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Sending a Reminder

"I need the bathroom" I sighed, sliding off the bench and leaving Mark's warmth.

"Want me to walk you?" Mark asked, ready to get up.

"Don't be stupid, I can go alone. It's just down there" I laughed as I pointed down the path of booths.

"Alright...but please please don't get lost like earlier" Mark begged, I nodded and smiled at him.

I had just barely walked out of the restroom when my arm was grabbed roughly and I was pulled off to the side. Panic began to set in as I tried to jerk away. I whimpered as I was slightly shoved against a wall.

"Really? Exams!? You couldn't just tell us you wanted alone time!?" The harsh whisper made it clear who it was.

"It's not like that..." I whispered

"Who is he!? Why are you with him!?" Another harsh whisper came out.

"Jesus...Kihyun...Hyungwon calm down!" I whispered, glancing to see if we drew attention.

"Calm down?! You want us to calm down!?" Wonho whispered, taking a step closer.

"You're scaring me" I mumbled.

"You playing with him, tapping his knew we were here didn't you?! That's why you did make us look!" Wonho growled.

" i swear!" I breathed out.

"Honestly...I wouldn't be as angry if it was with one of us...but another person, that you keep staring at..." Kihyun snarled.

A low growl came from with in the group. I gasped as Jooheon pushed his way through and came directly to me. I pushed myself back against the wall as he held my gaze.

"You''re really making this hard. Are you so damn blind to not see that you've made us very very jealous" Jooheon mumbled as he pinned one of my shoulders to the wall.

"...I...i didn't mean...mean to" I stuttered.

"You better remember who you belong to...or else things are going go get messy" he mumbled as he pressed his body against mine.

"Stop it..." I whispered.

"Don't look at anyone else, you're OURS" Jooheon growled out the last word before he backed away.

"Finish your little date, it's getting on my nerves." Shownu groaned.

I nodded and bit my bottom lip. They came from nowhere, they scared me, and I'm sure if I wasn't supposed to marry one of them...they'd kill me. I felt the tears ready to fall, but tried to hold them in.

"Who do you belong to?" Jooheon whispered.

"...all of you..." I breathed out, a sob ready to wreck my evening.

"Good." Wonho scoffed.

I looked away, trying not to let it affect me. I heard the shuffling and I knew they were walking away. I willed myself to hold in the tears while I walked back to Shae. I honestly didn't know what to say about going home. I didn't want to leave, I was having fun with everyone. I felt safe with them but knowing those seven monsters...they wouldn't let me feel that way. I saw Mark in the distance, all I wanted was to be held right now. Skipping slightly, I jogged over to him and buried my face in his chest.

"Whoa...what's gotten into you?" Mark mumbled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Nothing, I'm getting cold is all" I sighed, hugging him back.

"Should we go then?? Maybe we could go back to Bambams and have a movie night" Shae suggested.

"Mmmm that sounds so fun, but I think I should get back to the dorms" I mumbled as I turned my head to the side to look at her.

"Oh no you don't, you're coming with me. Bambam's brothers should be able to meet Mark's new girlfriend" Shae giggled.

"Hey! We aren't...Shae!" I whined as I glanced at Mark, the tips of his ears slightly red.

"Soo, back to ours to meet everyone??" Bambam asked.

"...I'm sure the dorms could wait" Mark mumbled.

Mark and Bambam each wrapped their arms around our waist. Shae snuggling in close to her boyfriend as we walked and I snaked my arm around Mark. Just as we walked out of the park I heard the loud rowdy group. Mentally cursing myself for even thinking they'd let me leave without seeing that the date had ended. A few whistles were made.

"Damn! Looking good baby!!" I glared at the voice, Wonho just kept a smug look on his face.

"How about you come with us tonight!!" Jooheon hollered as he swiped his thumb over his bottom lip.

"I could treat you better!! Come here baby girl!!" Wonho called out again.

I felt Mark tense slightly as the boys hollered. I looked down knowing that this was my fault. Shae scoffed and rubbed her hand on my back. I looked away from the group of seven and sighed. Wonho and Jooheon weren't going to let me out of this easily but if I kept holding on to Mark then more would join in.

"Can't they see you're with someone" Mark let our a low growl sound.

"Just keep walking....It's fine Mark" I mumbled trying to pull him with me.

"It's not fine. They keep whistling and cat calling you" he growled as he tried to turn towards them.

"Mark stop it. Can we just go please??" I begged, trying to avoid him getting killed.

"Hey! Keep your comments to yourself huh! My little sister isn't someone to be calling like that!!" Bambam yelled.

"Can we please go? Mark I just want to go now please" I begged again, not bothering to glare at Bambam.

"Fine, but I swear if they call you one more time" he sighed, pulling me closer to him.

"They won't, stop it." I sighed as we began walking again and I felt the lingering looks on our backs.


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