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"Consider your options Allie.."

Allie sat in the back with Jace, her gaze shifting from the back of Bambam's head to Shae's. She wasn't sure how she felt about him crashing girls night or that he even offered to pay for anything she wanted tonight, but she was slightly on edge now that she knew what he was exactly. As her gaze bounced from the back of his head, her eyes met with him in the rearview.

    Looking away, Allie sighed and sat back as she listened to Shae give directions to the mall. She smiled as she felt the small little hand on her arm, glancing as he gently squeezed her arm. His small sneaky smile as he handed Allie a few pieces of candy. Jace was probably one of the few reasons she had agreed on her internal conflict of staying for the night.

"So you're serious about buying whatever we want?" Allie hesitantly asked as she ate a piece of candy.

"Of course. I mean it's only fair since I crashed on girls weekend, I'm really sorry for that by the way. I know you wanted to be away from the guys" Bambam replied as he glanced at her through the rearview.

    He watched her eyes flicker towards him, studying him. She was on edge with him around and he knew exactly why. He didn't blame her one bit for how she was feeling now but he knew that she needed to see they weren't bad people. She glanced at Jace once more, smiling at the tiny guy as he made silly faces.

    Moments passed before they pulled into the parking lot of the mall. Allie glanced at Shae as she leaned over and gave her lover a quick peck before unbuckling, it was strange to her to see Shae so content and display affection publicly. She smiled before leaning over and unbuckling Jace and getting him out of the car. She shut her door and waited for the couple to exit the vehicle as well.

"So where to first?" Allie questions as Shae and Bambam lead the way towards the entrance, Jace tight in Allie's embrace.

"Well I was thinking...since you're finally showing some interest in boys...we switch up your wardrobe just a smidge" Shae lightly spoke as she gently bumped her hip against Allie's "We could also finally get your hair done professionally!"

"Shae..I couldn't do that" Allie said hesitantly as she glanced at Bam "It's not my money to spend.."

"Allie, it really is no problem...I offered to pay for anything and everything you wanted today" Bambam said as he glanced between the girls "But...if it involves hair...we're not going to a salon in a mall. I have a friend who could help with that"

"See, it's totally fine!" Shae gushed as she pulled her friend and son along through the crowded mall.

"Shae..." Allie whined as she held on tighter to the boy

    Jace gently patted her head as she squeezed him against her body, slightly scared she would lose him if she let him down. She smiled as he played with her hair, easing her nerves slightly as his mom pulled them along. It hadn't taken long for Jace to be swept out of Allie's arms and given to Bambam, her watchful eyes on them as Shae dragged her through the department stores.

    Allie's feet grew weary as she was pulled from store to store and made to try on various styles. Her nerves melted away as she grew comfortable around the creature dating her best friend. As Shae took her son's hand, Allie fell behind with Bambam who watched his mate from afar. His gaze traveling from her to Allie as he watched her.

"I wouldn't hurt them" he mumbled as he adjusted the bags he carried.

"What..?" Allie breathed out as she glanced at him.

"You're worried about it, I'm not stupid." He smiled as he watched his love run ahead with her son "I wouldn't hurt her or him"

"How can you be so sure...? How can I trust that?" she questioned as she glanced at her feet "..How can I trust you or any of them?"

He paused for a moment, stuck in his thoughts before he turned to her. His expression hard to read as they slowly walk together.

"When you've lived for more than a few hundred...hell maybe thousand years...and finally find the one who makes your life have meaning...who makes you feel alive for the first time since you died. You would do anything to keep them safe."

"Bam..." Allie trailed off as he stared ahead, smiling at Shae's laughter.

"It's like a magnetic be apart from her makes me anxious. without her I'd die all over again. I'm not asking you to trust us or them right away but...maybe you should give them a shot."

"Hey slow pokes! Catch up, we still need to get to the salon" Shae called as she glanced back at the two.

"Just give it some thought" Bambam said as she glanced at her "I don't know all the details of what happened today...but I know for a wouldn't have a broken arm with Mark."

" wasn't their fault...I was clumsy.." Allie defended slightly as she met his gaze.

"Clumsy or got hurt in their care. I'm just saying...consider your options Allie."

Allie stopped for a second as he moved to catch up, his words sinking in as she took a step forward. He had made some sense, she had her option and during her time with Mark and Bambam she never felt uneasy or even like she was in danger.


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