Studio - Fluff

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Anyone could see that Freddie was ill, but it made Jim so much more worried than the others because he knew why he looked so pale. Freddie had been up since 1am last night emptying his stomach into the toilet. He'd managed to wake up Sophie, who came into their shared room at about 2:15, asking if daddy was okay.

Freddie had been having trouble with his emotions lately, and after finding out that he'd woken her up, promptly burst into tears, pressing Sophie close to him and apologising time and time again. Sophie just hugged her daddy, making sure he was definitely okay before heading back to bed.

Freddie dropped down on their bed to sleep again at 3, only to wake up 20 minutes later with another heave. By 4:15 he'd given up trying to sleep, and went downstairs to watch television. Jim had made him some toast, which he'd eaten, but of course he couldn't keep it down. "I feel so shitty." Freddie had sobbed into his hands, and Jim felt terrible, knowing he couldn't take it all away.

Truth was, his sickness was much worse than it had been with the girls. Jim had never seen him struggle this much. "You don't need to worry about me Jim, you can go back to bed. You're tired honey, I'll be fine."

"Don't be silly. I'm going to look after you. You've never been this ill before my love, I want you to be as comfortable as you can be." Jim hugged Freddie from behind, and they watched romance films, Freddie's choice, until it was a reasonable hour and they could wake up the kids.

Freddie had to be in the studio by 10:30, as they were working on a new album. He grumped about it but managed to have a shower and get dressed anyway. Jim suggested accompanying him, and the latter nodded pleadingly. He drove the two of them there, the car triggering Freddie's sickness from his stomach being jostled, and so he went through breathing exercises while Jim drove as carefully as possible.

They got there and met the others,who immediately asked after Freddie. He offered a tired smile, and they all understood. Jim kissed Freddie's temple when he sat down on the chair pulled out for him, and Freddie hummed. He had a sudden wave of affection and stayed close to Jim through the whole studio session.

When they were getting ready to leave, Roger asked if Freddie, Jim and the girls wanted to join their family for dinner that evening. Jim eyed Freddie nervously, but the singer enthusiastically accepted. They agreed to meet at Roger's house at 7pm with the girls. When they got to the car, Jim asked Freddie if he was sure, as he didn't keep anything down all day.

"I feel a lot better now Jimmy. We'll be fine, I promise." Jim kept one hand on Freddie's stomach as he drove, only taking it off to change gears. They picked up Emi from Freddie's parents first, and Freddie ended up staying there for a chat with Emi while Jim got Sophia from school. They all arrived home at 4pm, and they told the girls they were going to Uncle Roger's for dinner. The girls were excited, and asked for Freddie's help to get ready.

When they turned up to Roger's house, he hugged them all, double-checking over Freddie, and invited them to sit down. Dominique came into the room eventually after getting ready, greeted them all, then brought out the dinner. They had a lovely meal altogether, and then Dominique and Freddie disappeared into the kitchen to have a chat, mostly about the new baby and how the album was coming along, while the kids played upstairs and Roger and Jim watched the football. At 9:30pm they left for home.

Sophia and Emi brushed their teeth and went straight to bed. Freddie came up to tuck them in and kiss them both goodnight, then they retired to bed themselves. Freddie was tired from being ill all day, and Jim kissed him and his tummy before he fell asleep.

"I love you." Freddie whispered as he kissed each inch of Jim's moustache, their own tradition. Jim kissed freddie on the lips, and whispered his affections back.

"I love you forever and ever."

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