Chapter 12: Bull's Eye! Archer Hercules!

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Recap: Last time on A Crimson Bond, the next matchups for the Luinor Cup were announced. The matches were Fubuki vs Suoh and Aiger vs Hae-Jin. After they were announced Fubuki and Suoh ended up having an argument outside the stadium. Determined to beat him Fubuki trained harder than ever. Finally, the day arrived and Fubuki and Suoh faced off. Fubuki had the lead but Suoh was able to defeat Fubuki and shatter some of his spirit. The next battle coming up is Aiger vs Hae-jin! Who will win and face Suoh in the finals? Find out on this chapter of A Crimson Bond.

Aiger runs out of the building with group and the others.

Aiger: "That was so amazing, wasn't it? Suoh and Fubuki were great in there."

Y/n: "They certainly were both determined to win."

Ranjiro: "Yeah, and tomorrow you finally get to go up against Hae-Jin."

Aiger: "You don't have to tell me. I can't wait."

Aiger: "I'm gonna go train with Hae-Jin right now."

Ranjiro: "For real? But he's your next opponent."

Y/n: "Yeah, are you sure about this?"

Aiger: "Who cares about that? Hae-Jin said he wanted to train together, so we're gonna train. Uh, speaking of Hae-Jin where'd he goes?"

Ranjiro: "He must of slipped away while we weren't looking."

Aiger: "What was he thinking? We got work to do!"

Aiger runs off.

Naru: "Hey wait!"

Y/n: "Not again."

The two run after him.

Harumi: "Well, there he goes, it's possible Hae-Jin's doing some secret training without telling Aiger."

Ranjiro: "You think he do that to him?"

Tobisuke: I wouldn't put it pass him, cap'n."

Ranjiro: "Listen, gang. I want you to track down Hae-Jin and find out what he's up to."

Tobisuke: "Roger-dodger, Cap'n!"

Gumita: "What a drag."

Meanwhile with Hae-Jin.

He is doing some archery practice, but he can't seem to focus and is struggling to hit the mark.

Coach 1: "What's with you, Hae-Jin? You haven't been able to concentrate at all."

Coach 2: "Beyblade's stealing away your focus. We're taking you back to Korea for some archery training."

Hae-Jin: "Tomorrow is my match so, no."

Coach 1: "Come again?"

Hae-Jin: "It's an important match against one of my friends."

Coach 2: "Wait. One of your friends? Are you talking about that Aiger kid?"

Hae-Jin: "He's looking forward to this match as much as I am."

Coach 1: "Now listen here, Hae-Jin. You're the rising star of the entire archery world. Are you really willing to let everyone down?"

As they talk, they don't notice their being spied on by Gumita and Tobisuke.

Gumita: "Oh, good grief."

Tobisuke: "Okay, Gumita, let's go."

They report back to base and tell Ranjiro.

Ranjiro: "You sure?"

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