Daddy, I don't feel well... - Fluff

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Freddie wandered around the room, bouncing his daughter in his arms, trying to get her to go to sleep. Thank the lord, it was working. Sophie's eyes were fluttering closed and she was quiet in Freddie's arms, head resting on his shoulder. He sang softly to her, knowing that helped. It had done since she was born.

Freddie smiled as he remembered singing to his daughter in the hospital when she woke in the early hours of the morning. He had ignored Jim's protests of getting up - "you've just had a baby Fred, go back to sleep!" - and rocked his daughter in his arms, singing a lullaby. She had looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, and within the space of 3 minutes was fast asleep.

Sophia eventually fell into dreamland, and Freddie masterfully put her down in her bed and tucked her under the covers without so much as stirring her. He adjusted the brightness of the lamp on her bedside table, and left the door ajar, also letting the light from the hallway file into the room. Sophia and Freddie were similar in a lot of ways, including their shared hate of the dark.

Freddie walked back into his shared bedroom with Jim, and got under the covers, waiting for his lover as the Irishman brushed his teeth in the en-suite bathroom. He heard the spitting of toothpaste in the sink, the splash of the water faucet making contact with the ceramic bowl, the clunk of the toothbrush being dumped in the pot and the flick of the bathroom light going off. The bathroom door opened and out stepped Jim, who smiled at his husband and got under the covers beside him.

Freddie snuggled up to his lover, head resting on his shoulder as always. He received a kiss on the temple, and in return gave him a kiss on the collarbone. They talked quietly about different things, like what to do with Sophia the following day since it was the weekend. After a while, Jim flicked his bedside lamp off, leaving Freddie's on as always, and the two of them surrendered to sleep.

It must've been at least 2am when Freddie woke to something tugging on his index finger, that had originally been hanging off the bed. He cracked open one eye to see Sophia standing there, looking a tad too pale for his liking. "Daddy?" Sophia whispered, and her voice sounded thick with tears. Freddie's paternal instincts kicked in, and he spoke,

"What's the matter, Sophie baby?"

"Daddy, I don't feel well..." Sophie whimpered. Her hair was in disarray and she was clutching her favourite snowy-white teddy bear. Jim had won it for her one day at a fun fair, and she absolutely fell in love with its fluffiness.

"Aww. What hurts, honey?" Freddie shifted a little, taking his eyes off of Sophia for a split second to sit up and take the sheets off his body so he could get up and take Sophia into his arms. Big mistake. Freddie heard a rather big thud, and his head whipped around to see Sophia on the ground, not moving. Shit.

"Oh god. Jim!" Freddie shook Jim a bit violently, waking up the Irishman. He took one look at Freddie's distressed face and was out of bed, asking frantic, worried questions. "It's Sophie, she passed out. She's barely breathing Jim, what do we do?" Freddie was close to tears as he picked Sophia up bridal style, holding her close.

Jim and Freddie agreed on taking her to the hospital. They yanked on their shoes, grabbed the keys and ran out the door into the car. Freddie sat in the back next to Sophia, who still had to have a car seat because she was so tiny for her age. Jim drove quite a bit over the speed limit but at this point he didn't give a shit. His daughter was ill, and he would see to it that she was considered better by dawn.

Jim halted the car rather askew in the parking lot and flung open the door. Freddie was crying by now: what was the matter with her? I didn't protect her, Freddie thought as he sobbed. I was too late, she told me she didn't feel well, and I just laid there. I should've listened sooner. Oh Sophie, baby, please be okay...

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