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Ice Cream

"So it's broken?" I glanced at Jooheon as he spoke.

"Mhm I guess that's what happens when you're running away from seven blood suckers" I retorted, slightly sarcastic.

"You were the one who wanted to come here and then you try to run away....serves you right" I.M scoffed.

"Who was the one who got me kicked out of the dorms? This is your fault you know" I sighed as I walked to the kitchen.

"Is that why I helped you pack?" Jooheon asked.

"Yup" I made sure to pop the P as I set my ice cream in the freezer and left one out for me to eat.

I quickly grabbed a spoon and struggled to open the carton lid. Everything seemed so much easier in my head, the thought of eating ice cream seemed achievable yet I couldn't even get the lid open. As soon as I gave up hope, the ice cream carton was taken out of my hands.

"Sit down. I'll help you" Wonho said as I turned to face him.

"I can do it" I mumbled as tried to place myself on the counter.

"Sure you can, just like you can hop on the counter" he sighed as he set the open carton down and gently grabbed my hips.

"What are you doing!?" I shrieked slightly as he glanced at me.

"Oh be quiet and jump up" he sighed.

I glared at him slightly before listening to him. As soon as I hopped, his grip on my hips tightened as he helped place me on the counter. I mumbled a low thank you before reaching for the spoon that sat on the counter next to me.

"You think you can eat with your left?" he asked as he glanced at my cast.

"I don't know. I haven't tried it before, Shownu fed me when we grabbed lunch." I sighed as I struggled to hold the spoon.

"Give it here." he sighed as he took the spoon.

"Not you too!" I whined as he scooped up some ice cream.

"Aww does the princess not want her ice cream??" he cooed as he held the spoon in front of my mouth.

"I'm not a baby, don't treat me like that" I quickly retorted before I leaned forward and took the spoon in my mouth.

"Never said you were" he smiled as he pulled the spoon away.

He stood there in front of me, feeding me ice cream. Like it was completely normal for us, despite the fact I was angry not to long ago. Maybe it was the fact he was smiling at me, or maybe it was his scent. The lovely scent of baby's breath mixed with other wild flowers. It was a lovely floral like scent.

"Changkyun set your stuff in his room." Wonho said as he fed me another spoon full.

"Huuh?" I mumbled as my brows furrowed.

"I.M... Changkyun is his real name. He doesn't use it much anymore" he said shrugging.

The front door opening distracted us both as Shownu's voice was followed by three unfamiliar voices. I glanced around Wonho to see three men following Shownu inside. Their heads there hung, and I didn't get a look at their faces but their hair looked familiar.

"What's going on?" I asked as Wonho put my ice cream away.

"Not sure but I'm going to check" he sighed as he stepped away from me.

"Wonho wait...get me down" I whined.

"Why? You said you weren't a baby....get down yourself" he teased as he came back.

"Shut up" I breathed out as his hands tugged my waist.

"Just wrap those pretty legs around my waist. I'll carry you like the baby you are" he teased more.

"That started off kind of pervy and took a turn down rude street" I mumbled as he pulled me off the counter.

"I could say a lot of things like that. I could even tell you I want those pretty legs on either side of my face" he whispered near my ear.

"Pervert" I breathed out as I gently pushed him away.

"Oh don't know the half of it. Now be a good girl and stay in here till I figure out what's going on" he laughed as he moved out of the kitchen.


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