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Dinner Disaster

   I glanced at Minhyuk as he grabbed my plate and started to pile food on it. Occasionally looking at me, making sure I agree on what he's putting on the plate. When he set the plate back down he scrunched his nose before smiling at me. Mumbling a soft thank you as I grabbed the silverware. As everyone started to eat and talk, I stayed silent and never looked up from the plate.

"So...what did you guys talk about in there?" I froze slightly as the deep voice from the other day spoke, this one is the one they called I.M. Hyungwon earlier said he slammed me against the wall.

"Stuff" Hyungwon mumbled as he went back to eating.

"You sure? I heard crying and then after awhile there was a lot of laughing" I.M questioned.

"It's nothing too important okay? We cheered her up is all, maybe if the rest of you weren't so fucking heartless to talk like that with her in the house she wouldn't have reacted the way she did!" Hyungwon snapped as he slammed his silverware onto the table causing me to flinch.

   The table had become silent after Hyungwon had snapped at I.M. I hesitantly reached under the table and tugged Minhyuk's shirt hem, gaining his attention. Looking from him to the room I had just left, I silently plead to go back. He just shook his head and pointed to the food in front of me. 

"So are you just going to sit there and not talk with us?" someone finally spoke. I glanced at Minhyuk and then Hyungwon as I pointed towards myself as if asking 'Are they talking to me'.

"She's going to sit there and eat is all she's going to do" Hyungwon mumbled as he nudged me to continue my meal.

"She's not eating right now so she can answer me" the other voice said.

"I don't want to answer you" I said as I looked in the direction of the voice, the boy with dark hair and the ears that stuck out met my gaze.

"And why's that??" he asked.

"As much as I know...You were one of the ones who chased me for at least two maybe three blocks. I think they called you Wonho. Why should I answer to someone who chased me and then helped kidnap me?" I questioned as I cocked a brow.

"I wasn't the only one to chase you babygirl. Look around Kihyun and I.M were the ones who took you. If it were up to wouldn't even be sitting here, let alone breathing" Wonho retorted before he reached for his cup.

"You may look intimidating but trust won't ever be able to lay a hand on me. People are going to realized I'm missing." I pushed myself up from the table and stood ready to walk back to that room.

"You mean that girl and her son? You think they're actually going to look for you?" the familiar voice of Jooheon spoke causing me to freeze.

"She'll look for me. Others will look for me too" I breathed out.

"And when she looks like I'll have a new meal" he said, I could hear the smirk he now had on.

"Don't touch her!!" I yelled out as I turned around facing him, Hyungwon and Minhyuk shot up at the same time holding me back from climbing over the table to hit him.

"Feisty one." Wonho chuckled as he looked over.

"Allie...don't" Minhyuk whispered.

"Calm down..he just wants a rise out of you" Hyungwon mumbled as he helped Minhyuk move me back some.

"That's enough!!" a voice boomed, causing everyone to flinch slightly.

   My head snapped to the direction of the voice. Studying the male that sat at the end of the table, he looked slightly older than the rest. His hair slightly messy and a dark brown. I couldn't exactly tell if he was angry, annoyed, or upset at what was going on, he looked totally emotionless. He just sat there staring towards Jooheon, one arm perched on the table as he rubbed his chin.

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