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The Clan and The Problem

Kihyun watched as the younger slammed the girl against the wall, her head hitting with a thud. Wincing slightly he watched as she slumped.

"I.M that should be enough. Help me carry her" Kihyun mumbled as he stepped forward and placed one of Allie's arms around his shoulder.

"I don't see why she needs to be alive" the younger complained as he followed Kihyuns lead.

"You want to die any time soon?? Cause if you do, we can leave her here and we can become extinct!" Kihyun growled as he pulled the girl out of the alley.

"How do you even know she'd be willing to help us huh! What if you're wrong about her!?" I.M growled back.

"I'm not! This girl is the only hope we have unless you want to wait another hundred years! You know the other clans already found theirs, we're the only clan who hasn't! Do you understand how that makes us look!?" Kihyun snapped.

"You better be right about her" I.M mumbled before he fell silent.

The two fell into a soft silence, stumbling to pull the girl towards the waiting vehicle. Sighing Kihyun swatted I.M to stop where they were. They slowly set the female against the wall, before Kihyun pulled out his phone and dialed someone.

"Yo!?" Kihyun pulled the phone away from his ear as the boy on the other end shouted.

"Where the hell are you guys!? I.M and I can't keep dragging the girl like this, someone might get the wrong idea!" Kihyun hissed into the phone.

"Relax hyung, we're right around the corner." the other said.

"Jooheon I swear to fucking god I told you guys not to screw this up and you guys did! Hurry up!!" Kihyun yelled before hanging up.

Kihyun and I.M watched as the black van turned the corner and made it way front of them. Parking, five others stepped out of the vehicle and made their way over. Each glancing at the knocked out girl slumped against the wall.

"Hyung...are you sure about this?" the orange haired one asked.

"Jooheon I told you this afternoon didn't I?" Kihyun sighed as he looked back at Allie.

"So she's the one huh??" the larger muscler one spoke.

"Can we talk about this at home? Get her into the van. aren't off the hook either" Kihyun warned as he walked toward the van.

" we're in trouble" Wonho sighed as he walked over and threw the girl over his shoulder.

Wonho set the girl in the back seat, letting her slump against it. He watched as the two younger ones sat near her. Shaking his head he sat next to his brother. The ride was silent and the occasional whimper was heard from the girl. She had a pained look on her face, before her face slowly relaxed.

"Shownu hyung, how do you feel about this??" I.M asked from the backseat.

"She's the one. I can feel it, there's no doubt in my mind. If she could run that long away from you three then its her. She's the one" Shownu replied monotoned as he stared out the windshield.

"Why exactly do we need her?" Wonho questioned as he glanced at the girl, her breathing shallow.

"She's going to keep us alive. The other clans found their mates one by one, she's one of ours. I can see it. She just needs to marry her mate and the clan will be fine." Kihyun mumbled.

"Which one? Can we all have her? She smells nice" I.M tilted his head as he stared at the passed out girl next to him.

"I don't know, I haven't looked into it. Just shut up and let me figure out how this is going to work from now on" Kihyun growled as he looked out the passenger window.

As soon as they reached the house, secluded away from town, the seven climbed out and stretched. Wonho rolled his eyes as he was hit and told to get the girl. Pulling her out and carrying her in his arms, he realized she was going to freak out the minute she woke up and he didn't want to be around for that. Following his brothers inside, he glanced at the female he carried. Taking note of the way her lips were parted slightly, the way her nose looked, how her brows furrowed slightly, and how she rest softly.

"Set her on the sofa" Kihyun said as he walked towards the kitchen.

"I don't think she'll be okay when she wakes up...I mean she's out cold. Wouldn't it be better if she woke up in an actual bed?" Wonho said as he looked away from her.

"Does it matter?" Kihyun glanced back at the boy.

"I mean if we're thinking about it, she might mistake the whole thing as a nightmare if she woke up in a bed. We might get lucky" Jooheon commented.

"Ugh fine whatever, she can be I.M's problem then since he's the one who slammed her against the wall" Kihyun groaned.

"Why me!? Pawn her off to Jooheon or Wonho hyung!!" I.M complained as he sat on the sofa.

"You're the youngest, you didn't catch her in time for her to be kept conscious! If you would have done a better job as look out this wouldn't have happened" Kihyun yelled.

"Fine, damn. Go set her in the room I guess." I.M snapped before he waved Wonho off.

"I have to do it?? I mean she's your problem now man...take her yourself" Wonho groaned but carried the girl to the room.

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