Sick day - fluff.

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Jim woke to the sound of retching coming from the bathroom. He looked over at Freddie's half of the bed. It was empty. Jim made his way to the bathroom groggily. He found Freddie laying limp on the floor, head in the toilet, bringing up last night's pasta.

Once Freddie stopped gagging, he brought his head out of the toilet bowl slowly and carefully, and slightly turned, to look up at Jim. Freddie whined softly and made grabby hands, signalling to Jim that he wanted to be held.

Jim cooed softly and cradled the smaller boy in his arms, Freddie's head buried in his neck and hands tiredly grasping his shoulders. Jim ran his hand through freddie's hair in comfort. Freddie breathed in Jim's scent. Somehow, it always made him calm down.

Jim carefully placed his hands under Freddie's thighs and hoisted the other male up, who hissed in pain and gripped Jim tighter. Freddie's stomach hurt so badly, making the older boy whimper in pain. Jim placed a loving kiss on Freddie's forehead and carries him back to bed.

Freddie was so tired, however, that he fell asleep in Jim's arms before Jim could reach the bed. Jim chuckled softly at the sleeping boy in his arms. Slowly and cautiously, he placed Freddie's delicate body on the bed, covering him up with the covers.

Jim places a hand on freddie's forehead to feel his temperature, and his eyes widened in surprise. Freddie was boiling hot; his temperature was through the roof! Jim shook his head sympathetically and kissed Freddie's cheek. Jim left the room to fetch some medication for his husband. He also fetched a cup of tea and some biscuits on a plate. Once he returned he found Freddie awake, sitting up in bed.

Once he spotted his lover, he whimpered and made the same grabby hands as he did in the bathroom. Jim smiled at freddie, who smiled back faintly.

Jim placed the food on the table and told Freddie to have the medication. Freddie placed it in his mouth. His face twisted in disgust at the taste, but he swallows anyway. Jim wraps his arms around the older male, who leans gratefully into the touch. Jim heard Freddie whisper something that he couldn't quite make out.

" what was that, baby?"

Freddie looks up at Jim and repeats what he said, but a little louder this time.

" I love you jimmy."

" I love you too darling."

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