Tour - Fluff

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"Hey, Fred! You alright?" Roger greeted as he exited his quarters, strolling into the main area that Queen shared for their Japan tour. Fred sat at the table, face drained of colour, taking deep breaths and merely nodding to Roger, acknowledging him.

Jim, Freddie's husband, sat beside the singer, softly stroking his hair, one hand on his partner's flat stomach. Roger's face creased in sympathy. There was only one reason as to why Fred looked so ill.

"Morning sickness started?" Roger queried. Freddie nodded again, still taking slow, deep breaths, eyes closed. Jim kissed his lover on the base of his neck, which earned a small smile and an appreciative hum from the Persian.

Brian and Deaky soon piled into the large room, and Roger explained to them both in a hushed voice (Freddie had mentioned to Jim how he had a pounding headache) what was going on. They tutted in sympathy. John understood perfectly how Freddie was feeling. Veronica, his wife, had bad morning sickness with their son Robert some years ago, but by the looks of it Freddie had it way worse.

"What convenient timing." Freddie muttered irritably, leaning against Jim. None of the people in the room had the indecency to chuckle. Jim held Freddie gently, soothing him with words. Freddie snuggled closer against the Irishman, face buried in Jim's neck. Jim rubbed Freddie's back comfortingly as the singer breathed.

The rest of the room weren't quite sure what to do. They were due to perform at 2pm, then repeat it at 9pm for the people who couldn't see it the first time. Would Freddie feel okay by then? Should they cancel?

Roger supplied Freddie with a glass of water, to which the singer thanked him, taking small sips, following his husband's persistent instructions. Brian sat opposite Fred with a mug of tea, and Deaky with a black coffee. Roger wouldn't eat or drink anything in fear of it triggering Freddie's sickness. He didn't like to see his best friend so sick.

"This is your fault Jim." Freddie chuckled a bit, before hissing in pain. Damn, his stomach hurt. Jim laughed too, but quickly went back to soothing after hearing Freddie voice his discomfort.

"Maybe you could take some medicine for it?" Brian suggested. Freddie quickly shook his head.

"I don't want to risk it. And besides, I'll be fine in an hour or so darling, don't worry." Brian could only hope that was true.

All heads turned to the door when it opened, revealing Queen's personal guide whenever they were in Japan. Her name was Hachika Ito, and she and Freddie were very good friends. They had known each other since Ealing, and usually spoke in Japanese to each other.

"Good morning boys! How are we all?"

The room had scattered replies, but Freddie stayed silent. He was afraid that if he spoke, he'd vomit everywhere. He let out a quiet groan from the back of his throat however. Jim kissed his husband's cheek and held him closer, but he was always gentle. Freddie loved him all the more for that.

Hachika noted Freddie's discolouration and pain, and quietly asked him, in Japanese,

Did the morning sickness start today, Freddie? Do you need anything?

Freddie could just shake his head, biting his lip. He yawned. He was shattered. He'd been up since 2 in the morning, throwing up into the toilet. Jim had been really good though; he'd helped him up, got him onto the sofa by the table, wrapped him up in a blanket, to which Freddie sheepishly stated he was too hot for that, and held him, giving him all the support he could find.

Freddie hoped that he would feel alright before the show. They still needed to go through one final rehearsal and sound check.

"We can always cancel it, Fred. We're not gonna force you to do anything." Deaky held Freddie's shaky, gentle hand in his. Freddie shook his head once more and mumbled,

"Just give me a minute, I'll be alright."

It made Deaky feel uneasy seeing Freddie so tired and pale. He was used to seeing upbeat, bubbly freddie, prancing about, singing his heart out, a smile on his pretty face. This was nothing like the Freddie he knew. It was scary.

The boys suggested going to get breakfast, and insisted they bring back Freddie some ginger biscuits to help with the sickness, and his favourite coffee; a vanilla latte (Roger promised himself that he'd ask for extra ice and whipped cream). Eventually, Freddie gave in and nodded,

"Alright, that would be nice. Thanks guys."

Deaky, Roger and Bri headed out into the streets of Japan to get breakfast and bring back Freddie's biscuits and drink. Jim stayed in the quarters with Freddie, but put him to bed. As soon as his head touched the pillow, Freddie was peacefully asleep.

He slept for a little over 2 hours, (by this time it was 9:45) and when he woke up he felt so much better. He exited the bedroom to find Jim and Deaky waiting for him.

"Bri and Rog have gone to the stadium to help with the sound check. They said that if you don't feel any better we can cancel the show. Your drink and biscuits are waiting for you on the kitchen counter by the way, ok?"

Freddie nodded and went to retrieve his food and drink, and afterward sat next to Jim at the table; the Irishman wrapped his arms around Freddie and kissed his forehead.

"You ok, honey?" Jim inquired.

Freddie nodded in conformation once more.

"I'm a lot better now. God, this is gonna happen to me every day for about three months..."

"You know that I'll be there to help you." Jim rubbed Freddie's hip. Freddie hummed with a smile and placed a kiss on Jim's nose.

Freddie ate his biscuits and finished his drink. He, Jim and Deaky went over to the stadium to proceed with the rehearsal and sound check. By then it was 10:56 (thanks Brian) and Jim treated Freddie with a surprise lunch out in Japan's finest restaurant.

"Where the hell did you find the money for this?!" Freddie snorted.

"Hey, I earn quite a bit!" Jim said indignantly, pinching Freddie's hip with a smile. Freddie nodded sarcastically, still laughing. At 1:15, Freddie changed into his costume for the show, which happened to be a white vest with a red lightning bolt on it, along with white pants.

Queen pulled off a fantastic show; Freddie came off the stage at the end and jumped into Jim's arms with a smile. Jim captured the singer in a loving kiss, which earned a chorus of "oooo" from the roadies.

Freddie completely passed out on the bus, and Jim didn't blame him, nor did anybody else. It had certainly been a hectic day for Freddie. At least he was okay.

Jim promised himself, as he gazed down at the singer in his arms, peacefully sleeping, that he would always, always protect him.

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