Even on Stormy Days (PART ONE) - Fluff

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Freddie had been up since fuck-all o'clock, tossing and turning. Jim wasn't awake; Freddie might shoot himself at the prospect of waking anyone up. His back ached so bad he felt like he'd broken it, he was sweating buckets, and, rather annoyingly, he was craving kachori, one thing he knew he wouldn't find at the shops. He wanted Jer's homemade ones, they were always the best.

Freddie had gone downstairs about 40 minutes ago, feeling too lazy to even pick up the television remote, so he made himself a cup of tea and put a few cheeky biscuits on a plate (leave him alone, he's pregnant) and started doing crosswords in the newspaper.

A thump from inside his stomach made him jump, sighing when he realised that it was just his son, awake again. "Good morning, baby boy." He talked to his tummy, unable to contain the smile etching itself into his face. The smile only grew when the baby kicked back, as if giving its own "good morning".

Slow, solid footsteps on the balcony above told him that Jim was awake, and Freddie couldn't help but feel bad, even though he knew logically that there was no way he woke him up. Jim came downstairs, and Freddie gave a little wave from the table, sipping his tea.

Jim sat next to Freddie, putting a gentle hand on his lower back, a place which recently had seriously started to bother Freddie with how much it hurt sometimes. Freddie melted into the touch, sudden waves of loving and contentment surfing through him.

"Another bad morning, sweetheart?" Jim tutted, and took a biscuit off the plate when Freddie offered them to him. Freddie nodded, twirling the ballpoint pen in between his fingers as he pondered the seven-letter word on the crossword. To let something go. (7)

"Release." Jim said simply, chuckling when Freddie gave a noise of joy, writing it in. "The girls have a day off school today - it's an inset day." Freddie hummed with a nod, leaning closer to Jim. Jim picked Freddie up elegantly and lay him across his lap so they could have a proper cuddle.

"I'm not gonna be able to get back to sleep." Freddie huffed lightly. "And I'm craving."

"What are you craving, honey? I'm sure we have something."

"Kachori. mama's one." Jim kissed Freddie's forehead, and they both knew all too well that Jim had no idea what on earth a Kachori was. Jim rubbed Freddie's back, "what if I call her later and ask her to make some for you. You know she would be more than happy to do that for you."

Freddie nodded, yawning. Maybe he was tired after all. Jim cooed and lifted Freddie up gently, trying not to disturb his tummy as he took him back upstairs and lay him down on the bed. "But, my tea." Freddie whined, and Jim silenced him with "I'll make you another one when you wake up."

With that, Freddie let his heavy eyes close. Jim gently placed him on the mattress, covering him with the velvet duvet. Already fully awake, Jim left Freddie to dream while he fed the cats and turned on the TV. What a morning.

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