on the window. Jim took his left hand off the ledge and took Freddie's delicate hand in his. Freddie held on tightly, looking out the window.

They had taken the ferry from England to the edge of Ireland, but still needed to get a taxi further in, so they could reach County Carlow.

Ahead of him, Jim saw a big sign reading, Welcome To Carlow. As the taxi tottered down the streets, Jim took in his surroundings, and memories came flooding back.

"This church here," Jim pointed, Freddie following his gaze, "I was christened in there, with my brothers. They're all married now. Just me left. They all got married in that church, too."

"Well, if we ever decide to get married, we could have the ceremony in there." Freddie smiled, kissing Jim's knuckles. Jim smiled; he was going to marry this man if it was the last thing he'd ever do.

"I love you." Jim mumbled, stroking Freddie's hair with his free hand.

"I love you too darling."

They continued the car ride in silence, affectionate touches being passed to each other. Soon enough, they had reached Jim's childhood home.

"Well, this is it." the taxi driver called from the front. Both males thanked him, and Jim reached in his back pocket to pull out some change, but Freddie swatted his hand away with a "don't be silly, I'm paying."

They walked up the cobblestone path with linked hands and Jim took a deep breath, raising a fist. He knocked three times on the oak door, and he heard the scuffling of feet and a pair of hands fumbling with the chain before the door swung open and revealed his mother. She smiled and her eyes went to Freddie.

Freddie gulped and nervously returned the smile. Jim's mother had obviously been looking forward to meeting him, because she all but dragged him into the living room, taking his coat, hanging it up and sweeping to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

Freddie looked at Jim with wide eyes and Jim suppressed a laugh, wrapping an arm around his lover and sitting him down on the beige sofa, that was absolutely covered with big cushions. Freddie looked around the room; the big fireplace, the photos on the wall, the white rug laying across the floor, a glass table sitting proudly in the middle of it.

His smile grew. He liked this house, it was very comfortable and somehow seemed familiar.

Soon enough, Jim's mother was back, skilfully holding three mugs of steaming tea. She sat herself down on the cream armchair opposite them, and she beamed.

"you must be Freddie? I'm Helen, sweet."

Freddie nodded with a small, nervous smile. That seemed to be enough confirmation for her; her kind smile grew, and Freddie slowly began to feel more safe.

"Jim's told me so much about you. You truly are as beautiful as he said."

Freddie looked at Jim and ducked his head down, blushing. Jim rubbed his back, placing a loving kiss on his temple.

"thank you..." Freddie mumbled with a smile. Helen beamed once more and encouraged,

"so, tell me about you, Freddie."

this took Freddie by surprise. He opened his mouth and tried to think of something that might interest her.

"Erm, I was born in East Africa, I have a little sister and I have a degree in graphic design."

Helen took this all in with a big, encouraging smile. Somehow, Freddie felt like she was more of a mother than his own. He knew that sounded bad, but whatever.

"I have always wanted to travel to Africa! I find their culture and traditions very interesting, and I would love to learn more about it."

Freddie smiled, fingers twisting together; he was still a bit on edge.

" I have wanted to visit Ireland for quite some time as well. I'm very grateful to be here, thank you very much for letting me stay."

Helen clasped her hands together and looked at her son.

"Polite, beautiful and a musician! You've done well, lad." She patted him on the back.

Freddie laughed into his hand, face flushed, whilst Jim looked at him, bewildered and awkward.

Helen raised herself from the chair, going to refill Freddie's tea, and Jim muttered,

"Sorry about her."

"Don't be ridiculous, she's lovely. She's very motherly... I really like her."

Helen popped her head out of the kitchen, calling,

"Jim, why don't you show Freddie around? I'm sure he'd love to look at the garden."

Jim looked at Freddie for an answer, and Freddie nodded with a smile, grasping onto Jim's hand as the Irishman helped him up. Jim took him around the whole house; the kitchen, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, garden, balcony. Freddie fell in love with the place.

"the view you can see from the balcony is absolutely breathtaking! And there are such lovely flowers in the garden! oh, Jim, i love it here." Freddie gushed, snuggling up to his lover.

"I'm glad to hear it." Jim replied as they reached the living room once more.

"as am I." Helen beamed, placing the refilled mugs of tea on the table.

"It's beautiful here, really. I know I'm gonna have a fantastic time here." Freddie smiled.

sure enough, Freddie's first time in Ireland was completely unforgettable, and as soon as they got back to garden lodge, Freddie begged Jim to arrange a second stay at Helen's. Helen was only too happy to oblige.

On the 7th August 1986, Freddie and Jim were married in the same church Jim was christened. It was a beautiful ceremony and the after-party was held in Jim's favourite bar in Ireland; The Purple Swallow. The boys, their wives and kids, Phoebe, Joe, Elton, Jer, Bomi, Kashmira, Mary, Jim's parents, friends, siblings and many others were invited, and all attended.

It was the perfect wedding, and as Freddie had his first dance with Jim, he swore to love this man for the rest of his life (as if he wasn't going to do that anyway.)

Freddie Mercury became Freddie Hutton, and just a year later, their first child was born. They named her Sophia Marie Hutton, making Roger, Mary, Elton and Jim's best friend Dermot the godparents.

Five years later they were blessed with a second daughter, Emilia Rae Hutton. The four of them lived as a happy family, with 10 cats, many friends and a beautiful home. Freddie wouldn't swap this life for the most precious diamond in history, and Freddie loved his sparkles. He couldn't think of a better husband or better children. He loved them all dearly, and would continue to do so until the day he dies.

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