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Call for help

   The door to the room opened a few minutes later, the orange headed boy peeking in the room. Walking in, Jooheon went over to the bed where the two were laying together. The rise and fall of their chests were almost in sync but it wasn't perfect. Sighing, he sat near Allie, moving the hair from her face. Her tear stained cheeks and the red tip of her nose caught his attention, it was obvious she had cried over this.

   He froze as the girl shifted in her sleep and turned away from I.M's chest. Her own hand close to the one he was leaning on. He wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and tell her that things like this wouldn't happen again. Shaking his head, he quickly got up and left the room.

"How is she?" Kihyun asked as he was washing his hands off.

"Sleeping, she was crying but it seemed I.M was able to get her to sleep" Jooheon mumbled in reply.

"The wound?" Shownu raised his brow as he stepped around Kihyun.

"I.M took care of it, no sign that he lost control." he reported back.

"Good, we don't need to pull another person's fangs out tonight. We need to figure out what to do from now on" Shownu sighed as he sat on the sofa.

"The screaming wasn't just Minhyuk was it?" I.M asked as he crept from his bedroom.

"No. It was Hyungwon and Wonho as well, Minhyuk got free and the two started fighting, Wonho was attacked trying to set the two apart." Kihyun sighed.

"Aren't you supposed to be with her right now? If she wakes and you aren't there..." Jooheon trailed off as he felt a pit in his stomach.

"She'll be fine...I'll be back before she notices" I.M sighed as he moved forward to the living room.

    Sighing as he emerged from his room, Hyungwon glanced at the four that were now in the livingroom. A few empty blood packets in his hand were enough to let them all know he was done feeding. The wounds he received from fighting with Minhyuk had healed after he fed. For Wonho it was going to take more than two packets to heal, and that thought alone made Hyungwon feel guilty.

"Allie?" He asked as he went to dispose of the bags.

"Asleep. She was a crying mess when I took her away. She blames herself for it" I.M mumbled as he looked at the floor.

"Why? She didn't know" Kihyun said, shooting a puzzled look at Shownu.

"Allie knew...because she let him. According to her, he was begging and in pain...she said she wanted to help him." the youngest admitted.

"She what!?" Hyungwon shrieked.

"Shut up! You're going to wake her up!" Jooheon silently scolded.

"She wouldn't have known he was going to hurt her like that. Honestly it was hard to hold back was a strong scent to be near" Shownu sighed, rubbing his face.

"What are we going to do about this? Next time could be worse....we can't risk being unfed around her." Kihyun groaned as he leaned back against the wall.

"We could always ask another group for help" I.M suggested.

"No. That's a huge no no" Jooheon said.

"What why? Isn't it better to get help than to sit here and struggle?" I.M asked.

"I.M's right, we should ask another group for help on this. Maybe Kihyun is wrong about Allie being one of our mates...she should at least gravitate towards the one she's suppose to be with but all I've seen is her being slightly uncomfortable around everyone." Hyungwon sighed.

"If that's how everyone feels...I'll make some calls in the morning. I don't know if anyone will be willing to help us but we can't have accidents like losing control with her." Shownu mumbled as he stood up.

"Let's just call it a night...Allie will need to leave early tomorrow so we should be up to eat with her as well as send her off to school." Kihyun sighed.


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