Happy Birthday, Freddie. - Fluff

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Jim had been in an off mood with Freddie for days, and for the love of god the Persian couldn't figure out why. He never wanted cuddles or kisses anymore, he was snappy and short with his answers, he would never be in the mood for any intimacy and recently he'd taken to not touching Freddie at all, even when the two of them slept at night. One of the biggest things Freddie liked to do was rest his head on Jim's chest when he went to sleep. It gave him security and assurance that his husband was still there.

Then again, nowadays it didn't seem like Jim was there at all.

What with the band having lots of arguments over the album, Freddie trying desperately to have a baby and constantly having to turn over negative pregnancy tests, and Jim not wanting anything to do with him, Freddie thought he would've cracked by now, but he hadn't.

He spoke too soon. On one particularly bad day, his 40th birthday, Freddie awoke to Jim's side of the bed empty and cold. Sighing, the singer pulled on some clothes and went downstairs to see Jim reading a newspaper at the table.

"Good morning baby." Freddie spoke to Jim, wrapping his arms around the Irishman from behind. Freddie hoped that Jim would hug him back. It was his birthday after all. But no. Jim pulled away from his touch, giving Freddie a look of disgust. Ouch.

"Can't I have a hug? Or a kiss?" Freddie reached out his arms again, fingers subconsciously contracting and releasing, giving him the look of an eager toddler wanting a new stuffed toy. Jim gave a cold laugh, shoving the newspaper into Freddie's hands instead, walking out of the room into the hallway, where he pulled on his shoes and left the house.

Freddie gave a small, depressive sigh, that floated through the air of the empty house. He put the newspaper on the table, eyes brimming with tears and went to grab the song lyrics he kept on his bedside table. Shoving them under his arm, he got in his car, telling the chauffeur to go to the studio.

"Morning guys..." Freddie gave the biggest smile he could with his currently sad mood. The others were too busy arguing, so Freddie sighed once more, putting his coat on the arm of the chair.

"Can you not? That's my personal seat, everyone knows that." Roger took hold of Freddie's coat and shoved it on the floor, sitting in the chair. Freddie nodded, with a tiny little "sorry" escaping his mouth. A single tear ran down the singer's cheek.

"What are you crying for?" Brian sneered, the red special placed in his lap. Freddie broke. He sobbed, a hand going up to wipe at his eyes.

"You want to know why I'm crying? I'll tell you. Because you're all being horrible to me! You, and Roger, and John, and Jim! Oh god, Jim. He's been so cold to me, and all I wanted was a hug. I give up, I really do. Fuck the band, and fuck my marriage. Happy Birthday to me." Freddie smiled sarcastically, grabbing his coat off the floor and marching out of the door.

He got back to Garden Lodge to find Jim home, watering the flowers. Sobbing, he walked up to Jim and confronted him, blinded by all the tears he had been holding in for so many long days. Jim just stood there, huffing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why are you being so cruel? You're my husband Jim, we're meant to love each other forever and ever, not ignore each other and shoot them nasty looks! Just tell me what I've done, please! Jim, I just wanted a hug and you turned into a monster! This isn't the Jim I know. It's not my Jimmy. My Jimmy is so silly, and so loving, and so so sweet, and he always wakes me up with about 100 kisses each morning, and holds me close through the nights, and he calls me all sorts of pet names that make me smile, and he makes jokes that are so terrible that you can't help but laugh, and he smells like grass and aftershave, and runs his fingers through my hair when I'm stressed, and gives the best kisses and makes beautiful coffee, and he's a real sweetheart. That's the Jim I love. I want the old Jim back. I want my baby, I don't want this cruel monster. Until you find the Jimmy that I adore, you can get out of this fucking house and you can damn well stay out."

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